Iron deficiency anemia without an apparent cause

Posted by ellie0989 @ellie0989, Aug 18, 2023

I'm a 21-year-old female. Last year, after a routine trip to my primary care physician, I received alarming blood test results and was sent to a hematologist who diagnosed me with severe iron deficiency anemia. Initially, the anemia was thought to be caused by heavy menstrual bleeding, and so in addition to being given two iron infusions, I was also put on an oral contraceptive that has halted the heavy bleeding entirely. Over the course of the last few months, the typical symptoms of iron deficiency anemia began to return (dizziness, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, headaches, etc.) and after another trip to the hematologist, I was once again diagnosed with anemia and have at this point received the first of two more iron infusions. After consulting with my hematologist, he recommended that I take another trip to see my primary care physician who can hopefully run some more tests to try and determine the cause of the anemia. Does anyone know of any other common causes of iron-deficiency anemia or has anyone had a similar experience?

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I'm no doctor but I recently went through this, had an endoscopy done and they found bleeding in my intestine which was repaired and now my iron etc is coming up. Good luck! Hope you figure it out.

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I got a colonoscopy to hunt for my IDA problem and am 82 years old.Polyps were not a problem, but the gastroenterologist told me diverticula may be leaking blood. My hematologist said this was a common problem for people my age. I got one iron infusion and will see the hematologist in November. I attempt to take 32 mg of iron daily.


I got a colonoscopy to hunt for my IDA problem and am 82 years old.Polyps were not a problem, but the gastroenterologist told me diverticula may be leaking blood. My hematologist said this was a common problem for people my age. I got one iron infusion and will see the hematologist in November. I attempt to take 32 mg of iron daily.

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Thanks so much for the insight! One of my extended family members also had diverticula but I am not sure if it made her iron deficient.


Thanks so much for the insight! One of my extended family members also had diverticula but I am not sure if it made her iron deficient.

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I may ask my gastroenterologist about the cost of endoscopy and surgical repair. My first problem was the helicopter pylori bacteria attacking my stomach and I cured that with seven Flagel antibiotic pills from my Nurse Practitioner. I still have several left and possibly need to check for blood in my stool again. I feel fine today.The weather is so hot you never know if the problem may be food bacteria?


Have you been tested for Celiac Disease? An endoscopy will tell you for sure, but a simple blood test will tell you if your body is reacting negatively to gluten. I found out I was severely anemic due to Celiac disease. Once I got gluten out of my diet, my iron numbers are coming back up without supplements or infusions.


Have you been tested for Celiac Disease? An endoscopy will tell you for sure, but a simple blood test will tell you if your body is reacting negatively to gluten. I found out I was severely anemic due to Celiac disease. Once I got gluten out of my diet, my iron numbers are coming back up without supplements or infusions.

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I had a blood test for celiac disease about a month ago, but the numbers came back normal. Thanks for the insight and I’m glad you’re doing better.


I may ask my gastroenterologist about the cost of endoscopy and surgical repair. My first problem was the helicopter pylori bacteria attacking my stomach and I cured that with seven Flagel antibiotic pills from my Nurse Practitioner. I still have several left and possibly need to check for blood in my stool again. I feel fine today.The weather is so hot you never know if the problem may be food bacteria?

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I have been having some stomach issues so I will for sure being this up with my primary care physician. Thanks so much for the help!


I thought I was gluten intolerant until I started eating taco's and found any food with iron was difficult to digest. Taco's were a good diet You might try them? When I discovered blood in my stool ,I thought of my friend from 30 years ago who told me he had an ulcer caused by bacteria and they cured it with an anti biotic. He even mentioned the heliocobacter pyli as the culprit.I got my nurse practitioner to prescribe something to attack the bacteria and she said flagyl would work. After 7 flagyl,I was ok..(spellchecker is missing?)(flour is fortified with iron)


I thought I was gluten intolerant until I started eating taco's and found any food with iron was difficult to digest. Taco's were a good diet You might try them? When I discovered blood in my stool ,I thought of my friend from 30 years ago who told me he had an ulcer caused by bacteria and they cured it with an anti biotic. He even mentioned the heliocobacter pyli as the culprit.I got my nurse practitioner to prescribe something to attack the bacteria and she said flagyl would work. After 7 flagyl,I was ok..(spellchecker is missing?)(flour is fortified with iron)

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My stomach definitely gets upset after I eat a food that contains a lot of iron, like steak. I also originally thought it might be gluten intolerance but I'm pretty sure iron is what gives me the gastrointestinal symptoms.


My stomach definitely gets upset after I eat a food that contains a lot of iron, like steak. I also originally thought it might be gluten intolerance but I'm pretty sure iron is what gives me the gastrointestinal symptoms.

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All replies should help both of us. Thanks for posting your issues. I doubt if 21 year olds have diverticulitis but you never know until you ask or google it.
I have never had the test to find if I am losing iron from genetics? I also have tried only one type of iron pill, iron sulfate from Dollar General. I am sure you know the human body can only digest 32 mg of iron daily through the stomach.


Hello, I wanted to share my story and hopefully get some insights here. My iron numbers have hovered just barely in normal range for years, then suddenly started dipping and I very quickly ended up severely anemic. I had 5 iron infusions and my numbers came up beautifully. I felt great for about 2 weeks, then the symptoms started coming back. My last hemoglobin showed mild anemia. I've been cleared of having cancer and no internal bleeds. I've always had trouble absorbing iron and have been mildly anemic most of my life. Any thoughts on what to do from here?

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