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I understand where you are coming from. I am in the same situation; however, I have NEVER given value in my life, I am a loser, nonproductive, overweight 72-year-old women. I cannot cope with my empty life much longer. I have been on antidepressants for years. My son who I live with is emotionally abusive, I am so very isolated and lonely, I have no friends or other family. No one likes me, I am not easy to get along with.

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Replies to "I understand where you are coming from. I am in the same situation; however, I have..."

I have a 72 year old lady friend , 60 guy friend . I live in Maplewood Minnesota. I take it your son lives with you because he always has. In his fifties. I hope you live near to join our little friends group.

Your brain is telling you that you don’t, or have never added value. But, that cannot be further from the truth. Everything you contribute changes the world in some way. You brought a life into the world, and without you, he would not exist. You were chosen for a reason. Search for a small indication each day of the value you add. While you may not find worth, you’re impacting someone, somewhere. Just reading your post spurred emotion in me, and I felt drawn to respond. You do matter.

Hello there!
In your short para, you start by saying "I have NEVER given value in my life, I am a loser, nonproductive, overweight 72-year-old women."
Too many times we have muddled thoughts that lead us to believe in who wee are because of certain premises, or reasons to support YOUR conclusions and characterizations -- loser, non-productive etc.

I suppose you must have come across this term, CBT in these posts. If you haven't, I urge you to look up starting with Mayo site. It stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that helps most of us who have mental health problems. In simple words it means how to use our Thinking Process Correctly, with a change in behavior that will foster change to align with your corrected thoughts.

To start off, you'll want to first define what is Value? Do babies and children and even teens have value? After all they are Not productive (one way to measure value) yet. Only then you will know Whether you are adding or not adding value, assuming WHAT YOU mean by value. There are lots of artists who pursue their 'thing' after doing their day job to meet basic needs, but Do they add value or they are happy doing what THEY want out of their lives. I suppose you're realizing, labels like 'loser' and 'non-productive' will begin to fade or will disappear with a more clear Value label, if any, once you do this exercise. BTW being overweight means you belong to the three quarter of the adults in USA and therefore obviously by itself it's not such a terrible thing.

I'll suggest a book, Critical thinking for the Dummies. It's actually a great book to help one get along the path of Clearer Thinking. Let me know how you progressing.

BTW your last sentence is equally problematic -- it seems you know the answer, so the real question u wud be asking yourself is: Why am I not looking for people who LIKE what I LIKE to do?