Amitriptyline 25 mg

Posted by srwolfe @srwolfe, Sep 26, 2023

Ok people my Dr has prescribed Amitriptyline 25 mg for my chronic body pain. Started on 9/21/2023 and so far no nite sweats. Instead I am really sleepy all day. Last night I took the pill at 5pm and feel a little more alert. I feel some pain relief but nothing close to the overall pain relief of using the cymbalta. Only five days hopefully the amitriptyline will kick in and help the pain. Anyone using Amitriptyline please let me know.

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@srwolfe, I'd like to invite @wsh66 and @cocodab to this discussion to share their experiences with amitriptyline, how it helped or didn't and how they managed any side-effects.

@srwolfe, was there a reason why you stopped cymbalta if it was working for you?


I seem to get side effects from medications but not Amitriptyline.
Amitriptyline was one that worked for me. One at night and I’m finally sleeping through the night. I take one and wake up with no side effects and sleeping is so important. I believe there is “no one size fits all”. But this works for me.


@srwolfe, I'd like to invite @wsh66 and @cocodab to this discussion to share their experiences with amitriptyline, how it helped or didn't and how they managed any side-effects.

@srwolfe, was there a reason why you stopped cymbalta if it was working for you?

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excessive sweating especially trying to sleep. soaked my pillow and bed


я сижу на лирике уже 5 лет. нейропатическая боль стопы. стопа онемевшая. хочу перейти на амипроптилин.


Из вашего опыта- поскольку я занимаюсь интенсивными упражнениями- есть ли надежда на уменьшение боли?


Take it right before you go to bed.


Amitriptyline is known to cause tinnitus.


Well no ear ringing yet. Cross your and my fingers


I was prescribed Amitriptyline but could not continue to take it. I slept better but could not function during the day and work (concentrate). I did better on Cymbalta (duloxetine) and took it at night so I wasn’t as tired during the day.


My husband took Amytriptyline for many many years for chronic body pains from fibromyalgia. He had no bad reactions to this medication, but if he didn't take it..he would be writhing in pain.
He was first diagnosed with Epstein Barr...but that later turned into fibromyalgia. I don't remember if he ever tried Cymbalta. He did take amitriptyline twice a day..I believe the mg. was 100mg...not positive about that at this time. He passed away in 2017 from Parkinson's with Lewy body dementia....which could have masked any other symptoms like being tired and not sleeping well...this all went along with his rapid progression of his type of Parkinson's, so it's hard to tell. Whatever works for you is the only answer you need to listen to. Bless you...enjoy this day!

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