Cotton mouth?

Posted by januaryjane @januaryjane, Aug 19, 2023

Any ways you deal with dry mouth? I've found Halls lounges to work the best for me. But I don't want to rot my teeth out! Lips are an issue as well. I hydrate and keep applying aquaphor, but it seems like a losing game for me.

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I agree with everyone recommending Biotene products. I use them and also find the ACT Dry Mouth Moisturizing Gum very helpful. I’ve also read, and begun trying, Coconut oil. It should be Extra Virgin, ideally cold-pressed and Organic. Yep, put a tsp of it in your mouth after brushing and flossing and swish it around for 5-20’. Be sure not to spit it out in sink (can build up and clog the drain), but rather into trash can. I know it sounds kooky and I can’t say if it helps or not, but there are actually some studies supposedly documenting that it works for people with Sjögrens dz and dry mouth. If anyone tries it, please report back with your experience. For me, the nights I used it were without problems, but I have only used it twice so far so not enough time to draw any conclusions.


Does anyone have dry red or peeling lips constantly with tiny red blood dots. I’ve had this for a year and have seen two dermatologists no help. They tried steroids creams or meds that I am allergic to. Now only using med Vaseline. But nothing us stopping this. Happens every day with skin hanging from lips. Seeing another dermatologist in October.

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@dancing1 Gee, I’ll bet that is awful. Do you have any health conditions or take any medications that could contribute to this problem? And the dermatologists you saw had no idea? I might suggest that you widen your search. Have you found any comprehensive medical centers or university hospitals somewhat near you? Usually the doctors there are a level above community doctors, so you may have more luck. In my case, the local physicians had no idea what was wrong except that i had ‘spots’ on my brain that shouldn’t be there. My husband took me a university medical/teaching center and the neurologist knew exactly what it was. Thank heavens! You may have to travel a bit but it’s so worth it!
Here is some good information from The Cleveland Clinic:,ointment%20designed%20for%20lips%20specifically.
Will you get back in touch and let me know what you learn from large hospitals?


@dancing1 Gee, I’ll bet that is awful. Do you have any health conditions or take any medications that could contribute to this problem? And the dermatologists you saw had no idea? I might suggest that you widen your search. Have you found any comprehensive medical centers or university hospitals somewhat near you? Usually the doctors there are a level above community doctors, so you may have more luck. In my case, the local physicians had no idea what was wrong except that i had ‘spots’ on my brain that shouldn’t be there. My husband took me a university medical/teaching center and the neurologist knew exactly what it was. Thank heavens! You may have to travel a bit but it’s so worth it!
Here is some good information from The Cleveland Clinic:,ointment%20designed%20for%20lips%20specifically.
Will you get back in touch and let me know what you learn from large hospitals?

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I will I did see a dermatologist at Mayo. I moved from California where I had seen many doctors at UCSF. I have sjogrens Scleroderma, raynaurds, neuropathy Excema, severe osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and an ileostomy, chondrocalcinosis, pelvic floor prolapse, gastritis, Rosacea and teo small waist area hernias. Please forgive my typing.


Act & Oral B make sugar free xylitol dry mouth lozenges in several flavors available in a lot of stores or Amazon & xylimelts are good at night to stick on to side of the gum line to last about 4 hours to get you thru the night & come in packs or a larger bottle. Biotene gel if you’re super dry is good. Most sugar free gum contains xylitol too. If you have highly active GI tract it can cause issues but it can help if your tract is slow. Werthers makes good sugar free candies that also work wonders. Drink water but be careful not to drink too much water which I sometimes do - it can dilute nutrients & add to swells in the low legs or headaches. Aloe containing toothpaste works if unable to tolerate mint. I use some toothpastes for kids at times. Vaseline or aquaphor on lips works best if you don’t get it in your mouth if drinking. At night is good. Open mouth breathing makes it all worse. I have Sjogren’s & tried it all. Good luck. It gets expensive but I near always chew gum or a lozenge to prevent dryness or burning tongue feeling & tooth decay that can go with it. Lozenges can be blessing or curse as to reflux though.

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