Sudden tinnitus and drop in hearing in left ear, ETD?

Posted by user_ch783e933 @user_ch783e933, Aug 12, 2023

Otologist said this sudden reduction in hearing in my left ear and hissing tinnitus will "probably go away" in a few weeks (valsalva maneuver did this!) Audiologist said nerve damage (dreadful audiologist really, just there for baseline per otologist). BUT if I cup my ear even slightly (tilt the ear lobe forward) I hear NORMALLY so it can't be nerve damage! Seeing otologist again Tuesday, need imaging: CT scan or MRI??? Want to know if ET is ok, I know they're damaged because they click when I swallow (for years now) but the left one pops and feels "full". Feedback??? Thanks.

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Thanks. I’ll look in to it.


I also experienced sudden hearing loss in my left ear and increased tinnitus after a hammering project. I waited for a couple of weeks hoping it would eventually fix itself. Had two audiologist appointments, an MRI and two hearing tests. Nothing appeared to be wrong. Excuse me, but I can’t hear! My left nostril runs CONSTANTLY, and my eyes water. I feel like there is a connection. I was told an ENT visit would not help. Am I foolish to request an appointment?

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Hello .
I am 71 started tinitus end of January 23.

Do I see a neurologist? Or thinking about. Getiatrist?
Any comments?


That was suppose to say Geriatrist😊


I was using the valsalva maneuver (hold nose closed, blow through ears) to try to dislodge was on my right eardrum. I did it alot (becuase I'm an idiot apparently). In ten seconds, I got tinnitus in my left ear and a considerable drop in hearing.

I have an otologist at a teaching hospital. I've seen him for 7 years now. Part of treatment for otitis externa I got there caused ETD of some sort, I hear myself swallowing (in both ears). He sent me to audiologist after this happened to my left ear (3 weeks ago) test results significant change in left ear from first one 14 years ago: moderate to severe. The tinnitus interfered with the test.

Otologist prescribed the major ingredient of flonase (not OTC), once in each nostril. I"ve read this takes months to work. Hearing in left ear actually improved (he said it would) but upper register sounds are much harder to hear now. Otologist says making a small hole in eardrum, and then later possibly putting in tubes, would help but that this will heal by itself. I don't want holes anywhere, no thanks.

He doesn't seem to know any imaging that would show what's going on in my ear, like MRI. He uses a large microscope with camera but I want an MRI. Is there an imaging procedure that will "see" my eustachian tubes?

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I am waiting to get a CT scan of IAC. The scanner is not your typical scanner. It is 1 of 7 in the nation and has the capability to do .2mm slices with photon counting. The Neurotologist I saw said this machine can see things that they can’t even see during inner / middle ear surgery. He said it amazes him. I called my local hospital and the minimum slicing they can do is .5mm without photon counting.


Just to give you an idea of how small your ossicles (hearing bones) are.


I started having trouble in my right ear in July. At times driving me nuts with constant ringing. Once in awhile OK but most the time it rings. Can't seem to get any help.


I started having trouble in my right ear in July. At times driving me nuts with constant ringing. Once in awhile OK but most the time it rings. Can't seem to get any help.

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Have you seen an ENT or Otolaryngologist? Have they done a hearing test? Did you have a virus or injury prior to tinnitus?


I started having trouble in my right ear in July. At times driving me nuts with constant ringing. Once in awhile OK but most the time it rings. Can't seem to get any help.

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Noise, whether it is sudden or over time can be a causative factor in tinnitus and in hearing loss. Were you exposed to extreme noise at that time? Concert? Gunshot? Fireworks? Lawn Mower? etc.


Noise, whether it is sudden or over time can be a causative factor in tinnitus and in hearing loss. Were you exposed to extreme noise at that time? Concert? Gunshot? Fireworks? Lawn Mower? etc.

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No - I was not exposed to a loud noise.


No - I was not exposed to a loud noise.

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Mild noise exposure over duration of time can also cause sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). For example, there is a high incidence of hearing loss among older dentists whose practices required the use of drills that created mild noise constantly. Same for farmers who drive tractors every day for hours. We are seeing this gradual kind of hearing loss among young people who are using devices to listen to music all the time.

Extreme sudden noise is different that noise over duration, but they both can cause SNHL.

Of course hearing loss can also happen for no obvious reason or cause too. It is a very mysterious malady.

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