Has anyone noticed the world has changed since Covid?

Posted by aja1958 @aja1958, Sep 8, 2023

The world has changed since Covid and I don’t like it.

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My social worker who I zoom with twice a month has noticed a huge change with many of her clients too since covid and some who were laid off still dont have employment.
Many people working at jobs from home - which is something we might have wished years ago - but have lost the connection with fellow employees - isolated.
Also couples or family members working from home - sometimes the break going out to work and then enjoying each others company in evenings and weekends, now together 24/7 doesn't always work well. Fear of the winter starting already two of our local places - one Seniors apartments the other Seniors supportive housing both have outbreaks right now. So out come the masks again. Spouse has had triple bypass surgery etc. so has worn a mast to the grocery store or pharmacist all summer but not many people are. Talking about this the other day and man professionals, eg doctors, got used to working from home and now seems hours at their office have shrunk... I think it affected everyone in a small or big way: and how is it for those whose family member/s died - they are a statistic to us all but it was someone they loved.

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Thank you for sharing this with us. It helps to hear there are others out there going through similar experiences. It’s difficult to hear the news about more outbreaks and the arguments for and against masks start again. It’s all so draining.

My desire to stay informed is difficult as well. As listening to various news sources, can be so difficult on our mental health.

My prayers go out to all who have vulnerabilities, our family does as well, and have to navigate through this again. May you all be safe. May you all be well, and may you all be happy.


very very sorry to hear this. Listen to the medical professionals. Don't follow advice from anyone else.

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I will …….. just so worried no one else will.😢😢😢including my family and friend’s.


Thank you for sharing this with us. It helps to hear there are others out there going through similar experiences. It’s difficult to hear the news about more outbreaks and the arguments for and against masks start again. It’s all so draining.

My desire to stay informed is difficult as well. As listening to various news sources, can be so difficult on our mental health.

My prayers go out to all who have vulnerabilities, our family does as well, and have to navigate through this again. May you all be safe. May you all be well, and may you all be happy.

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I agree …… so difficult and straining my mental health to the max .


You are so right ! No one cares about anyone anymore . No one understands my fear . My husband has cancer and he just wants to live his life . I feel like I am alone with my fear of COVID . My family and friend’s have moved on .

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Good morning, @skullbasecancer4. You’re not alone in your fear of Covid. Sadly, it’s the same with those of us who are also immuno compromised and have no idea how our bodies will react, even when being vaccinated for the virus. But we also have to be concerned for other illnesses such as influenza, RSV, Measles, etc..
We can have normal lives with a few precautions. I wear a mask when I’m out in public; in stores, meetings, or even in social settings in my own home with people visiting. Guests and I wear masks in our home.
My friends/family have learned it’s what’s necessary for me to remain healthy, even though they maybe can’t relate on a personal level. I still turn down invitations to certain gatherings if there will be too many people present who will be unmasked or not vaccinated. Lots of hand sanitizer, hand washing and common sense is still important, not just to prevent Covid. The only thing my husband and I don’t do is go out to eat in a restaurant, unless we can eat outside.

I still occasionally get someone making a snarky comment about wearing a mask. I literally laughed out loud the other day when a woman, much older than me was walking towards me in the grocery store. She muttered to me, “Take that “dam***” mask off. I’m tired of looking at you!” I’d never seen the woman before in my life. 😅 So I actually laughed and wished her a great day.

Are you and your husband able to be out in public? What is your concern?


Good morning, @skullbasecancer4. You’re not alone in your fear of Covid. Sadly, it’s the same with those of us who are also immuno compromised and have no idea how our bodies will react, even when being vaccinated for the virus. But we also have to be concerned for other illnesses such as influenza, RSV, Measles, etc..
We can have normal lives with a few precautions. I wear a mask when I’m out in public; in stores, meetings, or even in social settings in my own home with people visiting. Guests and I wear masks in our home.
My friends/family have learned it’s what’s necessary for me to remain healthy, even though they maybe can’t relate on a personal level. I still turn down invitations to certain gatherings if there will be too many people present who will be unmasked or not vaccinated. Lots of hand sanitizer, hand washing and common sense is still important, not just to prevent Covid. The only thing my husband and I don’t do is go out to eat in a restaurant, unless we can eat outside.

I still occasionally get someone making a snarky comment about wearing a mask. I literally laughed out loud the other day when a woman, much older than me was walking towards me in the grocery store. She muttered to me, “Take that “dam***” mask off. I’m tired of looking at you!” I’d never seen the woman before in my life. 😅 So I actually laughed and wished her a great day.

Are you and your husband able to be out in public? What is your concern?

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Thank you for your response . I wish my family and friend’s were like you . My husband as cancer , even though the doctors have said he is not immune compromised. He has a lot of issues from two major brain surgeries this year for removal of a chondrosacroma tumor at the base of his skull. Also a piece was left inside of him , cancerous , because it was to close to his curated artery and he is monitored. He has no fear of COVID or any other illness . I have extreme anxiety and fear the worst . I will eat outside . We have many family gatherings coming up
because of the Jewish holiday’s approaching. He wants to attend and have a life . I have made him live in a bubble for so long but I can’t anymore . He won’t mask 😷 at work . I mask everywhere. He does not fear any illnesses because he has cancer and wants to live and gets mad at me . All of my family and his agree with him . I take meds and do talk therapy but nothing can take away my fears of his cancer and illness’s.


Thank you for sharing this with us. It helps to hear there are others out there going through similar experiences. It’s difficult to hear the news about more outbreaks and the arguments for and against masks start again. It’s all so draining.

My desire to stay informed is difficult as well. As listening to various news sources, can be so difficult on our mental health.

My prayers go out to all who have vulnerabilities, our family does as well, and have to navigate through this again. May you all be safe. May you all be well, and may you all be happy.

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Very lovely note! I wish you all the best.


Yes, I have certainly noticed it. One thing I have noticed is very hostile driving by people. I live in New Jersey. Generally, we have hostile drivers. But it has gotten much worse. And I don't mean, just bad behavior, I mean directly threatening behavior. For example, I was on an entrance ramp to Route 22. People were honking at me to enter the highway quicker. I felt physically threatened. I was going to call the police, but the traffic cleared and I was able to go. This could easily have become a physical encounter.

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In area where I live in the past week on close highway driver going over 152 kph in 100 kph zone age 41; another 158 in 90 days later age 20; over 133 kmh in 80 kmh zone age18 and 165 kph in 100 zone age 19 - all they get is 30 day drivers licence suspension and vehicle impounded for 14 days, unclear if they still have to go to court but doubt it..... So yes, more aggressive drivers since covid so why not up the penalty? Road rage also increasing, very scary.


Thank you for your response . I wish my family and friend’s were like you . My husband as cancer , even though the doctors have said he is not immune compromised. He has a lot of issues from two major brain surgeries this year for removal of a chondrosacroma tumor at the base of his skull. Also a piece was left inside of him , cancerous , because it was to close to his curated artery and he is monitored. He has no fear of COVID or any other illness . I have extreme anxiety and fear the worst . I will eat outside . We have many family gatherings coming up
because of the Jewish holiday’s approaching. He wants to attend and have a life . I have made him live in a bubble for so long but I can’t anymore . He won’t mask 😷 at work . I mask everywhere. He does not fear any illnesses because he has cancer and wants to live and gets mad at me . All of my family and his agree with him . I take meds and do talk therapy but nothing can take away my fears of his cancer and illness’s.

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Oh gosh, I’m so sorry this feels one sided for you. I think when our life partner or loved one gets critically ill, we kick into high gear and become so protective and possible overprotective. I know my husband did when I got cancer. As I recovered and MY life got back to normal he was still in the ‘over protection’ mode and monitored everything for me. I love him dearly but I was starting to feel smothered.

At some point, after recovery, the caregiver has to let go of that overwhelming need to protect and give the leash back to the patient. I had to have that little discussion with my husband to allow me to take responsibility for my own preservation. I was tired of being treated like an incapable child. From what you’ve said, it sounds as though your husband is also at that point and you don’t have to be in that constant and ever vigilant caregiver mode anymore.

You will always be concerned because you love him and came close to losing him. But from his perspective, he no longer fears the worst! He lived it and survived! So now he’s free of that fear and going to live his life to the fullest.
I’ve gone through that same change in mindset. I no longer fear much of anything. Though the difference is that I do respect the negative impact covid or any other illness could have on my body, so that is one place I won’t let my guard down.

Going forward, you won’t be able to change your husband’s attitude. He is in a different frame of mind. But you can still be in control over your own personal care and wear continue to wear your mask and take precautions.
I’m not sure what you can do to take away your fear of his cancer returning. What is your greatest fear? That you will lose him? Unfortunately we all face that reality of loss some day. One of us will be going first or our partners. We can’t control the future but we can live in the present.


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry this feels one sided for you. I think when our life partner or loved one gets critically ill, we kick into high gear and become so protective and possible overprotective. I know my husband did when I got cancer. As I recovered and MY life got back to normal he was still in the ‘over protection’ mode and monitored everything for me. I love him dearly but I was starting to feel smothered.

At some point, after recovery, the caregiver has to let go of that overwhelming need to protect and give the leash back to the patient. I had to have that little discussion with my husband to allow me to take responsibility for my own preservation. I was tired of being treated like an incapable child. From what you’ve said, it sounds as though your husband is also at that point and you don’t have to be in that constant and ever vigilant caregiver mode anymore.

You will always be concerned because you love him and came close to losing him. But from his perspective, he no longer fears the worst! He lived it and survived! So now he’s free of that fear and going to live his life to the fullest.
I’ve gone through that same change in mindset. I no longer fear much of anything. Though the difference is that I do respect the negative impact covid or any other illness could have on my body, so that is one place I won’t let my guard down.

Going forward, you won’t be able to change your husband’s attitude. He is in a different frame of mind. But you can still be in control over your own personal care and wear continue to wear your mask and take precautions.
I’m not sure what you can do to take away your fear of his cancer returning. What is your greatest fear? That you will lose him? Unfortunately we all face that reality of loss some day. One of us will be going first or our partners. We can’t control the future but we can live in the present.

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You are totally right . I am smothering him . I am so afraid of the unknown since he has cancer but doctors told him to live his life and if when and if their is time to do something then we will face it . His tumor is very rare and it’s very scary for me and in a really bad place. We have not been sick this entire time since COVID began and I know our time is up and now knowing he has cancer too. You are right in every word you said . I do love him
so much and I have awful
guilt inside . He wanted to move and I just could
not do it . I am
just so darn scared . I am scared of his cancer and so
much more .


It wasn't Covid that caused the decline. It is something else

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