Acute sinusitis won’t go away Can someone explain a typical course?

Posted by sb4ca @sb4ca, Sep 17, 2023

I got a minor cold like others in the household but within days I had the full flu symptoms with it and coughed up colored phlegm. That’s a whole month ago now. I saw my ENT after a round of Ampicillin +Clovanix didn’t budge it and he prescribed a different antibiotic plus a Medrol steroid pack. I still feel horrible and now have laryngitis plus probable bronchitis. What’s up with this? I don’t understand how it can get worse while Im being treated. My doctor did order a CT but that’s more than a week away. I do have a primary immune deficiency but my doctor knows that. I had a brain MRI this year that incidentally found I had some opacification of my frontal sinuses though the implications of that I really don’t know. I also really wonder if this was Covid. I tested myself twice and was negative Then today CNN had a reference to the old test kits and whether they’re picking up the newer strains. Just looking for others experience when these things drag on endlessly while still feeling so crappy

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I haven't had a I've sinus infection(s) or URI infection in a long time that I remember. Is that what causes opacity? I had terrible ones about 15 yrs ago. Can you explain "residual" (above) in more detail? Wishing for info that includes why I still have a stuffed nose? And why I would get laryngitis at this late date. I won't even see the ENT until the first week in October but if. I'll be able to see the CT and report before then.

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“Residual” meaning some inflammation that can hang around for a while with stuffiness.

Stuffiness and feeling ill are two different things.

If you are sounding stuffy but don’t feel I’ll anymore, that means that the virus has most likely gone-but the inflammatory response to the virus can stick around for a bit.

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