Can any substance be put in between bones to keep from rubbing togethe

Posted by juju01 @juju01, Aug 31, 2023

Severe pain inside inner thigh. Doc said arthritis in hip. Don’t want surgery. Is there anything that can be added in between bones to prevent from rubbing together?

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I was told that I had enough cortisone injections in one year.
How many shots can a person get without getting another problem? What else can be used to eliminate pain?

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Hyaluronic injections work for some. A rheumatologist can do this for you.


Hyaluronic injections work for some. A rheumatologist can do this for you.

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THANK U🤗 I am going to try this! I appreciate your suggestion 🤞🏻🙏


THANK U🤗 I am going to try this! I appreciate your suggestion 🤞🏻🙏

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I hope it works for you!


Had cortisone, gel shots hylagen and supratz plus stem cells. Ortho said let’s do a laparoscopic, ok. Had that then year later, TKR. Everything went down hill. That’s over 2 years ago. Not a revision candidate. It’s small amount of med all day. Tried CBD oil. Yuk. I so try to get to the gym. Have tachycardia, not heart meds. Turned my life to poop! Keep icing, elevate and try some of the sleeves for the knee. I see people in the gym trying to avoid surgery.

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I need both knees replaced, and I use DMSO in a spray bottle. It is a anti-inflammatory it seems to help. I also have neuropathy and I spray it on my feet as well.


I need both knees replaced, and I use DMSO in a spray bottle. It is a anti-inflammatory it seems to help. I also have neuropathy and I spray it on my feet as well.

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What is DMSO?
Thank you


If I read it all correctly, basically it's a liquid that opens your pores to allow better absorption of medicines, etc.

I found several explanations using Google. I'd post you a link but since I'm new here, I'm not allowed.


What is DMSO?
Thank you

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I have been using this and have no side effects


Perhaps the same medications they inject in knee's and shoulders. Steroids, EU Flex, and I am not sure about geniculate injections. I think those are Radio Frequency Ablations. My mom had a steroid injection that worked great a few months after her replacement. I wonder why your doctor didn't review options to try before surgery. Get it replaced before you get too old. I had it done when I was 62. Again at 65. Bad job the first time. I think they must have been in a hurry. Be sure to read the reviews about where you are going. Lots of bad doctors in a hurry for money.


Perhaps the same medications they inject in knee's and shoulders. Steroids, EU Flex, and I am not sure about geniculate injections. I think those are Radio Frequency Ablations. My mom had a steroid injection that worked great a few months after her replacement. I wonder why your doctor didn't review options to try before surgery. Get it replaced before you get too old. I had it done when I was 62. Again at 65. Bad job the first time. I think they must have been in a hurry. Be sure to read the reviews about where you are going. Lots of bad doctors in a hurry for money.

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☹️thank you

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