Just diagnosed with breast cancer. Not sure what to say or expect

Posted by missi66 @missi66, Sep 15, 2023

Not sure what to expect. I was told I would have surgery, than radiation after chemo. Not sure what to expect. Any ideas or information to help me navigate through this process?

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First you need to get an oncologist to make decisions on treatment . Also second opinion on oncologist also. You didn’t say what stage your cancer is. How did your lumpectomy


I loved reading your story. Plane was actually flown by my daughter. What you went through I’m sure was scary and devastating. You seem like a very positive person which I’m sure helps with the cancer journey. I’ve been on the other side of dealing with cancer ,couple years ago when my son was diagnosed with a rare brain cancer. I was there for him through all his radiation and chemo treatments, emotional ups and downs etc. I’m staying hopeful the outcome will be ok. I truly believe what we experience here on earth is always for a reason. Cancer is one of the hurdles to fight through and staying positive I feel is really important. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


They told me Wednesday and haven't even seen me yet. No clue what is going on.
I wish I knew anything.


Welcome to Mayo Connect!
This is a great group- you will hear many members’ stories and learn something from all of them.
I had mastectomy and chemo 31 years ago. Back then they didn’t have some of the more specific tests that are available now.
You have gotten a lot of good advice. Remember to take notes and ask questions as well as reading up on the information you get. I agree with others to get a second opinion on treatment. Or a third! You have to feel comfortable that you are getting the best possible treatment.
None of the treatment steps are going to be easy. I learned that if I can do chemo I can do anything
It would be great if they have a counselor dealing only with breast cancer patients.
You can post here anytime- there will always be someone to chat with you.


The beginning of this journey is a biopsy to find out what type of cancer you have then you will have an MRI, cat scan, bone scan. This way they can really see what the cancer looks like and what it is doing. After the biopsy a pathology report will tell them what type cancer you have so they can form a plan for your treatment. You will talk with an oncologist all through out chemo and a surgeon as well. When you are undergoing chemo the nurses are great if you have questions or need information. Dress comfortably, bring a book with you or what ever you find enjoyable. Bring water with you, our clinic had water and offered lunch if you were getting chemo around lunch time. I brought snacks with me, wore slippers and brought a lap blanket with me. I wanted to be comfortable as it takes time to go thru chemo treatment.
Unfortunately we usually lose our hair , our clinic didn't have cold bonnets to help not lose as much but it is quite a process, I found cute chemo caps from Amazon. I bought a wig but only used a few times, the caps were much more comfortable, they have some cute styles. Our clinic also had donated chemo caps.
It is all such a shock at first but you will get thru this I am 2 years out now and going strong. Surround yourself with family and friends they can give you great comfort.
Sending hugs.

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It is nice you had an oncotype for your specific cancer. I should specify this is what happened to me with invasive TNBC, also is protocol in this part Of Canada. Some cancers they use oncotype others they don't. It depends on stage, grade, type of the many different forms of breast cancer. I should have mentioned this was meant to encourage any women needing to go thru chemo and all the testing how to be prepared.
If you are stage 0 things are different for sure and sometimes stage 1.
They luckily are finding new ways to treat cancer all the time so will be new and different ways to treat it. All clinics have a cancer protocol for all the many types of breast cancer. Invasive, non invasive makes alot of difference in treatment options as well , also the grade and stage first determined upon biopsy. Good luck to all facing this journey and what ever treatments you will ge going through.


They told me Wednesday and haven't even seen me yet. No clue what is going on.
I wish I knew anything.

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You have a new diagnosis, too? Please keep us updated and know that we are with you.


They told me Wednesday and haven't even seen me yet. No clue what is going on.
I wish I knew anything.

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I’m praying for you and I know your mind is going in different directions. I pray you get all the answers for yourself to ease your mind. I just got diagnosed a month ago. I stand with you right now and knowing God will heal and direct you. God bless you.


Hi, I am newly diagnosed also, am awaiting ER, PR & HERS2, awaiting appt tomorrows appt to go over next steps. Hope you don’t mind my sending prayers along with well wishes. It can be scary to hear the word, but fortunately this has been a great read, I’ve enjoyed reading the responses & I remain hopeful & optimistic. Wishing all of you all the best. ❤️


Hi, I am newly diagnosed also, am awaiting ER, PR & HERS2, awaiting appt tomorrows appt to go over next steps. Hope you don’t mind my sending prayers along with well wishes. It can be scary to hear the word, but fortunately this has been a great read, I’ve enjoyed reading the responses & I remain hopeful & optimistic. Wishing all of you all the best. ❤️

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We are all crossing our fingers and our toes for you as well. It sounds like you are waiting on pathology reports. For me the waiting was some of the hardest times, those 5 or 6 day can feel like months. Please come back and share what you find out, we are here for you too.
Did you have surgery or a biopsy?


I had biopsy last Thursday, results came in on my chart, however I do have appt tomorrow to go over everything. So far, they have not released the other reports. My doctor has alread reviewed it, reached out to me personally to advise surgery would be required and we will know more once reports are in. Thank you so much for the kind thoughts.

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