← Return to Polycythaemia Ruba Vera, Jak2 mutation & link to Sleep Apnea

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Yes, I have continued to sleep elevated since the 8th of March this year, time I acquired the bruised muscle in my side. Main reason for continuing is, I wanted to see how blood results panned out by doing so.
I did check out Sleep Apnea to find that people with this condition were recommended to have head & shoulders elevated slightly, together with legs elevated during sleep. I can achieve this position by placing a firm pillow further down in the bed! However, I won't dwell too much on this, unless I am tested & diagnosed with Sleep Apnea first of all. Even to be free from a superglued throat upon wakening is a huge bonus in itself!

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Replies to "Yes, I have continued to sleep elevated since the 8th of March this year, time I..."

I went to my GP with other issues & checked with him re Sleep Apnea. He went online & printed off a brief questionnaire form which listed sleep Apnea symptoms! I was in a position to tell him that I already had printed off the same form myself at home, had answered NO to all questions! so in other words, according to that, I don't have sleep Apnea!! I made the appointment with him in order to request a monitor to check this out!!
If the questions on this form were sufficient to diagnose YES or NO then why on earth would a monitor be suggested at all!! to detect the condition. I would be inclined to go take the monitor readings as valid & not a brief questionnaire form! Bottom line is, I had to leave out from his surgery still scratching my head as it were! No, I don't wish to be a victim of Sleep Apnea on top of all the other questions I need answers to, ie where can I ask a question on this Forum re having to take Warfarin Teva in conjunction with Hydrea for Polycythaemia Vera with a Jak2 mutation.
I had a leg clot initially, reason for warfarin prescription. Taken off warfarin after 6 months. 3 months later developed lung clot, blood test for PV followed at that stage which presented positive Polycythaemia Vera.
I asked my GP, Warfarin Clinic nurse & my Haemotologist if it was necessary to continue with warfarin treatment when it would seem that my PV diagnosis was the casual factor, it would seem, for the blood clots initially. None of the 3 could give me a definite answer! All 3 hesitated when asked the question! Am having nasty side effects ie itchy body rash at the moment so am not a happy camper when I can't get direct answers from them.
Apologies if this text shouldn't be incorporated with the Sleep Apnea discussion.
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