PLEASE share what helps for severe anxiety & burning skin feeling

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Sep 24, 2023

Suffering now for 3 yrs now. Every week brings on an unbearable new symptom. I just can't go on like this. I can't get any help from the numerous doctors and specialists I've seen, to include Mayo. My 40+ symptoms and pain are unbea

Like many of us, I was such a very, very healthy and active person pre-covid. I hate this beast that has robbed me of my life. Why would anyone create such a horrible virus and weapon. I worked so hard in saving for retirement and looked so forward to that day. I want my life back. rable.

As I type, I am experiencing. indescribable and so such painful burning sensations of my skin everywhere along with nerve pain. On a scale of 1-10. . . and 20! This includes pain even in my eyes.

My anxiety is off the charts which I have never experienced in my life, pre-covid. I can't even lay down and close my eyes to rests because the min my eyes close, I'm jolted into what feels like a "fight or flight" mode which I'm in 24/7.

Please, if anyone on this forum has the same terrible symptoms and found relief, please chime in for support. I'm pacing around the house due to the pain, I can't lay down, it's worse and I just want to scream.

Every day, all day I pray to our Dearest Lord Jesus for help. Being alone and so scared doesn't help.

Why is it most everyone in the world gets covid, some even 2+ times and recovers fine, and we're suffering so? I wasn't vaccinated, but I know others that weren't as well, and they recovered.

I keep thinking, "if I only had been vaccinated, I wouldn't be living in such torment. or when I had covid if I had received the monoclonal antibodies, but my doctor would order it and told me I would be fine. Wrong!

I'm in such agonizing pain and down to 89 lbs now and no help anywhere.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

Prayers that God leads you to answers. May God completely heal you and give you comfort .


I understand your feelings of hopelessness. I was also very healthy before covid. I suffer everyday from a lot of the same symptoms. I was left with lung disease as well. Everyday is a struggle. I've found that yoga helps me. I didn't do it before covid, but I'm grateful that I've found it since and it does help with pain. Stretching at night before bed helps also. One day at a time is my new motto. I pray that God blesses you with hope for another day.


Thank you laurasn. I'm sorry to hear about your lung disease. Truly, don't you get so angry at times over this virus that was created and robbed us of our life?

Thank you so much Brenda for your prayers.

Every week is another nightmare. Last week I developed a cold sore and I am 68 yrs young and have never had a cold sore in my life.

This week I have Oral Candidiasis and tongue is all coated and sore to include my esophagus, so I'm sure it spreat further since I noted the coated tongue when I went to see a new PCP (praying he could help) months ago and also showed him the red spot in back of my throat with the white/creamy center. He was of not help, wouldn't really say much other than its probably just a tonsil stone. Wrong! At the end of the appt he said I don't believe in Long Covid and it's just anxiety. OMG! Now, here I am left w/o a good PCP. Not to mention, I live in WI and he's in IL, but I was willing to travel if it meant good care and treat.

When I told him about my constant stomach and flank pain he said go see a GI specialist. I told him I've gone that route, tested extensively with Ultra sounds, CT scan and MRI all to no avail, even a HIDA scan of my gallbladder. GI wants me to do a CT scan (yes, let's swallow more radiation, which I did so many times, not to mention the HIDA scan and MRI dyes, etc) and wants me to get a colonoscopy. I told him I'M DOWN TO 89 LBS NOW and the prep for the colonoscopy and weight loss would make me collapse. He doesn't care.

I reached out to him regarding the oral thrush and he said I would have to come into the office, even though I sent him very clear pics, but' I'm too ill to even leave the house at this point. My internal trembling in my chest, pain, etc has now taken a toll. I'm sure given the extreme weight loss has damaged my organs as well.

All because I could not get any doctors to listen to me for 3 yrs. I love life so much and this is all so hard. I really wanted to enjoy my retirement years. Last night my skin was on FIRE along with pain. I took Benadryl which helps a very tiny bit. If I call 911 the hospital won't know what to do and just send me home. Not to mention with the new Covid variant spreading like mad, the hospital is the last place we want to go!



Thank you laurasn. I'm sorry to hear about your lung disease. Truly, don't you get so angry at times over this virus that was created and robbed us of our life?

Thank you so much Brenda for your prayers.

Every week is another nightmare. Last week I developed a cold sore and I am 68 yrs young and have never had a cold sore in my life.

This week I have Oral Candidiasis and tongue is all coated and sore to include my esophagus, so I'm sure it spreat further since I noted the coated tongue when I went to see a new PCP (praying he could help) months ago and also showed him the red spot in back of my throat with the white/creamy center. He was of not help, wouldn't really say much other than its probably just a tonsil stone. Wrong! At the end of the appt he said I don't believe in Long Covid and it's just anxiety. OMG! Now, here I am left w/o a good PCP. Not to mention, I live in WI and he's in IL, but I was willing to travel if it meant good care and treat.

When I told him about my constant stomach and flank pain he said go see a GI specialist. I told him I've gone that route, tested extensively with Ultra sounds, CT scan and MRI all to no avail, even a HIDA scan of my gallbladder. GI wants me to do a CT scan (yes, let's swallow more radiation, which I did so many times, not to mention the HIDA scan and MRI dyes, etc) and wants me to get a colonoscopy. I told him I'M DOWN TO 89 LBS NOW and the prep for the colonoscopy and weight loss would make me collapse. He doesn't care.

I reached out to him regarding the oral thrush and he said I would have to come into the office, even though I sent him very clear pics, but' I'm too ill to even leave the house at this point. My internal trembling in my chest, pain, etc has now taken a toll. I'm sure given the extreme weight loss has damaged my organs as well.

All because I could not get any doctors to listen to me for 3 yrs. I love life so much and this is all so hard. I really wanted to enjoy my retirement years. Last night my skin was on FIRE along with pain. I took Benadryl which helps a very tiny bit. If I call 911 the hospital won't know what to do and just send me home. Not to mention with the new Covid variant spreading like mad, the hospital is the last place we want to go!


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I've read some of your posts and feel sad about how desperate you sound. If you have candidiasis, you should get that treated, even if you have to call 911 to get to a doctor. There's no way they can say that that is just anxiety.


Thank you laurasn. I'm sorry to hear about your lung disease. Truly, don't you get so angry at times over this virus that was created and robbed us of our life?

Thank you so much Brenda for your prayers.

Every week is another nightmare. Last week I developed a cold sore and I am 68 yrs young and have never had a cold sore in my life.

This week I have Oral Candidiasis and tongue is all coated and sore to include my esophagus, so I'm sure it spreat further since I noted the coated tongue when I went to see a new PCP (praying he could help) months ago and also showed him the red spot in back of my throat with the white/creamy center. He was of not help, wouldn't really say much other than its probably just a tonsil stone. Wrong! At the end of the appt he said I don't believe in Long Covid and it's just anxiety. OMG! Now, here I am left w/o a good PCP. Not to mention, I live in WI and he's in IL, but I was willing to travel if it meant good care and treat.

When I told him about my constant stomach and flank pain he said go see a GI specialist. I told him I've gone that route, tested extensively with Ultra sounds, CT scan and MRI all to no avail, even a HIDA scan of my gallbladder. GI wants me to do a CT scan (yes, let's swallow more radiation, which I did so many times, not to mention the HIDA scan and MRI dyes, etc) and wants me to get a colonoscopy. I told him I'M DOWN TO 89 LBS NOW and the prep for the colonoscopy and weight loss would make me collapse. He doesn't care.

I reached out to him regarding the oral thrush and he said I would have to come into the office, even though I sent him very clear pics, but' I'm too ill to even leave the house at this point. My internal trembling in my chest, pain, etc has now taken a toll. I'm sure given the extreme weight loss has damaged my organs as well.

All because I could not get any doctors to listen to me for 3 yrs. I love life so much and this is all so hard. I really wanted to enjoy my retirement years. Last night my skin was on FIRE along with pain. I took Benadryl which helps a very tiny bit. If I call 911 the hospital won't know what to do and just send me home. Not to mention with the new Covid variant spreading like mad, the hospital is the last place we want to go!


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Holy cow! My sincere sympathy!

Some ideas:
1. Contact your health insurance. See if they offer nurse consultants.
The health insurance company nurse who helped me was fabulous!! Cut through the red tape and my confusion with a machete! A wonderful woman who put patients first.

2. My church offers help. Not as efficient as the insurance nurse. And with the insurance nurse, I didn't really need the church help.

3. The county and state that I live in both have services for the aging. Maybe yours do, too. Tell them how much you weigh and I bet they'll send you help fast. I don't think a white lie about your age would be sinful.

Wishing you some relief SOON !!


Hi@summerof42. So sorry your exacerbating issues continue. Hope this comes across kind light intended. Post covid is unchartered and unfortunately will take time to document and teach those in the medical community who’ve not had it personally. The symptoms from post covid create anxiety so mindfulness key to reduce physical and mental stress. Pacing is crucial because you shouldn't allow yourself to use up the limited healing energy ie you shouldn't do what you think you can. Simple things like typing and talking use more than you think so limiting yourself will allow your body to create and retain the helpful environment it needs. Simple things like cold cloths on the intense areas can give you the relief to ease your pain/burn/itch and mind to relax and sleep. Box breathing for just a minute or two when first feel more pain/anxiety will reset your nervous system to help everything function better and just a minute of closing your eyes and doing nothing every hour most bodies love. Literally setting alarms to assure you do these and consistent eating small amounts every couple of hours, routine bedtime/wake up with laying quiet activity if awake like listen to music as even reading too much during these times and that rest /consistency crucial. Its so hard to notice what isnt being done in the chaos of just trying to get thru this☹️ Think most of us on this sight are seeing improvement, no matter how small or often or how much time, with focus on that key to mentally cope. As other wonderful doctors and nurses like us on this site have shared, we can create the healing steps needed and you have all of us in your corner!!🌈


Hi@summerof42. So sorry your exacerbating issues continue. Hope this comes across kind light intended. Post covid is unchartered and unfortunately will take time to document and teach those in the medical community who’ve not had it personally. The symptoms from post covid create anxiety so mindfulness key to reduce physical and mental stress. Pacing is crucial because you shouldn't allow yourself to use up the limited healing energy ie you shouldn't do what you think you can. Simple things like typing and talking use more than you think so limiting yourself will allow your body to create and retain the helpful environment it needs. Simple things like cold cloths on the intense areas can give you the relief to ease your pain/burn/itch and mind to relax and sleep. Box breathing for just a minute or two when first feel more pain/anxiety will reset your nervous system to help everything function better and just a minute of closing your eyes and doing nothing every hour most bodies love. Literally setting alarms to assure you do these and consistent eating small amounts every couple of hours, routine bedtime/wake up with laying quiet activity if awake like listen to music as even reading too much during these times and that rest /consistency crucial. Its so hard to notice what isnt being done in the chaos of just trying to get thru this☹️ Think most of us on this sight are seeing improvement, no matter how small or often or how much time, with focus on that key to mentally cope. As other wonderful doctors and nurses like us on this site have shared, we can create the healing steps needed and you have all of us in your corner!!🌈

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Sorry @summerof 42. Forgot to mention food key too. Found cinnamon and spinach,I use to live on before, causing increased histamine/inflammation with post covid and noticeable differences when discontinued them. Hopefully finding your food triggers will create weight gain🤞🌈


Sorry @summerof 42. Forgot to mention food key too. Found cinnamon and spinach,I use to live on before, causing increased histamine/inflammation with post covid and noticeable differences when discontinued them. Hopefully finding your food triggers will create weight gain🤞🌈

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Right now, my skin is on FIRE! Also feels like I'm being poked with sharp needles everywhere. The pain in unbearable and I can't live like this.

I'm reposting and praying someone on this forum who has the same unbearable symptom has found relief and what medication used. I can't get help from any of the MD's. They keep sending to another specialist who say they can't help. Saw an allergist/immunologist specialist last week who did nothing and then told to see a rheumatologist, she ran a bunch of tests, all fine and both said they can't offer any support and I need to talk to my PCP, but he won't help at all.

As I type, I'm crying in horrible pain and because none of the doctors can see the pain, they don't understand. I'm now down to 88 lbs.


Right now, my skin is on FIRE! Also feels like I'm being poked with sharp needles everywhere. The pain in unbearable and I can't live like this.

I'm reposting and praying someone on this forum who has the same unbearable symptom has found relief and what medication used. I can't get help from any of the MD's. They keep sending to another specialist who say they can't help. Saw an allergist/immunologist specialist last week who did nothing and then told to see a rheumatologist, she ran a bunch of tests, all fine and both said they can't offer any support and I need to talk to my PCP, but he won't help at all.

As I type, I'm crying in horrible pain and because none of the doctors can see the pain, they don't understand. I'm now down to 88 lbs.

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Oh @summerof42 I wish I could just sprinkle cure on food for you. So many of us here are seeing light at end of tunnel and
have upmost empathy for you from experiencing similar debilitating and excruciating indescribable myriad of symptoms that only those of us going through this can begin to understand. Seems time and unwavering mindful daily pacing and oneself addressing their biggest symptom first to allow more small healing steps in other areas over time for our individual bodies to feel real improvement. I am almost 2 years out with this and literally thought last year I was dying. Yesterday I held my granddaughters hand and so grateful Im here and like so many others will continue to regain life back. I truly hope you can glean helpful information to practice from so many past posts to start seeing your improvement while the medical community continues the monumental documenting and publishing to help future generations. Upmost blessings to you!🌈


I have that on the right side of my right leg. It feels like I’m being electrocuted. My physical therapist said it’s caused by my sciatic nerve pinched between the bones in my leg. He tapes my leg to move it away from the bones. It does help.

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