Does anyone find relief for arthritis in knees with Gabapentin?

Posted by molly7234 @molly7234, Jul 22, 2023

I’m 78 years old. First case of Covid in May 2023. It was accompanied by pneumonia and strep throat and I tested positive for 18 days in July while walking my dog I pulled a muscle in my left calf going up a slight incline, just radiated into my left knee with some swelling and nerve pain, I’ve been prescribed gabapentin for restless leg and take 300 mg at night. I have a prescription for 100 mg which I started with. I’ve never had arthritis like this and now it’s in the other knee as well. My thigh muscles are extremely weak and I know I need to exercise to strengthen them. Advice please

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Do take a look at this doctor who specializes in knees website.
Another view of "inflammation" as a causal problem .... www,

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Have you tried this therapy?


Have update
Knee with arthritis I was asking ? Of Gabapentin use-told today there is bakers cyst behind knee!


I have taken Gabapentin for a while and it does help....however I also got cortisone shots in my knee for arthritis and baker's cysts. It helped for about 5 years however because the arthritis got worse I had to have a knee replacement. I still struggle with soreness and the feeling of a baker's cyst and am going in for a year appointment in September unless I go sooner. My knee is strong however all the muscles around it need more strengthening and I am in PT again. To be honest 100mg isn't much at all. I'm on 600mg at bedtime and it helps with the arthritis in my neck and back as well. Good luck.....maybe ask about a cortisone injection.


Only about a week and a half on only 100 mg of gabapentin my legs and knees started to feel funny, weak, achy, & hurt when I went down steps, walking, & during the night. I was taking it for back spasms. I stopped taking it because my legs were hurting more than my back spasms.

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I took gabapetin for about a year before and after surgery. While on it I had blurred vision. I actually thought I was going blind. I spoke to my primary DR and he said get off it asap. Took me a few months to redraw from it. I would never go back on it.


Yes, used for epilepsy. Gives brain can stop the drug anytime. One need not taper off.

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One can not just go off Gabpentin, one has to be weaned off it slowly. Young off too fast can cause seizures.


My phone makes changes.Young off not supposed to be there. Supposed to say don't go off gabanetin too fast. It can cause seizures.


I have taken Gabapentin for a while and it does help....however I also got cortisone shots in my knee for arthritis and baker's cysts. It helped for about 5 years however because the arthritis got worse I had to have a knee replacement. I still struggle with soreness and the feeling of a baker's cyst and am going in for a year appointment in September unless I go sooner. My knee is strong however all the muscles around it need more strengthening and I am in PT again. To be honest 100mg isn't much at all. I'm on 600mg at bedtime and it helps with the arthritis in my neck and back as well. Good luck.....maybe ask about a cortisone injection.

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Yes, I did have Cortizone shot and it does help doing Gentle exercises and putting lots of ice on the cyst, 1000 mg of Aleve a day to get swelling down. I take 100 mg of gabapentin in the afternoon and 300 at night really helps me sleep. Thanks for your input.


This drug is an opiod and habid forming. It is a good pain killer but I wonder if after a while one becomes immune. 1800 mgs is a lot. Does your doctor approve? Good luck.

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Gabapentin is NOT an opiate. Please don't scare people into not taking it by spreading misinformation. I'm sure you meant no harm. I just don't want anyone to turn away from from a medication or be afraid to increase how much they are taking because they think it's an opiate. It is NOT an opiate. Have a great day!


You are correct and I have corrected myself not long ago. Many thanks for responding to an old post.


You are correct and I have corrected myself not long ago. Many thanks for responding to an old post.

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I'm sorry! This is my first time posting. I didn't realize. My apologies. I will look at the dates from now on. Thank you!

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