I have a tumor on my pituitary gland. Anyone else?

Posted by mattey741 @mattey741, Aug 18, 2023

Pituitary Gland.
I have a tumor on my pituitary gland. Anyone else have this condition. All information welcome. Thank you Matt.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain Tumor Support Group.

Welcome to Connect!
Can you give us more details about your pituitary tumor?
The small pituitary gland consists of a few important sections - each one controlling different important hormones.
How was it diagnosed? Symptoms?


Thank you for your interest. I have had aches and burning/numb sensations in my face and forehead since 2018. I was always treated for sinus problems. I have had nodules on my lungs over the same period and have had monitoring CT scans every 6 months. 6 months ago a 16 mm nodule was found on my right lung. This necessatated a Pet Scan which showed an abnormality. This in turn necessatated a CT brain scan followed by a brain MRI scan. These showed a 2.7 mm tumor on the piturity gland. My symptoms now include constant aches in forehead and head. Constant burning and numbness in face. All joints ache, weakness, constipation and nausea. Thank you, Matt


Sorry this should read 2.7 cm or 27 mm. Thank you Matt.


I’m sorry to hear this. You must be very uncomfortable all the time.
Can anything be done? Is it due to the tumor.


I’m sorry to hear this. You must be very uncomfortable all the time.
Can anything be done? Is it due to the tumor.

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Hi Ingegerd, that's the problem. I don't know if all these symptoms are due to the tumor. That is why I posted on here hoping for to connect with other people who have had this type of tumor but so far no joy. Thank you, Matt.


The burning, pain and numbness of your face seems neurological- I hope someone examined you with that in mind.
Does the pituitary tumor have a name? My knowledge of pituitary tumors is due to my daughter having had a pituitary adenoma causing Cushing’s disease- she had it removed 2010.
Do you live near a major university medical center where you should be able to get specific care?
By the way- I’m also being tested now for a pulmonary nodule.


Thank you so much for your reply. It is so good to be able to discuss this with someone. I am actually from Northern Ireland. I think this website is brilliant. As I explained in my previous posts this pituitary Gland tumor was found by default. MRI scan just done 2 weeks ago. I go for my first consultation about it next Thursday. This takes place in the Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast. I have had all these symptoms for years and I must assume I have had this tumor for years albeit smaller. I would be interested to know what symptoms your daughter had. I also know at this stage that my cordisol level is on the high side from a recent blood test. I am sorry to hear you may have a pulmonary nodule. From a pet scan it has been found that I have a 16 mm nodule in my right upper lobe. I am having a biopsy on this next Wednesday. This takes place in a Hospital local to me. So a busy week ahead. Thank you again for your interest. Matt


@mattey741 -
That’s good news that you have a consultation coming up soon at a major hospital.
These tumors can grow very slowly for years with minor or no symptoms- they can also show symptoms on and off.
My daughter’s symptoms suddenly blossomed: weight gain, hypertension, rapid heart beat, diabetes and frequent infections. These symptoms can also appear slowly over time.
Will you please post again after your consultation?
Regarding the pulmonary nodule the biopsy results showed adenocarcinoma- a slow growing tumor. No spread found. We are planning treatment now. I chose radiation- it’s expected to be curative.


Thank you for response. Yes I will post again after consultation. I wish you good luck with your treatment option on your pulmonary nodule. Matt.


I also had a pituitary tumor that was causing Cushing's Disease as was mentioned by @astaingegerdm. It was removed and all has been well since. That was in 2015.

If you google Cushing's Disease, it lists the symptoms. When the doctor suggested that is what I had, I read it and felt like I had every one of the symptoms. It took a while to be diagnosed - probably had it 5-6 years. An endocrinologist is who finally diagnosed it.

The symptoms you mentioned don't seem to be what I experienced with Cushing's. Let us hear from you after your consultation.

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