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DiscussionI have Cerebral Small Vessel Disease - so far caused loss of balance
Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases | Last Active: 4 days ago | Replies (147)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "I had a cavernoma removed from my brainstem 4 weeks ago. I’m wondering how long it..."
I found out I had it and then it bleed 3 time in 3 weeks so they had to take it. I’m so sorry you have one as well, such a hard decision you have to make.
Goodness 3 times in a week....that is a lot...from my readings there is no way to tell what makes them bleed or when they will bleed. People seem to all be very different. They did a angiogram and he said they would do a scan in like 6 months. I just really have no idea when it does bleed. It causes me no pain. Just put me into sleeping and I feel like I am far away. The first time I finally drove myself to the Medical Center I don't remember driving there...and the nurse came in to ask me questions...I couldn't answer any....they transferred me to the ER and did a scan to find it....finally got in touch with my husband. The second bleed.... I just felt somewhat away...not as bad as the first time....and it was about 1 1/2 year after the first time. I sat on it that long because the Asheville doctors had no idea what it was...so I was fine with it...but then when I went back and he kind of made me feel like a crazy woman for coming back...I ask for a second opinion. I went to Duke and the doctor told me right away what I had. It really takes yourself getting to know it all the best way possible. I feel that is what I am doing....hope its the right way! Keeping you in my prayers! 🙂 (hope this made some sense!...I am awful at writing!)
I loved your post! I loved what a great advocate you are for yourself. That is so very important regardless of what condition you have. If you know something is wrong you keep trying until someone pays attention to you.
Good for you Brenda!
Thank you Nancy....I appreciate your words very much!
Hi Maria....I'm glad you are recovering. Do you know how long you had your cavernoma before you and your doctors decided on removing it? I have one on my thalamus. I am trying my best to keep it from bleeding! I wish I had some answers for you but I have no idea. I will be keeping you in my prayers!