Any suggestions getting or not getting RSV, flu, covid vaccines?

Posted by tigre24 @tigre24, Aug 25, 2023

I am traveling out of the country for 3 months , will be tapering to 8 or 8.5 prednisone in a week and just wondering about the 3 vaccines. The thought of getting 1 or all 3 frightens me as I believe the covid bivalent triggered my PMA. Just trying to weight out benefits …or consequences . ….

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


My research on traveling while on prednisone concurs
with your doctor’s advice that less than 10mg is not considered immunosuppressive.
International flights would prompt me to bear with the
mask for hours rather than days or weeks of illness on
your vacation.
I have always done well with flu vaccinations. I’ll wait and see what experiences show for new COVID vax.

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Thanks…. Guess I’m just shell shocked from this first round of PMR and am having trouble taking chances. The mask I go is well taken as so am still masking when around folks! It may not be a solution, but hoping it provides some protection.


Good to hear boosters didn't aggravate your PMR, ifd28. So much we don't know about covid and vaxes. On a side note, this study is interesting:
Inflammatory rheumatic diseases with onset after SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccination: a report of 267 cases from the COVID-19 and ASD group


I have had 4 covid jabs in total. I am in the UK. The last one was within 3 months of having the flu and live shingles vaccine . I understand the live Shingles vaccine will not be used again here.
After all these
chemicals I got PMR then I got Covid so not sure why i bothered. I had shingles 18 months ago and have never had flu in my lifetime.
I would never wear a mask again they dont work and play havoc with normal communication facial expression is important.
These are my thoughts but everyone is responsible for their own decisions and actions.
Not our governments
SHHHH i never said it.😃


I have never had a reaction to the yearly flu shot but cannot say that for the covid vaccine. The first shot was uneventful, second shot my arm was pretty sore - mild flu-like symptoms, the day after the third shot I really did not feel well - had a fever, stayed in bed most of the day. So I have only had a total of 3 covid vaccines. I am leary of getting any more covid vaccines. Have not thought about RSV.
At some point you have to live your life. Find the best rated masks for traveling especially for use in congested or confined areas like restrooms. Sounds like thoughtful pre planning is in your favor.

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Well we are all different. I was perfectly healthy, had my first (and last!) COVID vaccine and end up in ICU for a week with seizures. A few months later was diagnosed with PMR…..


I had 3 Pfizer vaccines then for my 4th I switched to Moderna to "mix it up" and hopefully increase my immunity. Instead, within 2 weeks the stiffness and pain started - 2 months later diagnosed as PMR. It has taken me 1 year to get from 40 mg to 2.5 mg prednisone. Ain't no way I am getting another Covid booster while I still have PMR and am on prednisone. Right now, I am not planning to get another Covid vaccine ever.
I think I am going to skip my annual flu vaccine and the RSV vaccine until I get over PMR or at least get in remission since I guess we live with it forever.
Just my thoughts!



Good to hear boosters didn't aggravate your PMR, ifd28. So much we don't know about covid and vaxes. On a side note, this study is interesting:
Inflammatory rheumatic diseases with onset after SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccination: a report of 267 cases from the COVID-19 and ASD group

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The study definitely got my attention especially since I was diagnosed with PMR & Fibromyalgia after my vaccines. Lots to think about!


I had 3 Pfizer vaccines then for my 4th I switched to Moderna to "mix it up" and hopefully increase my immunity. Instead, within 2 weeks the stiffness and pain started - 2 months later diagnosed as PMR. It has taken me 1 year to get from 40 mg to 2.5 mg prednisone. Ain't no way I am getting another Covid booster while I still have PMR and am on prednisone. Right now, I am not planning to get another Covid vaccine ever.
I think I am going to skip my annual flu vaccine and the RSV vaccine until I get over PMR or at least get in remission since I guess we live with it forever.
Just my thoughts!


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Thanks for your thoughts… I feel the same way… however my doctor suggested it was ok to get all if taking less than 10mg of prednisone… but going to mask, wash hands and avoid crowds instead as I am currently in 9 mg!


Thanks for your thoughts… I feel the same way… however my doctor suggested it was ok to get all if taking less than 10mg of prednisone… but going to mask, wash hands and avoid crowds instead as I am currently in 9 mg!

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I have been unable to get below 17.5 mg of prednisone. I am scheduled to taper to 15 mg this week so praying that will be successful. Thanks for the discussion! ❤️


Good to hear boosters didn't aggravate your PMR, ifd28. So much we don't know about covid and vaxes. On a side note, this study is interesting:
Inflammatory rheumatic diseases with onset after SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccination: a report of 267 cases from the COVID-19 and ASD group

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@edwardh, thank you for the link to that article. I agree that there is a lot we don’t know about covid and vaxes. Thankfully, the article shows that a lot of information about the effects of the vaccine is being gathered. Personally, I am glad that I was able to get the vaccine, since it gave me confidence to lead my life (carefully) without fear of serious illness and/or death. PMR is no picnic, but it is treatable. And sites like this one help me figure out how to treat it.


I have now had SEVEN Covid shots with no problem. No problem with flu, either. But reading the following from CDC about the RSV vaccine makes me question whether or not I should get it. My PCP is OK with it, but I'm doubtful.
"Serious neurologic events, including Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and other inflammatory neurologic events, were reported after RSV vaccination in clinical trials."

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