Hi Valerie,
I do pet sitting for the health benefits. A dog I walk grabbed something and started eating it. It was not something he was given. So we tugged and I eventually got the unauthorized item out of his mouth. But my thumb nail was punctured by his canine, however.
It was a normal injury for about 6 weeks and then my thumb swelled up.
— Long story here —
Here’s what I had once I went from urgent care to the ER:
This is the most common source of dog bite bacteria, and more than 50% of all infected dog bite wounds contain Pasteurella.
As with all of these bacterium induced conditions, it is more likely that individuals that have compromised immune systems due to either old age, illness or both, will have this bacteria spread quickly within their system and cause serious symptoms and side effects than individuals with healthy and uncompromised immune systems.
This infection develops rapidly, with the initial signs and symptoms of the bacterial infection showing up within 12 to 24 hours after exposure, including red, swollen, and tender areas in and around the dog bite wound, and can progress to swollen lymph nodes, swollen joints, difficulty moving, fevers, pneumonia, and meningitis if left untreated.”
I have so many of those shittty symptoms that I can’t tell the cause.
It was a big deal by the time I was seen. The X-ray showed infection in the BONE. They said they never see it in X-rays and the protocol is to biopsy first.
They skipped the protocol and operated on my thumb. It’s been 12 plus weeks since the initial injury and I spent 3 nights in the hospital (my first time! I’m 59, never had kids, never stayed in the hospital for anything before)
I really waited on the thumb injury because I’m already a “frequent flyer” annoyance at the clinic where my dr works.
I just finished going to the infusion center for my antibiotics for 6 weeks after I was discharged from hospital.
Here’s the link to the various bacteria that can come from contact with dogs: https://topdogtips.com/dog-bite-bacteria/
You are welcome to ask me anything. I am attaching a couple photos for you, lol
@laurie6 - much appreciate your taking he time to give the information - sorry you went through all this too, especially trying to help a dog 🐕