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How to stop the vibrations?

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Sep 13, 2023 | Replies (64)

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Are you calling vibrations what I call trimmers or quivers in my muscles? Shaking inside but not visable to people is that what you are calling vibrations????? Because I have had that since Dec. 2020. Yes I have vibrations. Plus spasms, cramps in my muscles that no one can explain. It drives me crazy. Anyone have a reason for them? Or a treatment? Thank you fellow post covid victims.

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Replies to "Are you calling vibrations what I call trimmers or quivers in my muscles? Shaking inside but..."

Yes! You are right on the money with how you describe it all. I am shaking inside but it is not visible to people however in the countless EKG's and abdominal MRI's that I get they picked up on these tremors as saying that my MRI images were not clear because I was moving. I WAS NOT MOVING AT ALL and was as still as a stiff. As a nurse I know how important it is to be still during these scans and I can tell you that it was not me moving. It was the vibrations interfering with the quality of my MRI images. In terms of the EKG's...I had many that said "artifact" on the wave lines but again, I WAS NOT moving at all. It was the vibrations causing the EKG device which is sensitive to bodily movement whether internal or external and it picked up on my vibrations! I finally felt vindicated when the EKG's and scans showed this. The problem only is that they dont know what to do about it. I have had my TRYPTASE levels checked as well as Vitamin B6 levels and they are over the high end of norm. No reason for my B6 to be high...I do not take B6 supplements or any multivitamins. My Tryptase levels mean that my mast cells are on alert and are releasing histamine. I went on a low histamine diet that helped a little bit after about 5 weeks. The vibrations are there,,,,but less intense. I was losing my mind from them when they were in full force. I also have muscle twitches that the medical community calls fasciculations. They are tiny muscle twitches from irritated nerves trying to send messages to your muscles. I am on Ativan 0.25 mg (baby dose) for the tremors, twitches and vibrations. It helps a little. I only take a little because it is addictive so I try to tolerate whatever I can in terms of crazy sensations so not to become dependent on the ativan(lorazepam) . Talk to your dr about lowdose Lorazepam and see if theyll agree. Also MAGNESIUM helps with muscle conductivity and I started taking Re-Mag (sold on AMAZON) that seems to be helping a bit. talk to your DR about all these things before starting anything because everyone has medical issues that need addressed first and may also be on other meds that need looked in to before taking anything over the counter.

Thanks for sharing,no definite reason or treatment. I find movement,exercise and stretching seems to help. No pills or real solutions, sorry but stay positive... PAUL

They gave me gabapentin. Love you