How can I treat cancer without chemotherapy?

Posted by nooraalhamade @nooraalhamade, Sep 17, 2023

In 2019, my father suffered from an enlarged prostate and underwent surgery to completely remove it. After the examination, they said he was healthy, and after a year the bleeding began and they said he had a fourth-degree tumor, what is the solution?

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I meant integrative options.

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Did you mean an integration of traditional medicines and natural products?


Did you mean an integration of traditional medicines and natural products?

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Hi @revjohnson, I know you weren't addressing me directly with your questions, but I wanted to offer some resources about integrative medicine, which is offered at many cancer centers of excellence, including Mayo Clinic

Here's a link to more information about Mayo Clinic's Integrative Medicine programs
– Integrative Medicine and Health

One of my all time favorite websites is the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
In the health info A-Z section you can look up any treatment, therapy, supplement, etc and find out more about how it is used, it's safety and what the evidence says about how it can help or be harmful.

For anyone not sure about the terms integrative, complementary or alternative medicine, start with this article:
– Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What’s In a Name?

Here's a helpful article and video
Mayo Clinic Minute: What is integrative health and how can it help?

I hope I didn't just overwhelm you with info. 🙂


Depends. I don’t always think “traditional” is the best option for everyone. At least it wasn’t for me. Everyone needs to make their own decisions.


@nooraalhamade, I'm sorry that you do not have trust in the doctors who are treating your father. That must be difficult. I know that you are afraid. You love your father and want the best for him.

However, do not let your fear of chemotherapy stand in your way. Keep asking questions until you are comfortable that the treatment options are the best for your father. It is unclear to me whether the symptoms your father is experiencing are related to metastatic prostate cancer or possibly a new cancer of the bladder. These are questions you can and should ask his care team.

- Is treatment for prostate cancer or bladder cancer?
- Is the malignant tumor in the bladder metastatic prostate cancer or a new cancer?
- What treatment options are available?
- What are the side effects, risks and benefits for each option?
- What other considerations, like my father's health status or preferences, should be considered?

Getting as much knowledge as you can may help reduce your fear. I'm sending you courage.

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My hubby had cancer in his bladder and they removed tumors and then was treated with BCG treatments. Not sure if they still use the same treatment Method he had any longer.


Well, what is the treatment plan that I can use? May I contact you to
find out more if you don’t mind?

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@nooraalhamade, if you would like to seek a second opinion from Mayo Clinic, you can submit a request here:


Well, what is the treatment plan that I can use? May I contact you to
find out more if you don’t mind?

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I was treated at the Mayo Clinic Rochester and they were excellent. Their overall approach to patient care I believe is second to none. Maybe get a second opinion.?


My dad also had prostate cancer back in the 90's & only treatment available then was surgery & pill form chemo. He stayed cancer free till 2014 till a brain tumor was found but died 3 years later after chemo/radiation treatment.
I think a 2nd opinion & researching different holistic treatments. Good luck to you.


The question should be do you want the treatment that is most likely to work?
I think asking the questions, you are doing the right thing in formulating a decision. Rather than eliminating chemotherapy as a choice, I suggest looing into combination therapy including holistics. Because most hospitals are not yet promoting this, you may have to do the holistic part yourself. I did this and am cancer free as a result.

Did your dad have follow-up treatment,

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