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Good afternoon. Meds arrived Tuesday and I've had 3 doses @5mg so far. No negative side effects yet. I've done a couple things where I thought "hmmm, that wasn't as bad as is should have been" but I think that's probably purely psychological at this early stage. Still recognizing the same symptoms as usual, and as described by others here. Chest pains, heart pounding, shortness of breath dizziness on any exertion. Bending down to put on shoes? Yep. Walking 1/2 block after even a small meal? Yep? Stairs? Yep. Carrying a bag of groceries up stairs? Yep yep yep. NYHA III. Got a call from my nurse-case-manager on day 2 just to ask how things were going, and see if I had any questions or concerns. Super-responsive team so far. I'm hopeful that over the next couple months things will start to go back to where I can do normal things again. Echo in 3 weeks or so. And yes, winters can get down to -40F but that's unusual. -5F would be more normal. It's been interesting to read some of other people's issues with having trouble in the heat. I have a lot more trouble (HCM-wise) with the cold. Would be great if I could take up skiing again!

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Replies to "Good afternoon. Meds arrived Tuesday and I've had 3 doses @5mg so far. No negative side..."

Well @boatsforlife, it sounds like you are off to a good start!! I am glad to hear that you have a healthcare team that is engaged with your care...that is so important. Other fellow Camzyos folks can speak to their individual responses, and I hope some of them jump in here to cheer you on. @kelliw and @jaymaysea are two Camzyos warriors with experience and both have shared their stories with all of us. I hope you keep us posted after your upcoming echo.
Let's talk about this -40F and -5F business! What? That's crazy cold! Brrrr 🥶 I'm in beautiful far Northern California where I've never experienced such a thing. You have to be tough to live in weather like that...but then I say the same thing about where I live. It can be 116 here in the summer (not our record high) and you have to be tough to live here too!

Good morning boatsforlife! I like your username-we are boaters too! We are supposed to be going sailing today, but it's been raining, so probably not. I haven't posted for awhile. I am glad that karugirl got me going today. I started Camzyos March 30th and have my life back!!! Just realized it's been 6 months today! I am so thankful every day! I couldn't do any of the things you mentioned above before I started taking Camzyos. I also felt immediate effects, within a couple of days. I don't think you are imagining it! I have now lost 17 pounds too! I had put on weight because I couldn't do any of my regular activities but now am as busy as ever!! I am playing pickle ball, sailing, doing water aerobics class, playing golf etc. My doctor told me last week he wants me to start doing the weight machines, so I walked up a big flight of stairs-which is HUGE-and didn't get out of breath-and did the machines and the bike for the for first time in a long time, for an hour. I am so so thankful I can do this! It sounds like you will too-soon! I live in Southern California, by the beach, so the weather is pretty much in the 70's much of the year. I want to snow ski again too. I am 58 and going to retire at 60, so that is a great motivator to get the rest of my weight off! Keep us up to date. You've got this!

I'm an 80 yr old female who after chemo had Hcm. I experienced all the issues you described. My heart Dr ran tests on me and determined I was a perfect candidate for camzyos. I was on 5 mg 3 months and had improvenenr but my numbers not great. I was moved to 10 mg and stable here. Starting to step up exercising and much improved breathing. Please give it a chance. I live so grateful for the drug and life improvements. I have minor side effects mostly in the area of eating. Keep this group involved..WE CARE.

I wanted to add my "two cents" to your journey! I didn't feel well until after month two! Hang in there because I almost quit, and then I genuinely was feeling better, and absolutely more "stable" which was thrilling. When you feel more "stability" in your heart, you feel encouraged to get out and do more. It's been liberating! Good luck!