Celebrating 25 years of lung cancer

Posted by Merry, Alumni Mentor @merpreb, Sep 25, 2022

Hello to all of you.

I think that a lot of you know my story. I was diagnosed with lung cancer 25 years ago. My first cancer was a different type of lung cancer that I have now. It was a single NSCLC lesion that grew very quickly.

My second lung cancer was 10 years later and it was called multifocal adenocarcinoma lung cancer. Briefly, it is an NSCLC but grows at a very very slow pace and there can be more than one lesion at a time and/or in more than one lobe at a time.

A week from now I will be going to Mass General Hospital to be treated for my 6th lung cancer. It includes 2 lesions and one is very close to my heart. I will be treated with SBRT- a type of targeted radiation that is a lifesaver for people who can not have more surgery. With multifocal adenocarcinomas, each lesion begins as ground glass and is not considered a metastasis but a primary lesion.

On October 3rd I will also be celebrating my 25th anniversary of lung cancer. I started a blog. You will see a 5-year absence from writing due to my time mentoring for Mayo and Covid and other life interruptions. But it is time to return now and to do both-mentor for Mayo and write.

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My blog is https://my20yearscancer.com/

I will have approximately 40 minutes of radiation a day for 5 days. I worked out a schedule with my radiologist that is best for me. I selected 5 straight days so I wouldn't have to go back and forth from my state to MA.

I feel that in being the Mentor for this brave and wonderful group I also need to share my journey. I don't know if these will be my last lesions or if there will be more. I hope that you will come along with me as I fight my 6th battle with Lung Cancer.

Thank you

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


Thank you. You will/should see my reply to Merry. Yes, I can handle that if it’s not too often. Had a slightly one today not too bad at all. Start radiation sometime after September 5 when I get back from San Diego.

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Enjoy your trip! I’m so glad that you’re able to go. Keep us posted when you return.


Enjoy your trip! I’m so glad that you’re able to go. Keep us posted when you return.

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Thank you. We made it here to Solano Beach last night and what a gorgeous area. Beach so close. My dog and I are definitely enjoying this. Lots of walking which I love. Certainly makes me want to hang in here longer. Take care.


Joan- It's my pleasure. Please keep me up-dated! Ok?


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Yes, thank you. See recent post.


God bless you on your journey to better health. You are a strong lady indeed.


God bless you on your journey to better health. You are a strong lady indeed.

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Hi @marianneg, welcome. Do you have experience with lung cancer too - as a patient or caregiver? I look forward to getting to know more about you.


Hi @marianneg, welcome. Do you have experience with lung cancer too - as a patient or caregiver? I look forward to getting to know more about you.

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No I haven't had Lung CA.
I was new here and wrote something to a lovely woman with Lung Cancer in that group by mistake but was wishing her well. I do have painful arthritis - they're unsure if it's inflammatory type and it's getting worse.
I lost my son 5 years ago and I just am falling apart.
Mind body - you know that connection. Well mine seems to not be connecting very well. Thx for writing.
PS: I was a hospice nurse and stopped working the moment my dear mother turned a 'corner' having Lung CA meaning she was really displaying distress, I cared for her as much as possible and my dad as well and at the end of her life all the time. She was a well read organic food eater only the healthiest things were in her life..non smoker but still was diagnosed with small cell CA. She has symptoms prior for many many years of a cough and even with her being a nurse with Masters Degree, so very well read on Health topics all her life she didn't seek help for that lingering cough. Her super Pulmonologist stated a long while ago maybe when she was in her 60's she had a chest x-ray in a drs. office as he gathered all her x-rays over the years to compare and said there was a spot on her lung way way back then but that family Dr. noted it to be blurry so he just put it aside. I'm mad at this and sad she didn't take my advice about seeing a Pulmonologist for the cough.
What a beautiful person she was to all!

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