Research on COVID 19 vax causing Essential Thrombocythemia?

Posted by dressler02 @dressler02, Jul 2, 2022

I’ve seen very little about what causes a genetic corruption that leads to iessential Thrombocythemia. However i’ve been going back and acquiring past blood tests to try and pinpoint a timeline. One thing that seems to keep constant is that my changes in blood measurements did not seem to happen until after my first J&J shot for Covid 19 vaccination. I know the J&J shot had some bad press about causing a rare blood clot in mostly females. That does seem to have some minor relevancy. However, When i ask my Cancer clinic they seem to disregard it as just bad luck and say there are no known studies on it. However something had to cause the gene to corrupt. I cannot find any research on it. Does anyone know any studies in correlation to blood disorders and say the J&J shot? Or any other vaccinations causing this corruption of genetics or any other identified causes?

Thank you,


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Many things can cause a DNA error. A biology textbook could tell you more, but I think that mutations can be caused by certain chemicals, ionizing radiation, and just accidents during DNA replication caused by atoms jiggling around at random.

Life is so complex and subtle that I don't ask how things can go wrong; I ask how is it possible that anything ever goes right? Life, from molecules, to cells, to tissues, organs, organisms, and whole ecosystems, operating across timespans of billions of years, is amazing.


I agree. I developed Essential Thrombocythemia AFTER my Vaccine Shots TM Retired MD


Recently dx with non hodgkins lymphoma follicular type.
I have done some research regarding covid vaccines & covid virus and continue to educate myself with with studies on pubmd. I acquired the delta virus with bad results & have never felt the same since. Now with my NHL dx it is very suspicious.
I have been in a long covid 19 study @ UPMC Pittsburgh for one year and so far the only person with lymphoma.


Just clarification: elevated platelets higher than 400 is not necessarily ET. In fact, elevated platelets aka secondary thrombocytosis is a symptom of many other illnesses, many of them treatable/curable. True essential thrombocytosis (caused by one of three known MPN mutations and identifiable in the bone marrow by malformed nuclei in blood cells) is fairly rare.

In typical cases of true ET, the mutation lurks for many years before it shows elevated blood counts in a lab test.

So the questions that might deserve study for patients who fear that the covid vax has caused their ET:

Could covid vaccines cause elevated platelets that return to normal as vax wears off?

Could the vaccines hasten platelet proliferation in those with an ET mutation who are not registering elevated platelets?

Is the vax causing an ET mutation and more rapid disease progression (mutation followed by platelet proliferation in weeks vs years)?

I'm grateful for vaccines and boosters. ET patients who take HU are immune compromised and more likely to get vivid. ET patients who get covid are more likely to develop fatal clotting and pulmonary failure. Those are facts. Reports about a vax-ET connection are speculation.


I agree. I developed Essential Thrombocythemia AFTER my Vaccine Shots TM Retired MD

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I also agree. I had the first 2 shots and tested for RA. Both of my hands swelled up so bad I couldn’t open a water bottle. When I finally got in to see an RA physician and she reran the tests they came back negative. After physical therapy and taking tumeric they are much better.
Now my platelets are in the 500’s and I was diagnosed with ET. Didn’t have any issues until the vaccines.


Memorial Sloan-Kettering discusses whether the covid vaxxes can cause cancer.
Mayo also discusses links between vaxxes and other diseases.


I agree. I developed Essential Thrombocythemia AFTER my Vaccine Shots TM Retired MD

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Well, I had ET long before COVID vaccines were even thought about. I have had five, both Pfizer and Moderna, all of those in my eighties! I did not need COVID messing up my life.
The lucky ones who got the vaccine, when suggested, have likely saved many from COVID. I think with any disease, there are always possible odd side effects or unusual and largely unknown reasons for other complications. Vaccines have been around to protect from many, many illnesses. Polio, measles, and so on that have maimed and killed people in the past. Unfortunately, the ‘squeaky people’ against vaccines seem to get all the media coverage.


Well, I had ET long before COVID vaccines were even thought about. I have had five, both Pfizer and Moderna, all of those in my eighties! I did not need COVID messing up my life.
The lucky ones who got the vaccine, when suggested, have likely saved many from COVID. I think with any disease, there are always possible odd side effects or unusual and largely unknown reasons for other complications. Vaccines have been around to protect from many, many illnesses. Polio, measles, and so on that have maimed and killed people in the past. Unfortunately, the ‘squeaky people’ against vaccines seem to get all the media coverage.

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I don't think anyone knows the real truth about why this happened but we just don't want it to happen again. TM MD


Well, I had ET long before COVID vaccines were even thought about. I have had five, both Pfizer and Moderna, all of those in my eighties! I did not need COVID messing up my life.
The lucky ones who got the vaccine, when suggested, have likely saved many from COVID. I think with any disease, there are always possible odd side effects or unusual and largely unknown reasons for other complications. Vaccines have been around to protect from many, many illnesses. Polio, measles, and so on that have maimed and killed people in the past. Unfortunately, the ‘squeaky people’ against vaccines seem to get all the media coverage.

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I also received all of the COVID vaccines however I still got COVID and gave it to my husband. So it neither stopped the disease or the spreading.


I also received all of the COVID vaccines however I still got COVID and gave it to my husband. So it neither stopped the disease or the spreading.

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I do hope you recovered quickly. I know some people that received the vaccine still managed to get COVID. However, my understanding is that these cases were generally milder and of shorter duration.
I am taking Hydroxyurea for ET and apparently at high risk for COVID and nasty complications (also in my 80’s).My husband is in his 80’s type 2 diabetic and also at high risk. Despite the having all the vaccine recommended, we still were careful about masking, where we went etc. We got through with no problems, managed lunches out at parks, camped with our camper and kept ourselves busy. Missed some family visits but we were fine in most ways.

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