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I will be 58 in December, and survive on ssdi. I have been so sick. My partner is so mean. She is a rageaholic. She wont work and just complains about me all day. I pay all the bills with my little money, but have no key to the door and I am not on the lease. If I complain she will kick me out. I cant live on the street. Hopeless

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Replies to "I will be 58 in December, and survive on ssdi. I have been so sick. My..."

You need to stay strong obvious you are.....you sound it already...the person your living with sounds like she is doing you more harm than good. I have a son that was living here with a girlfriend who was demea.Ming manipulating , the word backlighting , hoovering come to mind. Also has mental health issues. Fought constantly. I had heard but not sure on crack and fenatyl. Eventually altho it migh t not have been the rite thing I threw her out. Of course is back with her and following her from couch to couch ..But what do you do....enough is enough

Hi all, this is a reminder about the purpose of Mayo Clinic Connect and the Community Guidelines (https://connect.mayoclinic.org/blog/about-connect/tab/community-guidelines/) that help keep the Mayo Clinic Connect community safe, supportive, inclusive, and respectful.

Mayo Clinic Connect is a welcoming online community where patients and caregivers should feel safe in sharing their experiences, find support and exchange information with others. Everyone deal with adversity differently. What may help one person may seem unhelpful to someone else.

The priority rule on Connect, is guideline number 2
2. Remain respectful at all times.

It is not our place to judge. It's important to remember that we only have words on a page to express ourselves without the benefit of body language and tone of voice. Be kind. Be supportive.

she will be able to cover the rent but not much else. My ss check is 1k a month. I dont know where i can get a place for that. I dont want to die on this couch. Every day i lose more hope I will ever get out of this mess. I never saw it coming

Every day I wish i was dead rather then live in this HELL. I can not coexist with a PSYCHOTIC. I can not go on. i dont have a key to the front door and cant leave with out her permission. I am 58 years old and have NO control over my life

Thank you. I try. I always thought I was tough guy. Work in all kinds of weather, 12-14 hour days, anything to make it happen. This type of life was never even a thought for me. Being sick and not in control. Someone else with great handicaps making your decisions. I will try. The strength is all I need. I am not scared of time running out I cant change that

@jobycat, you wrote in another discussion that you've hit the crossroads again. You feel like your situation cannot be changed and you feel there is no path forward. There is a path forward. It is hard to take, but you can do it. It is hard to do alone, but there is help out there.

For immediate help, I urge you to call or text 988. At the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline https://988lifeline.org there are trained cousellors to speak with any time of day or night. You don't have to talk on the phone, you can also used texting.

Next, I recommend finding a social worker. They can help find resources for you to get out of your situation. There is hope and help. If finances are an issue, search for a social worker using My Help Navigator

- My Help Navigator: https://myhelpnavigator.auntbertha.com/

The first step is always the hardest. But, it is time to take action. Action brings empowerment. Empowerment brings hope. All the best to you. You can do this!

My heart goes out to you my friend. Sounds like she's taking advantage of you with little or no regard to you. Perhaps there's a sleeping room even temp till you can upgrade. Shelters are often able to assist or give direction. Local church. HRA. Board and lodge. Group housing. Temporarily while you search for something better. Gets you out from under the uncertainty and unpredictable circumstances you currently live with being at someone else's mercy. Stay hopeful no matter how bleak it seems. Don't give up. You need to get away from her negativity and selfishness. Better days are ahead 👍🙂❤️