Anemic due to kidney problem: How to increase hemoglobin?

Posted by navrang @navrang, Nov 30, 2022

How to increase low hemoglobin naturally

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@laurie6 Laurie they were so bad but you know what helped better than steroids? Zyrtec and Gold Bond powder with cornstarch. 😳😳. Knowing at least how to control them 99% of the time is a true blessing!! All food related. Who woulda thunk!! Certainly not my allergy doctor who said it was a coincidence!!! Rheumatologist took the tests!! I'm learning to love cantaloupe and kiwis! ❤️


I take elemental iron with C Called Vitron-C instead of ferritin stuff.

It’s much easier to take and I have not had side effects near what the ferritin stuff does.

My hematologist has me taking it 2 times a day AT LEAST.

@ginger7 , @jerrysgirl3 I have a lot to learn about!

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@laurie6 Maybe I will give the Vitron C iron supplement a try. The one I'm using is causing bad constipation😳. Thank you.


Not yet but it’s on the list!

Thanks for asking.

Only 3 more days of antibiotic infusions for the thumb…

Review of all with primary care Dr in the first week of October.

Lots of overlapping symptoms and this sort of thing happens for a while, then by the time I’m seen, it’s fine.

Will see and check back.

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@laurie6 I have the same thing with overlapping symptoms and I swear if I had my labs once a week they would be different. But something is happening in me and I wish I knew what it was. I have my grandson today until 3 pm!! I won't be able to nap and pouring rain all day. I don't know how I'm going to do it 😳😳😢


You are right about lab results.

Due to my dog bacteria infection, labs are drawn twice a week while I’m infusing antibiotics near the hospital for 6 weeks.

My labs are CONFUSING. One thing improves but another is puzzling and it FEELS LIKE I’m being judged for having lived the life I am still living. Must be something I’M doing -> Certainly isn’t exercising lol lol

Once my thumb heals up, blood draws will be less frequent. I’ll be watching this thread more.


You are right about lab results.

Due to my dog bacteria infection, labs are drawn twice a week while I’m infusing antibiotics near the hospital for 6 weeks.

My labs are CONFUSING. One thing improves but another is puzzling and it FEELS LIKE I’m being judged for having lived the life I am still living. Must be something I’M doing -> Certainly isn’t exercising lol lol

Once my thumb heals up, blood draws will be less frequent. I’ll be watching this thread more.

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@laurie6 You are a valuable person. Don't let them make you feel anything less ❤️


Wow. I am so sorry. I don't even have words except I hope you get to see a nephrologist sooner rather than later - horrible the length of time we all have to wait to see doctors 😳. I hope things for you move faster in the medical field and you are able to get some help!! Sending hugs!

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Thank you kindly 🤩🌺


I've continually asked my doctors about the hemoglobin and red blood cells. None of them seem that interested in giving me an answer to this or finding the underlying cause. I have chronic inflammation most likely due to my 4 autoimmune disorders. some of my doctors keep telling me to take more iron, then one today told me to stop because my body is not absorbing it. My anemia is not iron deficiency related. It is causing major fatigue and it seems like none of the doctors want to address the problem, other than exercise.

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I am
Getting the same from my dr. I’ve been like this for over 20 yrs. I had gastric bypass in 2003 which comes with its issues of absorbs ion so keeping things I. My system is hard. I have had low red blood counts for yrs(3.0-3.9) and they say “ oh this must be your normal…. No, it’s not. I have all the anemia symptoms yet no on will help me
Treat it! I’ve had Iron infusions, B12 injections which I’ve had to take for years since the surgery and other supplements to try and help. I have inflammation from several things( fibromyalgia and food allergies) yet he keeps
Blowing it off. I’m so tired of being tired…. My prior dr who no longer lives In My state years ago ran a lot of tests to rule out several diseases but that was in 2007. I take gabepentin to help with the fibromyalgia and a few other normal things but that’s it. Would love to find a dr that could help me♥️


@gingerw I have been severely anemic for weeks if not months. The only one seriously concerned is my primary who I think is in panic mode which is setting me off as I really REALLY don't feel well. Lupus doc took one look at my labs and said I'm anemic. He told me when I see my new CLL doc in OCTOBER (!) to tell him my symptoms and he'll give me an iron infusion. I said "I'm allergic to iron infusions" and he mumbled about different kinds of infusions and left the room. I've never felt this way before. I've said it before and I'll say it again I am literally and physically dying I know without a shadow of a doubt and I can't find a doctor to help me 🥺😵‍💫😭

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I know the feeling! I feel like on a repeat loop and no one is listening!


I had ‘fibromyalgia BUT NOT’ for about 8 years, lol.

‘Sort of Lupus BUT NOT’ only 6 months

‘Leukemia BUT NOT QUITE’

Rheumatoid Arthritis BUT NOT QUITE;

Not as many allergies as most of y’all 🙏. No gastric issues.🙏
Not as many allergies as most of y’all. No gastric issues.


I take elemental iron with C Called Vitron-C instead of ferritin stuff.

It’s much easier to take and I have not had side effects near what the ferritin stuff does.

My hematologist has me taking it 2 times a day AT LEAST.

@ginger7 , @jerrysgirl3 I have a lot to learn about!

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@laurie6 I just ordered the Vitron C. Will see what happens!

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