What could possibly be happening?

Posted by cwang21 @cwang21, Aug 24, 2023

Trying to get help for my dad, 66. He has days of high mood and then days of very low moods, to the point of paranoia, anger, and depression. He believes my mom is having an affair which is not true at all. Over the past few years, his artwork has become less detailed and flat (he's a photorealistic artist). He has become anti-social with friends and even immediate family. He doesn't sleep and when he does it's only a couple of hours at a time. He dissociates with his phone and has caused my mom to be secluded from her friends and family due to his paranoia. He refuses to see any specialists and doesn't think anything is wrong with him. He takes fish oil and various normal vitamin supplements. According to my mom, his sex drive is heightened considerably. My mom has tried getting him to the doctor but he thinks she's trying to do something bad to him, also not true at all. What could this possibly be?

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I would think (as a lay person) either a psychiatric disorder (bipolar disorder?) or some form of dementia. My friend's husband started acting like this and I believe it was Lewy Body dementia. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lewy-body-dementia/symptoms-causes/syc-20352025 See the section on diagnosis.

Clearly he needs to see a doctor, probably a neurologist or psychiatrist. In my area there is an "adult" psychiatric geriatric unit that does diagnosis.

The problem is, how do you get him there? I would suggest your mother discuss this with his PCP. Without his permission, she can still write on the portal or write a letter even if the doc cannot respond.

If the situation becomes dangerous, the police and ambulance can take him to a hospital to be diagnosed.

This situation sounds concerning for your mother. Is there a senior care service where she can call and get advice? Our local senior care service also runs support groups where spouses suffering from situations like this can get advice- or their kids, like you.


My dad had Lewy Body Dementia and had some of these symptoms, some of which became a little violent against his wife. I agree, he does need to be seen by a doctor for a possible diagnosis and the safety of your mother. Sometimes it can be as simple as an undiagnosed infection. If he becomes violent, ill, or falls an ambulance can be called, that may be the best way to get him some help. Best wishes.


I would think (as a lay person) either a psychiatric disorder (bipolar disorder?) or some form of dementia. My friend's husband started acting like this and I believe it was Lewy Body dementia. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lewy-body-dementia/symptoms-causes/syc-20352025 See the section on diagnosis.

Clearly he needs to see a doctor, probably a neurologist or psychiatrist. In my area there is an "adult" psychiatric geriatric unit that does diagnosis.

The problem is, how do you get him there? I would suggest your mother discuss this with his PCP. Without his permission, she can still write on the portal or write a letter even if the doc cannot respond.

If the situation becomes dangerous, the police and ambulance can take him to a hospital to be diagnosed.

This situation sounds concerning for your mother. Is there a senior care service where she can call and get advice? Our local senior care service also runs support groups where spouses suffering from situations like this can get advice- or their kids, like you.

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She's talked to his PCP to try and get him some meds to maybe help with his moods but he became suspicious and decided not to take them. She has a feeling that it's dementia but doesn't now know for sure. She's tried reaching out to support groups but since he's gotten worse, she hasn't had many opportunities. I will have to do some research on care facilities that specialize in psychiatric care and diagnosis.


She's talked to his PCP to try and get him some meds to maybe help with his moods but he became suspicious and decided not to take them. She has a feeling that it's dementia but doesn't now know for sure. She's tried reaching out to support groups but since he's gotten worse, she hasn't had many opportunities. I will have to do some research on care facilities that specialize in psychiatric care and diagnosis.

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@cwang21 what a difficult situation but not uncommon. Is there a senior care organization near you that can give info and referrals? As someone else said, it may require an ambulance. They system seems to depend on waiting for something awful to happen to justify intervention. Do any docs do home visits?


@cwang21 what a difficult situation but not uncommon. Is there a senior care organization near you that can give info and referrals? As someone else said, it may require an ambulance. They system seems to depend on waiting for something awful to happen to justify intervention. Do any docs do home visits?

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Mental health needs to be checked by a psychiatrist


@cwang21 Maggie is absolutely correct. You need to rule it neurologic illness vs mental health illness or combo of the two. Symptoms displayed by your father for one disease can often mimic the other. Sorry this is just the beginning.


Mental health needs to be checked by a psychiatrist

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Actually the PCP could perform some preliminary tests to determine whom to refer to.

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