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Anyone else have Symptomatic MGUS?

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Nov 28, 2023 | Replies (73)

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I was just diagnosed with MGUS. I am 42 yr old white woman.
Weight loss 30 lbs
Skin rashes
Itchy skin
Soaked sweating at night
Enlarged tongue
Very fatigue
Bad hip and back pain
Blurred vision
Ringing in ears
High heart rate when doing nothing
Bouts of diarrhea and constipation
Kappa/lambs ratio 10.5 (high)
Bence Jones in urine
M-spike 2
Bone marrow showed 5% plasma cells
IGA 953 (normal under 425)

Docs thought it was Amyloidois but they can’t see any in my fat aspirate or bone marrow.

I can’t sit back and deal with this I want to feel better. Any advice? Anybody else dealing with this?
Would love to know more about any of your numbers and issues.
I can’t live like this and believe there is more my doctors can do. Want my life back.
I was a fitness freak for years then over the last year all this started happening.

Thank you! 🙏

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Replies to "Hello, I was just diagnosed with MGUS. I am 42 yr old white woman. Weight loss..."

I also am in same situation as you.
I have many of same symptoms as you do.
Lately I have been having increased blurred vision and don’t know why.
I do use eye drops for my dry eye condition.
I too am at a standstill with my neurologist, and my hematologist-oncologist who is watching my MGUS levels.
So far so good.
It’s tough when noons knows what’s wrong with you or being told that they can’t help you.
My hematologist is sending me for a skeletal body X-ray to make sure I have no tumors anywhere in my body.
Had one last year and it was fine.
I’m waiting to hear about having plasmaphoresis at the hospital.
After that I might be approved for a new drug infusion Retuximab that’s been recommended by my neurologist.
I guess there’s nothing else I can do but try a few new treatments and maybe one will help me.

I will

Olivia, I think you’ll appreciate the experiences shared in this related discussion:
- Anyone else have Symptomatic MGUS? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/symptomatic-mgus-little-interest-from-medical-community

Olivia, welcome. I read through your post a couple of times, and I was a little overwhelmed, just reading it so I can only imagine how you feel. That’s a lot to deal with. When you have a condition such as MGUS, that is supposed to be benign, yet you have all these symptoms, it is, indeed, disheartening. You understandably wonder if they are related to the MGUS or something else is going on as well.
I have neuropathy in my feet but otherwise I am unburdened by symptoms that I attribute to MGUS . I have yet to see a neurologist because I’m having a hard time getting in to see one. My hematologist/oncologist believes that the neuropathy is due to my well-controlled, type two diabetes. It’s very well controlled through diet and medication, so he and I disagree on this.
For most MGUS patients, it is a watch and wait situation. They watch for your numbers to indicate that your condition has advanced to smoldering or multiple myeloma. Hopefully this will never happen.
The sociopolitical aspects of healthcare and the health of the citizens of the United States is a worthy topic for discussion. Oh if we ruled the world.
I have little of value to offer except to welcome you. I hope that in the next few weeks you will get more clarity about your health and your healthcare team can connect some dots for you. Some with MGUS do receive treatment if they meet that threshold.
Have you considered getting a workup at a facility such as the Mayo Clinic where all the specialists live under one roof and actually communicate with one another? If my disease advances, I am certainly going to do that and had a very good experience with my husband 20+ years ago at the mayo clinic when he was struggling with cancer.
Best wishes for the very best outcome.

Sorry to hear what you’re going through - your situation seems really similar to mine (however I’m IgG Lambda, low IgA per the BMB/A in august 2021, which was 8%), with very similar symptoms that I initially went to the doc for.
Once they found MGUS, they stopped proactive searching for treatments and said MGUS doesn’t give symptoms so these aren’t attributable to it.
Now, I have chronic brain inflammation (per mri), chronic kidney disease (eGFR 49), and I’ve started to lose feeling and muscle strength in my legs (neurologist yesterday told me he won’t discuss it till the next appointment - but this is totally normal in the Au public system..he’s been the neurologist in charge since early this year, and it’s now September, I have significantly advancing symptoms, and he asked me yesterday: who is your neurologist?? I said “you are - have you had a dementia assessment to confirm you can practice ethically? I have seen you multiple times, and each time you simply log that you’ve seen me, for claiming the expenses, and now you again ask me who my neurologist is and tell me you’ll start investigating at the next appointment in another 6 months?”. He responded with “I don’t remember you - I will need to review your file before I start”. So, like the cruelest Groundhog Day, this is my esteemed neurologist at his finest, courtesy my taxes and the taxes of the rest of the country. Never mind the gaslighting of: you could’ve done something to yourself - we don’t know what you do to yourself at home, maybe you do things that caused these symptoms.
As you can imagine, it’s like paying for emotional trauma from a person in a position of power, using illness to punish people. And when I mentioned (again) I’m alone, having multiple falls per week, and have zero support, I was ridiculed by his assistant “surely nobody has nobody!” with a snort of laughter, so of course there’s zero point in trying to put forward a case of urgency for help to either figure out what’s wrong, or ask them to sign off on community support.
So, I’m back at square one, while I progressively lose strength and feeling in my legs.
We have nowhere like Mayo that is accessible publicly (it’s thousands to have private consultations and investigations), so I’m having advancement of symptoms - I used to have a really high heart rate, now, it sits around 25-40 bpm. I had an echo, showing the heart muscle still looks normal with an acceptable ejection fraction, however I’m now on a heart drug to facilitate pulse rate/electrical activity so it doesn’t just stop unexpectedly.
I’m now on long term penecillin V and trimethoprim because the night sweats and fevers were waking me with what I thought I’d symptoms of seizures (unable to move/tremors, visual disturbance, and unable to speak for an hour or so after one of these events which were happening several times per night), because that’s all I could get out of the doctor; and now, they’re even questioning if I have MGUS (despite the bone marrow objective evidence), and telling me I just have some kind of long term ‘infection’. My take on that is: being low in both functional IgG and IgA, it’s feasible that due to MGUS I do have long term infection, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have MGUS, kidney failure/ckd from MGUS, or that it isn’t potentially active and moving toward SMM considering the symptoms. I’m saying that, the reply is “stop blowing things out of proportion - you’re always ‘FIXATED’ on your illness! I’m sure if you relaxed you wouldn’t have half the problems you have!”
Wow, is all I can ever say.
That’s what you get for trying to seek help for functional and systemic deterioration.
Ranting, I know, but who wouldn’t when you’re treated like trash.
I don’t know if you’ve heard the recent handing down of findings Disability Royal Commission in Au, where the appalling conditions for people with severe disability have had their situations discussed by the Commission, however that doesn’t take into account all the rest of us living with disability and how the system does not support us (just want to acknowledge the loss and suffering of all those at the hands of the system, I hope the DRC findings are in fact acted upon - there’s no mandate to do so, and unfortunately as with most royal commissions into public affairs/systems in Au, they cost millions and nothing at all is implemented after it is ‘discussed’ by govt).
So presently, I’m getting worse, more loss of function, and lots of my time being taken up by visiting people with medical degrees who operate outside of their specialty in their proficiency to reject, deflect, and ignore illnesses for the purpose of perpetuating appointment after appointment to keep their job relevant and the salary rolling in (the pay is exceptionally good).
Oh, different topic, but good news: I’ve been having bleeding from my intestines/stomach (tests confirmed), and I have finally won the battle to have a colonoscopy in the public system. I had been rejected by the NSW local health district for the procedure because I have no next of kin, and their policy is that people without next of kin are not permitted to have sedation or anaesthesia because they mandate a next of kin to be available once the patient wakes up. Because of this, I was told by senior administration that I am to be immediately removed from access to the procedure. I argued from three points: discrimination, human rights, and neglect (you can’t discriminate against a person from accessing medical care because of their marital or family status (Disability Discrimination Act 1992), the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Articles 5, 7, 16, 25), and neglect with reference to AHPRA regulations), and after some consideration, as well as asking the doctor to say the procedure was medically necessary (not sure how administrators could interpret bleeding in intestines as non-necessary, but i digress), I have finally confirmed I will be able to have a colonoscopy.
This is why so many people don’t have appropriate care: much of your circumstance is used against you to exclude you from the ‘policies and procedures of the hospital to keep the hospital safe’ aka: minimise their insurance policy premiums by excluding perceived risks (which, by the way, are people needing care).