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Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Neuropathy | Last Active: 31 minutes ago | Replies (2929)

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There is actually an official diagnosis now for chemo induced peripheral neuropathy. Is yours from chemo or something else? There are prescription meds that work for some & also have some unpleasant side effects for some. My husband takes Gabapentin and has no problem with it. I tried it, and it did help some, but I was constantly dizzy. It was a major problem if I got up in the middle of the night. It did not improve enough to put up with the side effect.

What kinds of issues are you dealing with? I understand it can be very different from one person to the next. Whatever, it is uncomfortable, can certainly cause us to be unsure on our feet and be very frustrating. I hope you find something that helps. I am 3 years out from taking Taxotere, which is what caused mine. It is better but still a pretty major issue. I have it in both feet and both hands.

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Replies to "There is actually an official diagnosis now for chemo induced peripheral neuropathy. Is yours from chemo..."

@martid Not sure who u were directing this at but yes mine is from chemo wasa given two drugs directly linked to neuropathy. I do have some dizziness also but probably from side effects of other drugs. I was already on gabapentin, cymbalta and chlorzoxasone before the chemo so hard to point the finger at any I now have hot flashes but that is tied to prednisone I believe. Now I have days that I am so tired I could fall asleep eating but this is a hit and miss symptom not everyday but my pulmonologist is all the sudden trying to tie it ti my pain pills which I have had the same level of for 4-5 years going for the easy (wrong) answer. Was going to message him today but mayo seems to be down and can't get any messages.

Hi, I'm Angie and I just found this discussion group. I have peripheral neuropathy from chemotherapy. During my treatments, the neuropathy was just tingling and extrabated by cold. Now it is intense pain and numbness in my hands and feet. My last treatment was in November and I've read that for many, the neuropathy slowly goes away...i am praying this will be the case for.me as well. I was put on lyrica but had severe side effects and am now weaning off...having some issues with withdrawal from that too. I've tried physical therapy, lidocaine patches, CBD oil and ibuprofen but nothing seems to relieve the pain.
Does anyone have any other suggestions? Any help is appreciated.

Please has anyone gotten the treatment for peripheral neuropathy please I need help

Neuropatía periférica en teoría de origen desconocido. Pero la dieron como de origen desconocido parece que no hay mucho donde indagar. Mis antecedentes son haber usado tamosifeno ,que para algunos puede ser la causa.Pero recuerdo que mis primeros síntomas creo que fueron tremendos calambres antes de empezar con esa droga. Fui perdiendo la sensibilidad en los pies y además una espasticidad muy marcada. Esto empezó hace más de 10 años. Pero soy una privilegiada porque no tengo el más mínimo dolor.