Anyone with CKD can give me answers or advise?

Posted by sallylynn @sallylynn, Aug 23, 2023

Hello. End of second week of July I got a yeast infection. OTC Montistat 1 day oval. 2 days later felt improvement. Several days later, symptoms of UTI. Waited few days. Called Clinic. Went in for labs. Confirmed. Recommend do another round of OTC treatment. I did. RX prescribed Cefpodoxime 5 days, 2 pills a day. However, before I started RX, suddenly I got these skin sensations: prickly, pins& needles, itchy skin random. Even my eye lids & inside my ears. Last night my breasts were tingling.Comes and goes. I have NO rash. This is been going on for near a month. July 27 started feeling Kidney pain through the night until July 28. Called clinic. Concerned my UTI spread into Kidneys. Advised to go to ER. At ER July 28 all blood/urine tests done.My eGFR was 68. Creatinine 0.95 BUN 13. All in normal range. I asked ER doctor why I was having this skin sensation & he did not know why. Sent home. Went to my clinic for follow up on 07/31blood work & urine. My creatinine rose to 1.05 my BUN rose to 18 & my eGFR lowered to 60. Can I assume this was from the Cefpodoxime? I went back to clinic 08/07 for urinalysis labs ( I asked for another Basic Metabolic Panel, doctor refused. My urine looked good except Hemoglobin. This time, on Aug.7 the word TRACE was there. This is the first time ever this has happened. With my trends all were negative prior. Of course I My Chart my Doctor with concerns. My Doctor's response was this: "As for your urine lab results, trace hemoglobin is not concerning as the microscopy findings did not show any RBCs". As of current, I do not know what my eGFR is, my creatinine or my BUN. I had to remind my doctor since I trend in the 50's for my eGFR we both should "Be concerned" of my trends. She then put in a lab order for a BMP. I guess because my eGFR was "60" I was "Stabilized" but not considering 80% of my eGFR's are in the 50 range. I should point out on June 3rd I had a CT/Contrast at ER. I will regret that for the rest of my life. So here are my questions if anyone wishes to answer, is my skin sensations related to my kidneys? Could I possibly be having adverse affects a little over a month AFTER my CT/Contrast scan? And what could cause my Hemoglobin Urine test to say TRACE. I go in on 09/11 for a BMP after I had to ask for one. Anyone who has thoughts about this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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@sallylynn To my knowledge, bones aching is not a symptom of neuropathy.

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Thank you Ginger for your answer. When I was at Hospital on the 28th July I asked the ER Doctor about this. His answer was that the neuropathy was probably causing these sensations in my bones. The bone ache as I mentioned is my ankles and the center of my shins. I just don't know what to think. I found this at the NIH website. I don't know, maybe? Can it? I don't know i understand this.
Peripheral neuropathy refers to the many conditions that involve damage to the peripheral nervous system, which is a vast communications network that sends signals between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and all other parts of the body.

Peripheral nerves send many types of sensory information to the central nervous system (CNS), such as the message that your feet are cold. They also carry signals from the CNS to the rest of the body. Best known are the signals to the muscles that tell them to contract, which is how we move, but there are different types of signals that help control everything from our heart and blood vessels, digestion, urination and sexual function to our bones and immune system.
To be honest, I'd rather have it be neuropathy then something else.

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