Perineal Nerve Not Playing Nicely

Posted by cekkk @cekkk, Aug 21, 2023

In February or March of 2020 I went to bed for about 3 to 4 weeks with presumably covid. My wife said I refuse to get up and go to a doctor, and that surprises me but I have zero memory of anything until I got up one day feeling really good under the circumstances and spent the day in my recliner. Got up the next morning and I had foot drop. My gp, yes, I'm old and I still prefer that term, said to me, quote you're in a bad place. Close quote. He sent me off to PT. I did ten sessions and failed to improve. Ortho surgeon did two MRIs, could not find any impingement. The EMG results I recall being nerve not controlling the muscle. At the time the doctor saw no connection to covid but this was all very new to everyone then. I now find this is one of the problems that arise post covid. I'm wanting to know if in the ensuing period anything has developed that could repair the damage. The pain is tolerable but it makes it difficult to even contemplate a trip thru an airport, never mind the confines of an airline seat. Granddaughter is marrying in May.

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Are they confident that you didn't have a TIA or mini stroke?


@cekkk, I moved your question to the Brain & Nervous System support group. You may also be interested in these related discussions:

- Anyone out there diagnosed with Pudendal Neuralgia?
- Search for "pudendal nerve"

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