Collagen for osteoporosis?

Posted by cpb @cpb, Jul 26, 2021

My friend's medical doctor has her take collagen for her bones. I decided to try it and wondered if anyone knows more than I do about this.

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Which collagen peptides are you taking.

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I looked for a brand with very few "additives" and supplements, as I often do not react well to the "extras".... I purchased Sparkle Wellness Collagen for Bone Mineral Density with Fortibone. The bag serves 30 (but I've started with only one scoop).


Which collagen peptides are you taking.

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Thank you for your interest bruceandruth1970. I just heard of the collagen peptides yesterday and today spent some time looking up the one that was recommended, Life Conscious bovine peptides one and two. I'm not sure which to purchase, or, for that matter, where. If you know about this I would appreciate any advice you might have.


I looked for a brand with very few "additives" and supplements, as I often do not react well to the "extras".... I purchased Sparkle Wellness Collagen for Bone Mineral Density with Fortibone. The bag serves 30 (but I've started with only one scoop).

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Hi Ginger123, thank you for sharing your knowledge about this. How long have you been taking
this? Someone recommended Live Conscious Grass Fed Bovine Collagen Peptides Types one and two. Have you heard of this? How did you hear about Sparkle Wellness Collagen for Bone Mineral Density with Fortibone?


Hi Ginger123, thank you for sharing your knowledge about this. How long have you been taking
this? Someone recommended Live Conscious Grass Fed Bovine Collagen Peptides Types one and two. Have you heard of this? How did you hear about Sparkle Wellness Collagen for Bone Mineral Density with Fortibone?

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I actually purchased the Live Conscious blend, but it had too many additives, so I opted for the Sparkle Wellness. I found it on line. I’ve only been on this for a month.


I have Medicare with Part D . I had to pay $1500 for the first month. $ 1000 for the second. After that $ 233 for the rest of the year. I’m planning to have to start over in December.

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barbjo, which Part D plan do you have (insurance carrier and specific plan)? Also which medication are you taking? Forteo, Teripeptide, Tymlos, etc?

I will be starting an Forteo or Teripeptide in January. My current Plan D plan has dropped Forteo and Tymlos for 2024. They are including only Teriparatide (generic version Forteo) in 2024. I am looking for a plan that includes brand Forteo, Tymlos in case I have an issue with Forteo/Teriparatide.


I actually purchased the Live Conscious blend, but it had too many additives, so I opted for the Sparkle Wellness. I found it on line. I’ve only been on this for a month.

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I take Live Conscious daily and juat looked at the bag again. There are no additives...those ingredients are the amino acids.

FL Mary


Where can Fortibone be purchased? I need to try something.

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I use Sparkle Wellness with Fortibone called Osteo Boost Powder. You can buy it direct from them or on Amazon. I am using one scoop, which was supported in some studies.


barbjo, which Part D plan do you have (insurance carrier and specific plan)? Also which medication are you taking? Forteo, Teripeptide, Tymlos, etc?

I will be starting an Forteo or Teripeptide in January. My current Plan D plan has dropped Forteo and Tymlos for 2024. They are including only Teriparatide (generic version Forteo) in 2024. I am looking for a plan that includes brand Forteo, Tymlos in case I have an issue with Forteo/Teriparatide.

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leosteo, my Part D plan is with Blue Cross /Blue Shield. I have been taking Forteo for eight months. I’m very pleased how well it has been going.


Where can Fortibone be purchased? I need to try something.

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I found it on line.

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