Just diagnosed with COVID. Any suggestion for treatment

Posted by codered032 @codered032, Jul 15, 2023

I was on vacation this week. A fellow passenger sneezed on me and I immediately felt the COVID virus entering my nose/lungs. With in 12 hours I was having light chills and fatigue. Day two(today) I was diagnosed with Covid. My symptoms so far are mild. Temp 99.8-102. Nasal congestion, light chills and mild fatigue. The Urgent Care dr recommend no treatment second to my CKD. I am staying hydrated, chicken soup, vitamins and Tylenol. I messaged my nephrologist but doesn’t expect to hear from him until Tuesday. So far no breathing issues just coughing. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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I hope you can get relief from COVID symptoms soon. I have not had a transplant, my dx is MCD. I’m spilling protein in my urine. I admit it took some arm twisting to get PAXLOVID. I received a call from my nephrologist today reminding me not to take Tac while on PAXLOVID. I would check with NephCure for additional information. It may be because of other medications that you are required to take because of your recent transplant. I have learned that there is no one treatment for everything. Learn as much as you can about all of your medications and how they may interact with each other. I have to frequently remind other doctors that I can’t take any anti-inflammatory medication. Praying for feel better soon.

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Wondering if you looked into holistic approaches? You might want to consider trying a 95% curcuminoid with black pepper extract supplement. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory and also an immune system builder with many other know good qualities. Makes it the perfect approach to Covid fighting. It is water soluble so safe in high doses. I am only aware the it may enhance blood thinner medication performance and possibly limit iron absorption in stomach if taken simultaneous with iron.
I tested positive from exposure to Covid while on chemotherapy. Was already taking Curcuminoids in high dosage every 3-4 hours to limit adverse side affects. I had no adverse side affects of either chemotherapy or any symptoms of Covid and am now cancer free.


I hope you can get relief from COVID symptoms soon. I have not had a transplant, my dx is MCD. I’m spilling protein in my urine. I admit it took some arm twisting to get PAXLOVID. I received a call from my nephrologist today reminding me not to take Tac while on PAXLOVID. I would check with NephCure for additional information. It may be because of other medications that you are required to take because of your recent transplant. I have learned that there is no one treatment for everything. Learn as much as you can about all of your medications and how they may interact with each other. I have to frequently remind other doctors that I can’t take any anti-inflammatory medication. Praying for feel better soon.

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Wondering if you have considered using holistics that are suggested by the National Institute of Health.
95% curcumin with black pepper extract for bioavailability is a powerful anti-inflammatory and immune system builder as well as positive affects for many health conditions. It is water soluble so can be taken in high doses at 3-4 hour intervals with no adverse reaction.
I was taking chemotherapy for stage II invasive bladder cancer when exposed to Covid and tested positive. Was already on high dose curcumin to more effectively fight cancer. Not only no adverse side effects from chemotherapy, but no symptoms of covid ever and am now cancer free.
Check with doctors about this.


Thank you for asking. I am feeling good. No symptom from COVID. My current labs indicate that I am back in remission. How are you doing?

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Glad to hear you came through with no long-COVID symptoms. Take care.


Thank you for asking. I am feeling good. No symptom from COVID. My current labs indicate that I am back in remission. How are you doing?

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@codered032 Thank you for checking in! I always find it so interesting to read how COVID affects people so differently. Many factors, including our underlying health level and concerns certainly seem to make a difference. Along with the treatment options we have to choose from. Very glad you have not experienced long term effects.

I have had many vaccinations for COVID, the last one a bivalent from Moderna, where before it was always Pfizer. Knock on wood, no positive tests. My husband wanders off traveling, and I have a hard rule of proof of a negative test before he is allowed back in the house. My dislysis continues each day, and still living with my multiple myeloma and associated treatment.


@codered032 Thank you for checking in! I always find it so interesting to read how COVID affects people so differently. Many factors, including our underlying health level and concerns certainly seem to make a difference. Along with the treatment options we have to choose from. Very glad you have not experienced long term effects.

I have had many vaccinations for COVID, the last one a bivalent from Moderna, where before it was always Pfizer. Knock on wood, no positive tests. My husband wanders off traveling, and I have a hard rule of proof of a negative test before he is allowed back in the house. My dislysis continues each day, and still living with my multiple myeloma and associated treatment.

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Thank you for reaching out. COVID definitely behave differently in everyone. I was able to stay COVID for three years. I recently became too lax with my precautions. Do you know how long I have to wait before updating my next vaccine? Or am I considered protected since I recently tested positive?

Thank you for your sharing positive support on this site. I appreciate your knowledge and feedback. Many Blessings to you.


Wondering if you have considered using holistics that are suggested by the National Institute of Health.
95% curcumin with black pepper extract for bioavailability is a powerful anti-inflammatory and immune system builder as well as positive affects for many health conditions. It is water soluble so can be taken in high doses at 3-4 hour intervals with no adverse reaction.
I was taking chemotherapy for stage II invasive bladder cancer when exposed to Covid and tested positive. Was already on high dose curcumin to more effectively fight cancer. Not only no adverse side effects from chemotherapy, but no symptoms of covid ever and am now cancer free.
Check with doctors about this.

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No I have not tried any specific regiment. I take daily vitamins with extra vitamin D. I will research. Thanks for the info.


No I have not tried any specific regiment. I take daily vitamins with extra vitamin D. I will research. Thanks for the info.

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Curcumin has been found to be beneficial for many things. While looking at an Article on asthma, I found it lists pros and cons of curcumin.
Some people with multiple conditions may have to find a way to get the benefits without suffering the negatives.
Check it and consult you doctor.


Thank you for reaching out. COVID definitely behave differently in everyone. I was able to stay COVID for three years. I recently became too lax with my precautions. Do you know how long I have to wait before updating my next vaccine? Or am I considered protected since I recently tested positive?

Thank you for your sharing positive support on this site. I appreciate your knowledge and feedback. Many Blessings to you.

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@codered032 Sorry, I don't know how long you should wait, or what the protocol is after testing positive. I suggest you speak to your pharmacist and get their thoughts, as they would know your vaccine history and all. When you find out, I will be interested to know!


@codered032 Thank you for checking in! I always find it so interesting to read how COVID affects people so differently. Many factors, including our underlying health level and concerns certainly seem to make a difference. Along with the treatment options we have to choose from. Very glad you have not experienced long term effects.

I have had many vaccinations for COVID, the last one a bivalent from Moderna, where before it was always Pfizer. Knock on wood, no positive tests. My husband wanders off traveling, and I have a hard rule of proof of a negative test before he is allowed back in the house. My dislysis continues each day, and still living with my multiple myeloma and associated treatment.

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Good morning ginger. I know that you are not a doctor but I need an opinion. I have been in remission for MCD for over 2.5 years. My Tac was decreased to 1mg. Three months ago. I recently had a mild UTI and Covid at the same time. Currently all my labs are stable. My Neph is recommending Rituximab infusion. I’m not sure that I should or take this considering my labs are stable and my eGFR is 59-60. What do you think? I am just asking for an opinion thanks


Good morning ginger. I know that you are not a doctor but I need an opinion. I have been in remission for MCD for over 2.5 years. My Tac was decreased to 1mg. Three months ago. I recently had a mild UTI and Covid at the same time. Currently all my labs are stable. My Neph is recommending Rituximab infusion. I’m not sure that I should or take this considering my labs are stable and my eGFR is 59-60. What do you think? I am just asking for an opinion thanks

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@codered032 Personally, if I was in your shoes, I would contact my treating doctor who handled the MCD. I would ask him/her their thoughts on getting a Rituximab infusion. [By the way, has your nephrologist told you the reason for doing an infusion?] Are you still on tacrolimus? I looked up information about Rituximab, but didn't see why it might be recommended. I did see where it can further suppress your immune system.

Hope this helps, and please let me know what you decide.

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