Anastrozole: How long do side effects last once you've stopped?

Posted by pnnyh @pnnyh, Feb 11, 2023

I was on anastrozole 1 mg. for 28 months. Clear mammograms last 2 years. (Had cardiac bypass surgery 20 years ago. Have dealt with blood pressure issues for 50 years. I'm 82 . )Had side effects (carpal tunnel syndrome/ slowed urination/hair loss/etc. etc .Unfortunately there was a pharmacy error and I took 2 mg. for 3 months. Blood pressure spiked (203/102) . When I realized error, of course I quit medication. I'm now on twice my usual cardiac meds. No anastrozole for 8 weeks. Blood pressure remains elevated. Most side effects remain.
For those of you who quit anastrozole because of side effects, how long did they remain? Oncologist wants me to restart anastrozole. I'm reluctant.

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Anastrozole for me was heinous! The side effects were worse than having breast cancer. Within just a few weeks of taking it, my memory and cognitive function turned to mush. Brain fog was so bad, I was sure I was heading down the road to dementia. My husband and son made fun of my forgetfulness to the point I just shut up and kept to myself. Finally my doctor switched me to Exemestane and that was better.

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Did your cognitive function return to normal? With my first DCIS 16 yrs ago,I took Tamoxifen for 2 yrs and the word retrieval/fluency issues and short term memory issues remain.
I've been on Anastrozole for 4 mo's and brain fog is beginning so I am very scared.
When you stopped the Anastrozole did your memory improve??


Did your cognitive function return to normal? With my first DCIS 16 yrs ago,I took Tamoxifen for 2 yrs and the word retrieval/fluency issues and short term memory issues remain.
I've been on Anastrozole for 4 mo's and brain fog is beginning so I am very scared.
When you stopped the Anastrozole did your memory improve??

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I think it improved, but my husband says it’s not really any better. Maybe I’ve just gotten used to it… I believe taking these drugs to lower our estrogen to prevent recurrence of breast cancer, is just like going through menopause all over again with the same symptoms…except for many of us we’ve already been through menopause…! And unfortunately for you, this just must be awful to take drugs again! Lowering our estrogen even farther following breast cancer is truly a heinous treatment! Sending much love your way! I’m so sorry you might need to do it again. 💕


This is my second breast cancer (not a recurrence) and it was grade 3 high grade w necrosis.... I don't understand why bilateral mastectomy wasn't recomended considering my previous history and history of chronic pain from arthritis. I didn't want reconstruction.. just quality of life once I healed. Instead the same radiation and everyday different with adverse effects from the Anastrozole. I feel like we are in medication studoes and recommended this course of treatment so the oncologists can gain data from us. Do you have to be a celebrity to be offered mastectomy ???


I was on Anastrazole for 2 months, could not stand the side effects and was not told about the long term side effects.
I did a lot of Research before taking and during, talked to others who have decided to stop taking this Medication.
Like you, I was reluctant to take it initially, should have listened to my Intuition.
I have implemented a complete Lifestyle Change (Naturopathic/Integrative approach) my BP and Cholesterol is normal range, have lost 30 lbs, walk in nature 4x a week (good for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, mental health, weight management) etc.
You have to do what is right for you!!
I’m completely confidant in my decision to stop taking this AI💕🌻


I just started this med. 1 month ago. Now creatinine level has gone from absolute normal to high. MD said to hydrate. Doing it. I don't think I have kidney disease as there was no gradual increase. Normal to high in three months? Also read research is showing an association with auto immune diseases and this drug. Thinking of getting off of it.


I am new to taking anastrozole, been on it for two months. Having a few symptoms: stiffness in hand joints, tiredness, and off/on dull headache. Ibuprofen has helped a bit with joints and sometimes headaches, oncologist ordered a brain MRI. Waiting for results. ( I had lumpectomy and double reconstructive in April 2023).I am able to stretch and swim which seems to help with tiredness. I’m hoping side effects go away soon.


I am new to taking anastrozole, been on it for two months. Having a few symptoms: stiffness in hand joints, tiredness, and off/on dull headache. Ibuprofen has helped a bit with joints and sometimes headaches, oncologist ordered a brain MRI. Waiting for results. ( I had lumpectomy and double reconstructive in April 2023).I am able to stretch and swim which seems to help with tiredness. I’m hoping side effects go away soon.

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Although I chose to discontinue Anastrazole for personal reasons, I do know that Acupuncture does help with the side effects of taking AI and in general for Cancer patients.
Sending you comfort and healing on your Cancer Journey 💕🌻


Anastrozole for me was heinous! The side effects were worse than having breast cancer. Within just a few weeks of taking it, my memory and cognitive function turned to mush. Brain fog was so bad, I was sure I was heading down the road to dementia. My husband and son made fun of my forgetfulness to the point I just shut up and kept to myself. Finally my doctor switched me to Exemestane and that was better.

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Shocked at your husband and son not realizing what you were going thru to stay alive. Men what can you expect from them.


I was very lucky while on anastrazole for five years. I had diahrea mild hair loss some trouble sleeping deeply. Otherwise fine now I made it five years. Side effects are over after two months


I am new to taking anastrozole, been on it for two months. Having a few symptoms: stiffness in hand joints, tiredness, and off/on dull headache. Ibuprofen has helped a bit with joints and sometimes headaches, oncologist ordered a brain MRI. Waiting for results. ( I had lumpectomy and double reconstructive in April 2023).I am able to stretch and swim which seems to help with tiredness. I’m hoping side effects go away soon.

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I'm having stiffness in finger joints when I wake up. It goes away once I get going with the day.

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