Just found out I have prostate cancer...

Posted by jeb0505 @jeb0505, Sep 12, 2023

I'm 51, and for the past 2 years, i've been getting my PSA levels checked about every 6 months. In December 2021, my PSA numbers were 'elevated' so the doc took notice (i tested at 4.7, the doc said it should be around 3.5). So i tested again in Feb, 2022 and the number had dropped to 4.3. Great news, i thought, so we tested again in July, 2022, and the level was a calming 3.6. Next test, in December 2022, was 4.1... then, out of nowhere (June, 2023), i found myself at 6.6 and have since been more and more concerned that this might be cancer. Prostate exam suggested that it was possible, followed by an ultrasound that was 'inconclusive'... followed by one of the most unpleasant experiences of my 51 years... the biopsy (the recovery was worse than the procedure by far).

I got my results last week, showing adenocarcinoma in the right lateral base (60%) and the right lateral mid (1%) both having a gleason score of 3+3=6.

Though my results are that i am in a Gleason grade 1, which i have learned is the most favorable, it's still VERY concerning for me... Especially considering i'm barely into my 50's.

There is so much information on the internet, not all of it great, so i've been trying my best to get accurate information from reliable sources, which is what brought me to the Mayo.

I've decided to do nothing for now (Watchful waiting/Active Surveillance; getting PSA tests every 3 months)... I'm curious if others would agree with this approach.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

I am 70, had the prostate removed 2.5 months ago. I was Gleason 8 with it on the margin. I was full of cancer but it was miraculously contained. CT no spread, Bone Scan no spread, surgery and Lab on it said no spread and downgraded my Gleason to a 7. I go back in a month for my first blood work. Surgeon said I will die very old from something else. I have a dead dick, pee 200 times a day but am doing the Kegel Exercises and the Pelvic ones too plus 10 days ago started my hard regimen I have followed for a long time, 2,5 hours a day, ride the bike hard for an hour, 1000
crunches and sit ups and then 50 minutes on Level 1 Resistance Bands. Before this happened, I could do 100 push ups in 50/30/20 interval fast. Just today, I could barely do 5. I am a highly fit 70 year old at 5 9 and 157, At 50, have a PMSA Pet Scan done and if cancer spot ourside the prostate, they can pinpoint it for a few Targeted Bean Radiatiion and if in the prostate, Lupron, If outside the prostate any spot, they would pinpoint the cancer and zap it with Targeted Bean Radiation.


Watchful waiting is the way to go. You may never need treatment. Whatever you do , if and when you do need treatment, consider radiation over surgery.


I, too, am on TRT. Have heard mixed opinnions about TRT with respect to PC. Have you had any conversations with your Doc about stopping TRT?

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My first doctor was absolutely against TRT. I have spent many hours researching and watching seminars on the subject. After talking with my doctor I came to the conclusion she had no idea what she was talking about.
I never liked the hospital I was first at and switch to a another doctor. He does not seem to care if I continue TRT as long as my PSA is below .2
TRT has given me back a decent quality of life after Lupron and Proton radiation sucked the life out of me. I realize the risk and check my PSA every three months and my Testosterone twice a year.


Jeb0505: you might want to use your biopsy material for a decipher test. At the minimum, it will give you a back up opinion that is not based on an image. It will let you know, based on its comparison, to similar biopsies, the aggressiveness level of your cancer, and it will suggest how many modes of treatment to consider. Doctors do use this test and based on this test they may reevaluate what treatments they would suggest for you.

My mridian 5 hypo-fractional treatments ended in February. My worst Gleason was 3+4. I felt that everybody was physically different, such that growth could not be determined by doctors or by Testing in Ways that would give me an accurate determination as to how long it would take for my cancer to grow outside of the Prostate, if it ever did. I was not willing to take the chance that it grew out of the Prostate, where additional treatments could possibly and dramatically change my quality of life.


Jeb0505: you might want to use your biopsy material for a decipher test. At the minimum, it will give you a back up opinion that is not based on an image. It will let you know, based on its comparison, to similar biopsies, the aggressiveness level of your cancer, and it will suggest how many modes of treatment to consider. Doctors do use this test and based on this test they may reevaluate what treatments they would suggest for you.

My mridian 5 hypo-fractional treatments ended in February. My worst Gleason was 3+4. I felt that everybody was physically different, such that growth could not be determined by doctors or by Testing in Ways that would give me an accurate determination as to how long it would take for my cancer to grow outside of the Prostate, if it ever did. I was not willing to take the chance that it grew out of the Prostate, where additional treatments could possibly and dramatically change my quality of life.

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Thank you for your reply. I also read your thread about MRIdian therapy. Very helpful (despite it not being available in AZ).


Thank you, Jim. For me, i dont fret the short-term pain and inconvenience that a procedure would give me... i worry about potential side effects like ED or incontinence. That, to me, would be worse that waiting. Ugh... tough to know what to do.

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One thing is for sure! Your Medical team needs to keep a close watch on it, and if the tumor begins to approach the margins, it will need to be dealt with more aggressively. If it jumps across the margins into the lymph nodes, then all bets are off, it will, then become “metastatic” and you’ll be in for a much more difficult journey ahead!


I had a biopsy last year 3+4 in less then 5% in one core T2. I sent the biopsy to John Hopkins they down graded to 3+3 T1 I have been watching it for a year second biopsy did not show any cancer. I went to 3 docs the urologist wanted to operate the radiologist said I could watch it or get radiation and I went to anothe doc that wanted to give me casodex I now have an appointment at Mayo for a second opinion to see if I can get a consensus with one of the 3 docs I have already seen as to what to do


I had a biopsy last year 3+4 in less then 5% in one core T2. I sent the biopsy to John Hopkins they down graded to 3+3 T1 I have been watching it for a year second biopsy did not show any cancer. I went to 3 docs the urologist wanted to operate the radiologist said I could watch it or get radiation and I went to anothe doc that wanted to give me casodex I now have an appointment at Mayo for a second opinion to see if I can get a consensus with one of the 3 docs I have already seen as to what to do

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Good luck with that "consensus...!

I have a urologist, oncologist, and radiologist, none of them can agree on a specific treatment plan. Add the fact that I usually have a treatment plan in mind based on my clinical data, quality versus quantity of life and homework, well...

Given the clinical data you describe, active surveillance may be a choice to discuss with your medical team and consider. "Active" means labs, whether or not more biopsies, given there are others non-invasive ways of determining whether PCa is present in the prostate.



I had a biopsy last year 3+4 in less then 5% in one core T2. I sent the biopsy to John Hopkins they down graded to 3+3 T1 I have been watching it for a year second biopsy did not show any cancer. I went to 3 docs the urologist wanted to operate the radiologist said I could watch it or get radiation and I went to anothe doc that wanted to give me casodex I now have an appointment at Mayo for a second opinion to see if I can get a consensus with one of the 3 docs I have already seen as to what to do

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Did you get an MRI with contrast. This allows them to target possible bad areas on the biopsies. If the MRI had a low pirad I would feel better about watching.
I had a pirad of 5 which indicated it was very likely I had significant PC. The biopsy showed 3/4 and I had the RP.
As far as determining whether to have radiation or radical prostatectomy I can not answer because it is personal choice. I have erectile dysfunction and incontinence issues but I had issues with pelvic pain prior to surgery. My goal currently is to try to manage the pelvic pain to a manageable level, it appears to be pudendal neuralgia. The pain is way beyond my tolerance level at times. I can manage my urinary frequency and stress incontinence with protection which I can live with if I can get the pelvic pain down which is stopping me from doing things with my grandchildren.

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