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Update: My husband is still in remission. He finished up his second 7 day round of VIDAZA and started taking TIBSOVO at the same time. TIBSOVO is the target medicine for IH1. Other than fatigue, he is doing well. Blood counts holding in the low normal to high normal depending on which count. We continue to be cautiously optimistic.

On Labor Day, we saw our immediate family for a few hours in a sparsely populated restaurant near our daughter's. It was so good seeing them in person.

Thank you all for your supportive reactions and comments.

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Replies to "Update: My husband is still in remission. He finished up his second 7 day round of..."

Hi @ccleschats! That’s wonderful news about your husband’s continued remission. Pfhew, huh? That’s the goal. Those meds can work miracles and the targeted drugs are quite amazing. I had to take some myself…zeroed right in on my mutation to keep it from proliferating! Better living through chemistry. ☺️

Those little bursts of normalcy such getting to see family are great morale boosters. I know I don’t need to remind you, but I will because I love to nag…haha…N-95 masks are vital to your husband’s continued health while he’s in treatment. Those low wbc counts will leave him immuncompromised.

Thank you for sharing such a positive message with us. These are the stories that help so many other members who are concerned about taking some of the medications which can ultimately help them significantly. Of course there can be risks. But without the meds, there is no reward either. So thank you again for sharing.
How many more rounds for you husband and any side effects?