Trimix injection good or bad idea?

Posted by jasonfarmer @jasonfarmer, Sep 17, 2023

59 years old. prostatectomy just over 3 months ago. Take daily 5mg tadalafil or 100mg sildenafil before intercourse . Successful only 2 times without vac pump. I am considering Trimix injections just not sure when or if I should. I would appreciate some insight from men who have used and when they started. No other treatments for cancer needed. Presently cancer free. 0 psa 2 blood test so far. I am thankful for what I have just want the best I can achieve. Thank you for any shared experiences good or bad.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

Glad I found this post. It's been five years since I had an erection. Tried the pills and pumps. I just got a new Doc. He convinced me to try it. I can't wait to try it!


Glad I was not only man with questions. I have appointment tomorrow with doctor for injections.


I hope you will let us know how your appointment goes tomorrow.
Best of luck to you,


I hope you will let us know how your appointment goes tomorrow.
Best of luck to you,

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Unfortunately I got a call from nurse and have to wait till mediation is ordered may be up to two weeks. Hopefully sooner than later. Scheduler didn’t know they have to order medication.


[I'm cross posting this because it's mainly about the injections.]
There is a penile traction device, "RestoreX", which I purchased based on results from a clinical trial, which you can read on their website. Like a vacuum device, it physically tensions the smooth muscle tissue in the penis, which can atrophy if they are not tensioned just like other muscles in the body. Once atrophied, they may not recover.
This is the same thing that is hoped for by "daily" Cialis or periodic Viagra (tadalafil, sildenafil). I wasn't tolerating either well, and they were also not providing the results others have gained. I still trial them every few months to see if things have changed. I'm now 20 months out from RALP with nerve sparing.
So I do also use the injections. I knew it would take time to acculturate to giving the shots. It did. I hit a bit of a psychological impasse at around 50 shots, so I consulted with my primary care MD for coaching. That helped. He suggested that I practice on cold hot dogs. He also suggested that I use vibration, which works as a distraction as well as variable insertion pressure. I also find that using the penile tension device (with minimal tension,) which I only needed for penile tensioning for about 6-8 months, frees up both hands for needle insertion and makes the whole thing much more feasible, especially since I have a familial tremor (look it up if you care!)
My wife and I did not find the injections a suitable couple activity, probably because of my anxiety about it. I'm now well over 100 injections and the process has become much easier with repetition. I also have less fear about needles :-). She waits while I do it.
One thing to note is that the injections are not an [emotive] erection. As the emotive erections return, the trimix dosage needed decreases, but in all cases the tip of the penis is not engorged in the same way by the injections. (Massage, however, immediately after the injection, helps distribute the med throughout the smooth muscle tissue.) Again, I came to understand what it was and how to appreciate it over time. One benefit is that with a [chemical] erection, there is no fear of premature loss of erection, which allows us to enjoy longer foreplay.
I track the injections using a chart that lists batch of trimix, dose, date, time, site (clock position--1,2,3,9,10,11, and number of finger widths from base--2 or 3,) maximum hardness, time to half maximum, and scaled personal satisfaction. This helps adjust the dosage and vary the injection site to avoid scarring.
So what I'm saying, quite frankly, is that sex is different, but physical intimacy is still a wonderful thing, and I am grateful we can continue to enjoy it. As is true for many couples, our languages of love are different, but physical intimacy has always been high on my list of languages. The best relationships come when each partner selflessly provides what is meaningful to the other. That is a relationship-long pursuit.
One other thing. At least one study found that muscle tension (isometric exercise) increases the effectiveness of subsequent engorgement, so I now do a couple minutes of core exercise (plank, inverse plank, leg lift) after the injection and 1-2 minutes of physical massage. This does seem to help. But if nothing else, it helps rehab my damaged pelvic floor and abdominal core from the surgery. I'm getting some physical conditioning back :-). (Since adrenaline is the enemy of erection, might this work by lowering the subsequent adrenaline?)


Spino thank you for your efforts to cross post. I find you experience helpful to read. I do believe a lot of my lack of erection is probably me worrying and looking to see if much is going on down there instead of just enjoying what I have. It sounds like injections helped you overcome that if I understand it correctly. Thank you again. Best to you and your wife


Spino thank you for your efforts to cross post. I find you experience helpful to read. I do believe a lot of my lack of erection is probably me worrying and looking to see if much is going on down there instead of just enjoying what I have. It sounds like injections helped you overcome that if I understand it correctly. Thank you again. Best to you and your wife

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I have a friend who likes to talk about the "whatness of the is-ness". I am not entirely sure what he means, but I know life frequently requires dealing with what is, rather that what once was or what might be. For me, injections have been part of that since about 3 months after my prostatectomy. Wouldn't it be great if some day they're not? Well, maybe yes and maybe no ;-).


Update I have been using the Trimix injections now for 2 months. As the number of injections has increased there is less and less discomfort. NP said he has found that to be the case for many men, takes time for penis to get use to getting stretched out. Any case I and my wife are extremely happy with injections. It has been many years since sex was so good. I just didn’t realize this until the injections started. Have had a mishap or two such as injecting into the urethra witch hurt and blood coming out of the tip of penis was not fun. Also have had a few bruises small but one large 50% coverage. Most of the fear has gone away from reputations. Also the thought of what is to come from the injection make it all worth it. This may not be for everyone but we fill so blesses that this is far exceeding our expectations. Life is good and my wife and I are thankful.


Thank you Jason for asking the question. Nice to see that I am not alone with a blueish and cold penis.
Perhaps I will try injections.



I'm surprised I haven't reacted to these posts yet, as I have been a Trimix user for a long time, many years previous to my prostatectomy. One of the reasons I could choose the surgery to get rid of my cancer was I knew Trimix worked so well. I've had ED for years and went through all the easier methodology to improve and maintain erections. Nothing worked well so I went the injection route and have been very happy ever since. Does it allow for spontaneity? No. But it allows for successful sexual activity at a point in life when that is more important to me and to my wife.

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