Ostomy: Adapting to life after colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy

It takes time to become comfortable with an ostomy — a surgically created opening in your abdomen that allows waste or urine to leave your body.

Many questions may run through your mind as you practice good ostomy care and live your life. It can help to talk to others who have been there. Perhaps you'd like to ask others questions like: What can I eat? What about leaks? Can I go back to work after colostomy? Can I ride a bike with an ileostomy? Will everyone figure out I've had urostomy surgery just by looking at me? What about intimacy?

Welcome ostomates. Let's talk frankly about living with an ostomy. Why not start by introducing yourself? What type of ostomy do you have? How's it going?

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Thank you. I too like the coloplast convex pouch. I was given a tip to turn the base a bit to move it away from the belly button and it worked along with the barrier strip. (I call them half moons). It is getting better, I’m at 4 weeks now.
I like the coloplast pouch with the Velcro foldable and the skin color pouch is nicer than the clear.
Have you tried the ostomy water bottle to clean the inside. I saw it on Amazon and I got it. I read posts saying how they love the clean feeling. I really like it.
Do you swim in the pool or ocean?

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Over the years I have tried just about every pouch available and I agreed the Coloplast closure is the easiest to use.
Are you using the deep convex pouch. It works better for me than the regular convex.
Are you using a one piece or two piece. I found the one piece works better for me.
I use a wash bottle for cleaning. (See below. )
I don’t swim at all. Hate it. But I do shower with the pouch on. Just cover the vent with the tabs supplied with the pouches.


Hello, I’m Angela I had my first ileostomy inlay 15 because I have familia adenomatous polyposis (fap) at first I struggle with it I got depressed and wanted to be anti social but I was able to get a reversal done and in 2019 I had to get my second ileostomy because I was struggling with obstruction and they couldn’t exactly find out what was causing them but I was more confident happy it brought joy to my life now that I’m thinking about honestly I would go to the beach everywhere I was always showing it off I wore non transparent bags and I had it for 9 months and I ended up getting an obstruction and had to have a reversal again and last month I ended up going to the hospital because I thought I had an obstruction when I actually had a necrotic j-pouch so they had to remove my pouch and now Im 23 with a permanent ileostomy and I’ve adapted and I can’t complain it saved my life. It was either get an ileostomy or lose my life because of how severe it was I go back to work next week I’m kinda nervous and scared for some reason but I know I got this my stoma is pretty healthy and scars are healing good at time my skin feels tender whenever it’s time to change my bag I always shower without it on the day I need to replace it so my stoma can get some fresh air too but I’m definitely looking forward to the future. The only thing that I’m at a conflict about is having kids because I want them but at the same time I don’t because I would hate for my child to go through what I went/currently going through


Over the years I have tried just about every pouch available and I agreed the Coloplast closure is the easiest to use.
Are you using the deep convex pouch. It works better for me than the regular convex.
Are you using a one piece or two piece. I found the one piece works better for me.
I use a wash bottle for cleaning. (See below. )
I don’t swim at all. Hate it. But I do shower with the pouch on. Just cover the vent with the tabs supplied with the pouches.

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Thank you for your reply. I do have the deep convex pouch. I like it better raised up off the stoma. I also found the water wash bottle on Amazon and like to do it frequently. I feel cleaner. I like the 2 piece and when my ostomy stops shrinking (I think it’s almost done after 4 weeks), I’ll order the precut bases. I haven’t had leakage since the first week. I’m taking Imodium once or twice a day to keep it from being runny.
My husband helps me with the changing it which is great that he’s cool with it and involved. I’m just gathering info on what works & doesn’t fit others that I can try. I would like to have a reversal but I’m reading the stories of reversals having obstructions and more surgeries. I see my surgeon 9/5. To talk about returning to work and a reversal. Thoughts?


Thank you for your reply. I do have the deep convex pouch. I like it better raised up off the stoma. I also found the water wash bottle on Amazon and like to do it frequently. I feel cleaner. I like the 2 piece and when my ostomy stops shrinking (I think it’s almost done after 4 weeks), I’ll order the precut bases. I haven’t had leakage since the first week. I’m taking Imodium once or twice a day to keep it from being runny.
My husband helps me with the changing it which is great that he’s cool with it and involved. I’m just gathering info on what works & doesn’t fit others that I can try. I would like to have a reversal but I’m reading the stories of reversals having obstructions and more surgeries. I see my surgeon 9/5. To talk about returning to work and a reversal. Thoughts?

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I wasn’t able to have a reversible. As far returning to a normal life, that’s possible with some lifestyle adjustments. I have found that if I eat out I will need to empty my pouch relatively soon. I carry a collapsible Platypus bottle in my fanny pack for that purpose.
On rare occasions I have had a leak so I carry a pouch etc in the fanny pack as well.
The Boy Scout motto “Be prepared” is the key.


I wasn’t able to have a reversible. As far returning to a normal life, that’s possible with some lifestyle adjustments. I have found that if I eat out I will need to empty my pouch relatively soon. I carry a collapsible Platypus bottle in my fanny pack for that purpose.
On rare occasions I have had a leak so I carry a pouch etc in the fanny pack as well.
The Boy Scout motto “Be prepared” is the key.

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Thank you what is a collapseable platypus bottle? Where would you use it? If I’m in a restaurant and need to empty it, I’m going to do it there. I have the travel bag sent to me by the 3 med supply companies and filled one to take extra supplies that I’ll take with me.
May I ask why you can’t reverse it? I’m reading about people who have had 2 or 3 ileostomies and reversals. I’m am trying to learn the pros and cons of reversal before I just tell the surgeon I want it reversed. I want to know what I could be looking at if I do reverse it.
Thank you


Absolutely, embracing a new chapter with an ostomy requires patience and understanding. The journey to becoming at ease with this change is a process, and it's completely normal to have numerous questions along the way. Engaging with others who have already navigated this path can provide invaluable insights and reassurance.

As you embark on this path of practicing effective ostomy care and leading your life to the fullest, remember that you're not alone. The experiences and wisdom shared by those who have walked this road before can be immensely comforting and enlightening. From dietary considerations to concerns about leaks, work, physical activities, and personal relationships, the camaraderie of fellow ostomates can offer practical guidance and emotional support.


Thank you what is a collapseable platypus bottle? Where would you use it? If I’m in a restaurant and need to empty it, I’m going to do it there. I have the travel bag sent to me by the 3 med supply companies and filled one to take extra supplies that I’ll take with me.
May I ask why you can’t reverse it? I’m reading about people who have had 2 or 3 ileostomies and reversals. I’m am trying to learn the pros and cons of reversal before I just tell the surgeon I want it reversed. I want to know what I could be looking at if I do reverse it.
Thank you

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The Platypus bottle folds flat and has sports cap with a nozzle. It’s easy to carry and works nearly as well as the wash bottle. Amazon carries it in various sizes.
My ileostomy isn’t reversible because of the underlying cause. I had radiation therapy for prostate cancer in 2006. It cured the cancer but caused extensive damage to surrounding tissue: I have a recto-urethral fistula and a urethral stricture.


The Platypus bottle folds flat and has sports cap with a nozzle. It’s easy to carry and works nearly as well as the wash bottle. Amazon carries it in various sizes.
My ileostomy isn’t reversible because of the underlying cause. I had radiation therapy for prostate cancer in 2006. It cured the cancer but caused extensive damage to surrounding tissue: I have a recto-urethral fistula and a urethral stricture.

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I’m so sorry that this has happened to you. Thank you for the info on the platypus. I will look for it. Thank you for your openness. You don’t have to answer me if I ask something too personal. I’d never want trick bring up anything that is uncomfortable but I do appreciate your honesty. Kathy


I’m so sorry that this has happened to you. Thank you for the info on the platypus. I will look for it. Thank you for your openness. You don’t have to answer me if I ask something too personal. I’d never want trick bring up anything that is uncomfortable but I do appreciate your honesty. Kathy

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I don’t mind talking about my experiences if it helps someone.
I’m a naturally inquisitive person myself. I look for ways of making things easier when I can.


I don’t mind talking about my experiences if it helps someone.
I’m a naturally inquisitive person myself. I look for ways of making things easier when I can.

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Me too. I worked for 37 years as a dental hygienist in Pa before moving to fl where I drive a school bus. I told my patients that an informed patient is the best kind of patient.
I’m interesting in knowing when patients have reversals from an ileostomy what are the pros and cons. I want to understand all the possible cons before I get it reversed. Abc then have to do the ileostomy again.

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