Proper kidney diet

Posted by kauaig @kauaig, Sep 1, 2023

On August 10, 2023, I had my kidney removed for cancerous tumor that was small and did not spread. I am searching for what I can eat now to protect my remaining kidney. Currently, I eat (2) egg whites, 1/2 cup fruits, and a beet smoothie for breakfast. For lunch, I have 3 cups vegetables, and 1 cup of fruits. Dinner I have 3 cups vegetables with 3oz of chicken, and throughout the date I drink a gallon water. What do you think? I also have low sodium popcorn as my snak.

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Nothing can be done now, but an interventional radiologist may have been able to help save your kidney unless one said it was necessary. I had a small cancerous mass on my right kidney where cryoblation or freezing the mass was used, until it disappeared was the answer for me. I was an outpatient as well. It sounds like your kidney removal was medically necessary.

For advice, I seek help from my kidney dietitian and nephrologist about meals and diet. I see both regularly every 3 months. I have hard boiled eggs daily, only because my cholesterol is fine. My dietitian tells me to increase plant protein to at least 50% of my daily protein intake. If you are new to this forum, check out messages from @gingerw and @kamama94 regarding suitable kidney meals. There are others in this forum who have also contributed greatly as well as a ton of resources from various kidney foundations, including the National Kidney Foundation.


@kauaig Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I'm glad you found us. You are asking a very important question about diet and one remaining kidney. A person can successfully live with just one kidney. Keeping it healthy with a moderate exercise/reduced stress/renal-friendly diet lifestyle will certainly help. You may be told a gallon of water per day is too much, in order to not stress your remaining kidney.

As @collegeprof suggested, we have several discussion threads about good kidney diets. We all find what works for us as an individual. To paint a broad brush, watching our intake of potassium, calcium, protein, sodium, and phosphorous is critical. What is your doctor suggesting for you? Have you seen a renal dietician, yet? They are specifically trained for dealing with kidney issues, and having one kidney, there may be additional considerations.


Thank you Ginger, and I will be meeting with my RD on 9/13/2023. In the meantime it pretty much is vegetables, fruit, and lots of water. I appreciate your response and look forward to learning more.



Nothing can be done now, but an interventional radiologist may have been able to help save your kidney unless one said it was necessary. I had a small cancerous mass on my right kidney where cryoblation or freezing the mass was used, until it disappeared was the answer for me. I was an outpatient as well. It sounds like your kidney removal was medically necessary.

For advice, I seek help from my kidney dietitian and nephrologist about meals and diet. I see both regularly every 3 months. I have hard boiled eggs daily, only because my cholesterol is fine. My dietitian tells me to increase plant protein to at least 50% of my daily protein intake. If you are new to this forum, check out messages from @gingerw and @kamama94 regarding suitable kidney meals. There are others in this forum who have also contributed greatly as well as a ton of resources from various kidney foundations, including the National Kidney Foundation.

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Yes, you are correct it was medically necessary as this spot had been sitting on my kidney and never grew for over the last 25 years, and now from 3cm to 4cm. Good thing is it did not spread. I thank you for your response.


2 years ago I was diagnosed with rcc it was this huge blob that engulfed my left kidney it spread to both my lungs my humerus and my nut.i weighed 130lbs from 185 I have been takin keytrada and levima so far the blob has shrunk its not in my lungs anymore all my blood level are good I have gained 32 lbs back I train with fury my resting heart rate is63 my max heart rate is 160 for 8 min that's when I haul ass on my 16lb road bike

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