Ice Therapy Machines

Posted by doll53 @doll53, Aug 5, 2023

Hello, group! I’m new here. I bought an ice therapy machine to use after my TKR only to find out my doctor doesn’t approve of them. He won’t give me any guidance on how long on and how long off to use it, how often, etc. All I can find online is follow your doctor’s recommendations. Anybody use one and if so, how did you use it? Can’t find any negatives about it. Had 3 therapists tell me they’re great. But they work for the hospital/doctor, so….

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I've had both knees replaced and tomorrow a total shoulder replacement. I loved the ice machine for knees. Gradually transitioned to soft ice packs. My post op instructions for tomorrow are to use rhe ice machine for 20 minutes on, 40 minutes off at least 6 times a day. To be truthful I use the ice more than that. The main thing is whatever the source of cold, always protect your skin with toweling.

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Thank you for the specifics! Good luck with your shoulder! You’ve had it by now. My husband will be getting one in the not too distant future. He’s been told it’s much worse than TKR. Would love to know if that’s true.


My young ortho surgeon (in his 30’s) sent me home with cryocuff machine for both my reverse total shoulder and my total knee replacement and it was awesome really the only thing that helped pain. Quit narcotics after a couple days because I dint think they did much of anything besides constipation. I believe I left in on up to an hour at a time with TKR because I was suppose to get up and walk every hour. Am 2 years and 3 months to date my knee is awesome!
Once surgeon has done their job your physical therapist ( mine is young 28 when I started with him, a DPT with many other credentials) should be your lifeline. I feel a great surgeon, a great therapist and hard work on our parts gets us back to everyday life.
Best of luck!

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The doctor ordered our ice machine and we paid $175 and it is more than worth it,

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Wow! Now that's a great deal! If I could get one for $175 it would be a done deal. Fortunately, my TKRs went great and I don't ice them anymore.


I have arthritis in my shoulder and a replacement is likely in the next few years. Can you ice a shoulder with these machines? Thanks!


I feel like it doesn’t work as well as ice, but on the other hand, ice packs get warm in a half hour…..not the ice therapy machine. I was just worried that I’d do it too long and cause harm. I think I’m not doing it long enough or maybe not often enough. It does feel very good after therapy. Mine was around $200.

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I don't think you need worry about damage from the cryotherapy machine. As for ice, if you apply it directly to the skin it can cause something like frostbite if you leave it there for a long time. If you use ice, put a towel between the ice and your skin.


Wow! Now that's a great deal! If I could get one for $175 it would be a done deal. Fortunately, my TKRs went great and I don't ice them anymore.


I have arthritis in my shoulder and a replacement is likely in the next few years. Can you ice a shoulder with these machines? Thanks!

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& @doll53 Well. look what I found! That oldie but goodie is still on the market - not as handy as the fancy ones with the pump, but with a shoulder cuff! And still under $200.

And all you need to do is add more cuffs for different "owies".


Wow! Now that's a great deal! If I could get one for $175 it would be a done deal. Fortunately, my TKRs went great and I don't ice them anymore.


I have arthritis in my shoulder and a replacement is likely in the next few years. Can you ice a shoulder with these machines? Thanks!

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The model we have is called the “Ice Man” and it does knees, shoulders, ankles, and hip.


& @doll53 Well. look what I found! That oldie but goodie is still on the market - not as handy as the fancy ones with the pump, but with a shoulder cuff! And still under $200.

And all you need to do is add more cuffs for different "owies".

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Thanks Sue!


The model we have is called the “Ice Man” and it does knees, shoulders, ankles, and hip.

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Thanks Cap!


My TKR surgeon highly recommended and ice machine and so do I. It kept swelling down and really helped with pain. My ice machine massaged while cooling. I rented mine, but Medicare didn’t approve so it was out of pocket.
20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. I used frozen water bottles in the machine to cool the water that flows thru the machine. I highly recommend ice therapy for swelling and pain.


Wow! Now that's a great deal! If I could get one for $175 it would be a done deal. Fortunately, my TKRs went great and I don't ice them anymore.


I have arthritis in my shoulder and a replacement is likely in the next few years. Can you ice a shoulder with these machines? Thanks!

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I have the Arctic Ice brand and it has a pad for shoulders.

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