One hand on just one side goes numb

Posted by walden0228 @walden0228, Apr 13, 2016

Has anyone ever had one hand on just one side go numb like when you lay on it wrong and it goes to sleep and it never wakes back up? I hurt under my arm pit, take on infections they can't ID, loss strength to where I can't even open up or screw back on a bottle top at times, and morning SUCK! Head to toes swelling but left hand I have bought 3 wedding bands and can't wear one! hand is purple looking and fingernails feel like they are going to pop off. Now creeping to my right side the same way it started a year ago on my left side?? just drew off 240CC's of unknown fluid with blood in it off my left knee. 50 sucks worse than I ever imagined and nothing but a high white blood cell count on occasion has come back, have had a lot of surgeries in past and know my body very well and it is like a inner time clock going off inside of me, telling me to get my affairs in order and I use to hide it well but vision sucks in left eye I have had to get new glasses 3 times just in the past 14 months.

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First my heart goes out to you. I think this is another very hard to<br />
diagnosis because so many diseases can cause some of the same systems. Last<br />
year I went thru months feeling like both hands were in a pile of fire ants<br />
24 hours a day. Truly the worst pain of my life. I had X-ray and nerve test<br />
but no doctor seem to treat me as it being real. I was told years ago that<br />
I have Raynauld's and Corporal Tunnel so of course the Dr just said I had<br />
an old fracture on one hand, I said not old I had a bad fall on concrete 6<br />
weeks earlier but they were sure they knew more than me. I decided to try a<br />
natural cream and it gave more relief than anything and I can give you the<br />
info if you would like. I know this is long but I want to let you know you<br />
are not alone. 4 months after all this new hand pain started I convinced my<br />
Dr to biopsy a place on my check that would not heal so after almost a year<br />
he biopsied and it was cancer cells. It was removed in a 6 hr surgery, 2<br />
weeks later my neck lymph nodes were swollen and my thyroid. Blood work<br />
confirmed Hosimoto's and enlarged thyroid with nodules.<br />
For a long time I felt that the arm and hand pain was being caused from my<br />
neck. With all the swelling and pressure in my neck area it just made sense.<br />
Along with thyroid armour, the natural pain cream and stretches and soft<br />
message has given me relief that I was not sure I would get. There are<br />
nights that it is impossible to lay down, it is called a positioning<br />
problem.<br />
I know this does not really answer. I would suggest:<br />
Make a time line.<br />
When did the pain start<br />
What medicines were you on did any change there are some that can cause<br />
similarly feelings.<br />
Did physical lifestyle change like a move or a new infant to care for or<br />
older person<br />
Or a job change.<br />
Please keep in touch you can send me a personal message. I have to say when<br />
I would say the pain feels like fire ants I got looks like you need<br />
counseling! Dr's need to consider that we know our bodies better than they<br />
do.<br />


First my heart goes out to you. I think this is another very hard to<br />
diagnosis because so many diseases can cause some of the same systems. Last<br />
year I went thru months feeling like both hands were in a pile of fire ants<br />
24 hours a day. Truly the worst pain of my life. I had X-ray and nerve test<br />
but no doctor seem to treat me as it being real. I was told years ago that<br />
I have Raynauld's and Corporal Tunnel so of course the Dr just said I had<br />
an old fracture on one hand, I said not old I had a bad fall on concrete 6<br />
weeks earlier but they were sure they knew more than me. I decided to try a<br />
natural cream and it gave more relief than anything and I can give you the<br />
info if you would like. I know this is long but I want to let you know you<br />
are not alone. 4 months after all this new hand pain started I convinced my<br />
Dr to biopsy a place on my check that would not heal so after almost a year<br />
he biopsied and it was cancer cells. It was removed in a 6 hr surgery, 2<br />
weeks later my neck lymph nodes were swollen and my thyroid. Blood work<br />
confirmed Hosimoto's and enlarged thyroid with nodules.<br />
For a long time I felt that the arm and hand pain was being caused from my<br />
neck. With all the swelling and pressure in my neck area it just made sense.<br />
Along with thyroid armour, the natural pain cream and stretches and soft<br />
message has given me relief that I was not sure I would get. There are<br />
nights that it is impossible to lay down, it is called a positioning<br />
problem.<br />
I know this does not really answer. I would suggest:<br />
Make a time line.<br />
When did the pain start<br />
What medicines were you on did any change there are some that can cause<br />
similarly feelings.<br />
Did physical lifestyle change like a move or a new infant to care for or<br />
older person<br />
Or a job change.<br />
Please keep in touch you can send me a personal message. I have to say when<br />
I would say the pain feels like fire ants I got looks like you need<br />
counseling! Dr's need to consider that we know our bodies better than they<br />
do.<br />

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<br />
Thanks for the insight. I have documented every episode and I just got blood work back saying that white blood counts high and liver enzymes high, which I got called back 8 months ago cause they thought the lab had made a mistake!! Liver will fluctuate but this all happened and I have been asked to come back once again and I was hoping she would remember this event had already happened before! Your left hand does not go to sleep and never wake again in the fingertips, looks purple 24/7, I hurt under my arm pit where lymphoid or however you spell it lol, plus have fatigue and very bad mornings each morning, and I have been on same medicine since 2009 and never had any issues but got better until I started dealing with infections, left side where all started in one place and felt like and acted like staff but was not staff, nor could be ID. <br />
They said it would take a while like 3 months to get me in up in Rochester MN so I'm just fighting and not willing to give in, but I am just in a week of the blah's I guess but I do appreciate your input and sharing! Your right, we do know our bodies and me especially being an ex athlete I am very aware of my body and what broken bones, fractures, torn tendons, ligaments, etc feels like so this is scary especially with every symptom of MS being front and center with ALS right next door! <br />
God Speed<br />
Robert <br />


First my heart goes out to you. I think this is another very hard to<br />
diagnosis because so many diseases can cause some of the same systems. Last<br />
year I went thru months feeling like both hands were in a pile of fire ants<br />
24 hours a day. Truly the worst pain of my life. I had X-ray and nerve test<br />
but no doctor seem to treat me as it being real. I was told years ago that<br />
I have Raynauld's and Corporal Tunnel so of course the Dr just said I had<br />
an old fracture on one hand, I said not old I had a bad fall on concrete 6<br />
weeks earlier but they were sure they knew more than me. I decided to try a<br />
natural cream and it gave more relief than anything and I can give you the<br />
info if you would like. I know this is long but I want to let you know you<br />
are not alone. 4 months after all this new hand pain started I convinced my<br />
Dr to biopsy a place on my check that would not heal so after almost a year<br />
he biopsied and it was cancer cells. It was removed in a 6 hr surgery, 2<br />
weeks later my neck lymph nodes were swollen and my thyroid. Blood work<br />
confirmed Hosimoto's and enlarged thyroid with nodules.<br />
For a long time I felt that the arm and hand pain was being caused from my<br />
neck. With all the swelling and pressure in my neck area it just made sense.<br />
Along with thyroid armour, the natural pain cream and stretches and soft<br />
message has given me relief that I was not sure I would get. There are<br />
nights that it is impossible to lay down, it is called a positioning<br />
problem.<br />
I know this does not really answer. I would suggest:<br />
Make a time line.<br />
When did the pain start<br />
What medicines were you on did any change there are some that can cause<br />
similarly feelings.<br />
Did physical lifestyle change like a move or a new infant to care for or<br />
older person<br />
Or a job change.<br />
Please keep in touch you can send me a personal message. I have to say when<br />
I would say the pain feels like fire ants I got looks like you need<br />
counseling! Dr's need to consider that we know our bodies better than they<br />
do.<br />

Jump to this post

Yes a lot<br />
<br />


First my heart goes out to you. I think this is another very hard to<br />
diagnosis because so many diseases can cause some of the same systems. Last<br />
year I went thru months feeling like both hands were in a pile of fire ants<br />
24 hours a day. Truly the worst pain of my life. I had X-ray and nerve test<br />
but no doctor seem to treat me as it being real. I was told years ago that<br />
I have Raynauld's and Corporal Tunnel so of course the Dr just said I had<br />
an old fracture on one hand, I said not old I had a bad fall on concrete 6<br />
weeks earlier but they were sure they knew more than me. I decided to try a<br />
natural cream and it gave more relief than anything and I can give you the<br />
info if you would like. I know this is long but I want to let you know you<br />
are not alone. 4 months after all this new hand pain started I convinced my<br />
Dr to biopsy a place on my check that would not heal so after almost a year<br />
he biopsied and it was cancer cells. It was removed in a 6 hr surgery, 2<br />
weeks later my neck lymph nodes were swollen and my thyroid. Blood work<br />
confirmed Hosimoto's and enlarged thyroid with nodules.<br />
For a long time I felt that the arm and hand pain was being caused from my<br />
neck. With all the swelling and pressure in my neck area it just made sense.<br />
Along with thyroid armour, the natural pain cream and stretches and soft<br />
message has given me relief that I was not sure I would get. There are<br />
nights that it is impossible to lay down, it is called a positioning<br />
problem.<br />
I know this does not really answer. I would suggest:<br />
Make a time line.<br />
When did the pain start<br />
What medicines were you on did any change there are some that can cause<br />
similarly feelings.<br />
Did physical lifestyle change like a move or a new infant to care for or<br />
older person<br />
Or a job change.<br />
Please keep in touch you can send me a personal message. I have to say when<br />
I would say the pain feels like fire ants I got looks like you need<br />
counseling! Dr's need to consider that we know our bodies better than they<br />
do.<br />

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Thank you for responding. Please keep in touch. You have one of those just<br />
don't know because the medical community can't take or won't take the time<br />
to find the needle in the haystack not to mention the insurance. Best of<br />
luck<br />


So sorry to hear about your problems. Seems like a circulation problem caused by something causing the blood not to flow properly but I am no Dr. I will pray that they figure things out with you soon. What are your actual diagnosis to what problems they have figured out? There are a lot of mysterious things going on with people's health these days. A lot of immune systems problems like what's happening with me. Not to mention all the mental illness and drug problems. And then there is so much cancer. Now the Zyca virus. It could be coming through in our water supply, our food supply, and even in the air we breath. Stress plays a major role in illness I believe. Who knows. All we can do is stress less and pray to God to help us. ccorrconro<br />
<br />


You are so right about the mysterious health issues. I'm just beside myself not knowing what it will take to figure out these things. I pray that you will get answers and treatment.


You are so right about the mysterious health issues. I'm just beside myself not knowing what it will take to figure out these things. I pray that you will get answers and treatment.

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I have been trying natural ways of trying to manage day to day. We all have<br />
so many symptoms but no diagnoses and the medicines do so much damage. My<br />
health coach has recommended 3 products that are natural healing and<br />
relief. There are more that we have discussed but for now these 3 are<br />
helping. My blood sugar is regular for the first time without meds in a<br />
longtime. My thyroid levels are better and my anaemia is getting slowly<br />
better, sleeping almost a full nice and can stretch muscles easier.<br />
Mayo has performed studies on these products and confirmed the benefits.<br />
They cost probably 1/3 the cost of per scription or more. Like $30.00 for<br />
30 days. Send me a personal message if you want more info , not sure how<br />
much can be posted on products . I am not trying to sell these but give<br />
some resource<br />
Thank you<br />

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