My stomach makes me look pregnant.

Posted by Seeking answers @bosnianbeauty, Jan 10, 2012

I have been having problems with my stomach for quite a while now.

My stomach is always round and bloated ,as if i am pregnant.
I have pain most days and have severe cramps and vaginal muscle cramps/contractions during my period. I also bleed a lot.

I eat healthy,take multivitamins and drink water and no sodas or fruit drinks just fruits and veggies. I know most people have flatter stomachs even those who don't eat as well as me.

I have done research and have come to some conclusions that could fit. I think i might have a uterine fibroid or cyst,something that is making my stomach big.
I also have ugly stretchmarks even though i have never been pregnant and am not pregnant,but at times it looks like it.
If anyone has anything similar or knows anything,i would really appreciate the feedback.

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Thank you so much for this information. I have never heard of SIBO and I will definitely ask my doctor about this. I wonder if probiotics would help. I will wait till I see my doctor and will let you know what he says. It is so hard dealing with this because the stomach is big but then sometimes it really gets to the point where it looks and feels like I am pregnant. The stomach is big and hard. I have already gone through medopause which I did at an early age. Again I appreciate you so much!

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You are very welcome. Pre/probiotics are a great start. Do some research on your own and ask your doctor when you see him or her. Wishing you a speedy return to health journey.


Diagnosis is SIBO, small intestinal bacteria overgrowth.
Certain foods trigger their growth, onions, garlic, many fruits and vegetables, certain dairy and gluten.
Even a tiny tiny bit of SIBO “food” will cause issues.
Look up the FODMAP diet, and Monash university, if you truly stick to the diet, and take the targeted antibiotic, (expensive!) typically for two weeks, it will get better.
More in a minute 🤗…


FODMAP food list, IBS diets
Will give you a sample of the healthy foods to eat and avoid. Garlic, onions, watermelon, apples…healthy, but horrible if you have SIBO. Asparagus, avocado on and on…
Favorite foods need to be eliminated for a bit. If you have SIBO, might be good to talk to a nutritionist …


FODMAP food list, IBS diets
Will give you a sample of the healthy foods to eat and avoid. Garlic, onions, watermelon, apples…healthy, but horrible if you have SIBO. Asparagus, avocado on and on…
Favorite foods need to be eliminated for a bit. If you have SIBO, might be good to talk to a nutritionist …

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Ps…getting better takes months-


You are very welcome. Pre/probiotics are a great start. Do some research on your own and ask your doctor when you see him or her. Wishing you a speedy return to health journey.

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I was on a great probiotic and think I will go now and order it again. You have given me some hope that I can finally move forward and not have to worry about this stomach.
Again many thanks!!


FODMAP food list, IBS diets
Will give you a sample of the healthy foods to eat and avoid. Garlic, onions, watermelon, apples…healthy, but horrible if you have SIBO. Asparagus, avocado on and on…
Favorite foods need to be eliminated for a bit. If you have SIBO, might be good to talk to a nutritionist …

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Thank you soo much. I am going back on my probiotic and will do the research you suggested. I appreciate you giving me some hope.


Thank you soo much. I am going back on my probiotic and will do the research you suggested. I appreciate you giving me some hope.

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Be well, and let us know how you make out in time…sending my best to you


Three years ago, I was my normal weight 125 pounds, and a friend was visiting me, and I noticed I was getting a stomach. I showed it to her, and she thought I was pushing it out. (I always have a flat stomach). Six months later my weight went from 125 to 190 pounds. People commented I was pregnant, and I could not fit into ANY of my clothes or shoes. Bloodwork showed I had a Hypothyroid and was told this was the reason. Now for 2 years I have been on thyroid meds and my blood work has always been perfect. I live on the beach and wont dare go on it with all the weight gain. My doctor told me exercise would work. I have been exercising and eating normal meals have lost 20 pounds but not in my stomach. I just finished a belly 5 min workout and when I was done my stomach bloated like I was pregnant. Can I ever lose this weight. I can't wear any of my clothes nor even fit in my bra's. I see my Dr. in 3 weeks because I have been depressed and have been isolating.

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I experienced the same issue, but it took me 6 months to get an appointment with an endocrinologist. I never had an issue with belly fat, even after menopause, but everything changed when I got Covid. Suddenly I weighed more, and no amount of dieting helped. The majority of the weight was in my belly and breasts(I went up 3 cup sizes) . I sought help first from my PC, she told me to exercise more. Next I went to a gastroenterologist and she told me I was constipated. I requested a SIBO test, that came back negative. Finally it was time for my endocrinologist appointment and someone listened to me. Turns out that my cortisol level was high and was a possible explanation for the weight gain in my stomach. Hope this information helps.


Be well, and let us know how you make out in time…sending my best to you

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Thank you so much!!! Keep you posted!


I experienced the same issue, but it took me 6 months to get an appointment with an endocrinologist. I never had an issue with belly fat, even after menopause, but everything changed when I got Covid. Suddenly I weighed more, and no amount of dieting helped. The majority of the weight was in my belly and breasts(I went up 3 cup sizes) . I sought help first from my PC, she told me to exercise more. Next I went to a gastroenterologist and she told me I was constipated. I requested a SIBO test, that came back negative. Finally it was time for my endocrinologist appointment and someone listened to me. Turns out that my cortisol level was high and was a possible explanation for the weight gain in my stomach. Hope this information helps.

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Thank you! Yes, not only did my belly get big my my breast are so big I can't fit into any bra's I have. I just ordered 2 new bras' because I have been wearing 2 sundresses that I don't need a bra and you can't tell I am not wearing a bra. I have to ask my doctor to check my cortisol levels. I have had bloodwork done every 6 months because of my thyroid. After I see my doctor if I dont get anywhere I think it is time to see an endocrinologist. Thank you so much!!

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