Long COVID neuropathy symptoms

Posted by crazymomof5 @crazymomof5, Sep 21, 2023

Jan 2022 I got COVID. Disclosure, I already have an autoimmune disease and my immune system suppressed. About 2-3 days into COVID I developed neuropathy in my extremities including numbness in my lips and tongue. Today I am still struggling with neuropathy and my neurologist is suggesting I start on cymbalta. Anyone else dealing with neuropathy as long COVID and what tests treatments have helped? Any assistance with a long COVID clinic?

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My Dr. said a part of my brain may have been affected the part that controlls swallowing?? Makes sense I guess. But will it recover? Unknown.

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I hope it recovers!


I got a Garlic supplement from my Chiropractor that I take twice a day for my numb, achey, cold painful, tingling feet and lower legs. I was very skeptical but it really seems to be working. It is made by Standard Process which is a great brand you can get at most chiropractic offices. It says it is an organic blend of garlic and parsley, 598mg per capsule. I take with food as it stirs up my silent reflux. Garlic is a natural blood thinner, you shouldn't take it if you are on blood thinners...you should google it thoroughly before taking it. It breaks down the micro clots in your extremities caused by the COVID spike protiens which is likely causing the neuropothy.


My throat forgets how to swallow! My mouth is numb as well as my feet
Nothing seems to help

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My feet are numb….it’s sad but the individual symptoms of long covid seem to baffle the medical community. Test, test upon test but no help and no results.
Since being on this site I feel so much better just knowing I am not crazy…

The Fog
The lack of energy.

Thank you Mayo Clinic Connect.


My feet are numb….it’s sad but the individual symptoms of long covid seem to baffle the medical community. Test, test upon test but no help and no results.
Since being on this site I feel so much better just knowing I am not crazy…

The Fog
The lack of energy.

Thank you Mayo Clinic Connect.

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Why should we thank anyone for doing nothing? After living in LC Hell for 18 months, my PCP finally gave in to my continual demand for an x-ray of my back due to full body nerve pain. Because I couldn't walk 25 feet without collapsing, nor lift any more than 10 lbs and the one biggie numbness in both arms and hands (Symptom of stroke - heart attack ). My PCP reviewed the neck x-ray and notified me at 10:00 PM on a Friday night that the following Monday he would be prescribing me an MRI. The neck showed severe damage to the neck and upper back disk. I had the MRI of my entire back done on 8/15/2023 that showed 13 of the 23 disk in my back showed both bone and nerve damage. Of course yesterday my insurance carrier's utilization review firm rejected the MRI's based on:

1- " A MRI is pictures of the inside of my body"
2 - A doctor ("Your Doctor") cannot perform a MRI without first declaring nerve damage.

Moron Moron Moron! I can only imagine the qualifications of the individual reviewing my care and contesting the doctor's prescription for diagnostic scans. My guess - Went from 3rd grade home schooling during the pandemic straight to medical director or maybe a body off the streets that would work for minimum wage as long as it didn't include hard labor.

In any case this is what we are fighting - Insurance Carriers that don't want to know what is wrong with us and certainly don't want to pay for it. Doctors that are so controller by the insurance industry - they don't want to upset their sugar daddy issuing the checks (note I didn't say paying the bills) and finally government agencies with no interest in controlling the insurance scavengers.

Luckily I have went through this 10 years ago so I know the process, and that I'll eventually get screwed and my health will suffer but at least when they do it this incompetently Karma (and a little exposure) the responsible entities will be punished. (My previous endeavor resulted in the Owner of the fraudulent M C Plan spent 6 years in the Federal pen.


I have had 3 long bouts of Covid since the end of January. I had peripheal neuropathy in my feet and calves before, but it has gotten so much worse since the Covid. I never thought to question if it was related to my Covid bouts, but something is certainly going on. Interesting. I am even starting to feel the tingling in the ends of my fingers and never had that before Covid. I will keep this in mind and watch for more comments. Thank you for your comments.

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