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Post op AFIB & anti coagulation drug

Heart Rhythm Conditions | Last Active: Aug 29, 2023 | Replies (23)

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When you came off blood thinners, did you wean off or just stop.

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Replies to "When you came off blood thinners, did you wean off or just stop."

When giving my experiences and malady's with medicines and doctors I just want to reiterate that my metabolism and situation is probably a bit different than yours, as you're condition and response to different medications is also unique to you.
I quit cold turkey as my nose and hemorrhoidal bleeding was a bit out of hand. I also ate lots of vegetables, (that I had been eating before, that contained vitamin K), such as spinach, cabbage, etc. It still took awhile for the bleeding to settle down. I had to have my left nostril cauterized in the emergency room as the bleeding would not stop. The problem was the Cardiologists would not listen and insisted I be on a blood thinner or I would have a stroke. It is doubtful I would have had a stroke, but that is me. Everybody reacts to medications slightly different. You also have too, (well you don't have too but might be a good idea) consider the half life of the medications you are taking. If your not careful your body ends up with more of the medicine being retained in your body than the amount of the dose you are taking. My point being, the more knowledge you have about your condition and the medications you are taking, the better chance you have of avoiding one of the mental or physical problems described in this forum. All Cardiologists are not created equal.

I am 79, I got off of Eliquis after four months by wearing a heart monitor for 30 days to be sure AFIB was gone after a successful ablation. Weaned off of it in about a week. That was almost a year ago. Numbers are great and feeling good. Best to you.