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Interested in how other caregivers survive

Caregivers | Last Active: Jan 19 11:46am | Replies (130)

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I can so relate to your experience. You and I could be twins. I try to keep my mind on one day at a time. But unfortunately, that is not always possible. I pray for patience constantly. I realize my frustration and resultant is not directed at my husband, but at our new constant companion, Lewy. It is so sad to see my husband robbed of his short-term memory as well as the last 10 years, his ability to communicate in a comprehensible manner, his visual and auditory cognition, his self-respect, his self-confidence, his executive functioning, his perception and his understanding of what is going on around him. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, he is still physically capable of handling his ADLs, albeit somewhat messily at times. He has also lost 70 pounds over the last few years. We are in the process of moving "home" to Cape Cod. I am trying to find a home long-distance with multiple trips to the Cape, getting our current home ready for sale (cleaning out 40+ years of "stuff", getting painting and renovations done). The upheaval is difficult for him, but the move is necessary. We will be closer to both our families and former colleagues. Each day brings a brand new stressor and I wonder if I will break under the stress someday. I constantly pray for patience with both myself and his LBD symptoms. Thank you for sharing. It is so good to be reminded that we caregivers are not as alone on this journey as it often seems we are.

Hang in there and now that others are doing the same. Pauline (Lena)

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Replies to "I can so relate to your experience. You and I could be twins. I try to..."

Oh lena0820! We are nearly twins! My LO and I always rant at our new family member, Lewy, too. He wasn't invited, doesn't pay rent, disturbs our precious sleep, and is a generally annoying intruder! My Lo lost 60 pounds and is just now starting to struggle with dressing. Otherwise, he is fairly capable of performing his ADLs. My son and his family are in Newton (Waban) and often spend summers in Cape Cod. It is beautiful! I will keep you in my daily prayers. By the way, I have a T-shirt that reads "My Patience Were Tested...I'm Negative!" I think all caregivers should have two or three of them!! Good luck with your move to Cape Cod.