Anal fissure: What helps it heal?

Posted by lisval @lisval, Aug 2, 2022

Hey-wondering if anyone has developed an anal fissure during chemotherapy? What helped it heal? Any advice as it is very painful!

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how did your surgery go? I have an anal fissure that started 3 months ago. I have tried two different creams prescribed by my colorectal surgeon, and tried botox for the first time last week but so far it's still bothering me. it's still stinging and burning. don't know if I should try botox once again, or surgery.

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I mentioned before, anti-seizure med Topamax worked for me after 14-1/2 years of sitting on a donut.


I cannot tell you how sorry I am to hear that you have fissures and yes yes they are horribly painful and they are hard to heal. In March of 1992 I got two one inch fissures and Dear Lord my life has never been the same. When there is a tear in the rectum there is a muscle called the sphincter muscle that goes into a spasm and it makes the pain triple there. I use CYCLOBENZAPR 10 MG. That relieves that muscle pain. Then I have anucort suppositories 25 mg. And I use neosporin on those to insert. Over the mine started from constipation I make sure to keep my stool soft. Ask me any questions you have. God bless you. Diane


I too have been dealing with this nightmare for the last 3 months. I've had 2 refills on the prescription compound ointment, which by the way has stained just about every lower half article of clothing I own. I was scheduled for botox procedure but decided to cancel it 2 days before procedure. Let me tell you why.
My biggest problem is slow to no heal, then once I think I'm getting somewhere, I think I retear them. I was told slow heal was mostly due to pelvic floor muscles being so tight that blood flow was restricted, not able to heal.
Try and follow me, I've had pelvic floor issues to the point that I'm unable to have intercourse at all(getting ready to start pf therapy), which also effects my anal region. I had full hysterectomy in 2018, when it all started but was not taking hormone replacement. I've since started, which to get to my point, is helping my pelvic floor and tissue health tremendously, hence, allowing more pelvic floor relaxation, to heal anal fissures finally on their own. No surgery needed. Hope that helps a little.

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Has anyone had external hemorrhoids surgically removed? Was it successful?


I too have been dealing with this nightmare for the last 3 months. I've had 2 refills on the prescription compound ointment, which by the way has stained just about every lower half article of clothing I own. I was scheduled for botox procedure but decided to cancel it 2 days before procedure. Let me tell you why.
My biggest problem is slow to no heal, then once I think I'm getting somewhere, I think I retear them. I was told slow heal was mostly due to pelvic floor muscles being so tight that blood flow was restricted, not able to heal.
Try and follow me, I've had pelvic floor issues to the point that I'm unable to have intercourse at all(getting ready to start pf therapy), which also effects my anal region. I had full hysterectomy in 2018, when it all started but was not taking hormone replacement. I've since started, which to get to my point, is helping my pelvic floor and tissue health tremendously, hence, allowing more pelvic floor relaxation, to heal anal fissures finally on their own. No surgery needed. Hope that helps a little.

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50% will heal on their own, the others need surgery. Sitz baths help. Also, an anti-seizure medicine was the only thing that worked for me. But, this is a monster!


Yes, I got it from diarrhea from chemo this past spring. It is finally healed after using the ointment for a few months and getting botox injections. I am very worried about it coming back so being very careful with what I eat and do. However, I feel great and am so thankful to have it behind me, for now at least!

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what ointment did you use?


Lidocaine ointment helps temporarily. I ended up 2 times with surgery. My surgeon promised me I would never have a fissure again - that was 10 years ago.🙏🏻

REPLY many start having this problem with constipation but i have opposite and have had for many years, ibs-d then after c.diff 3 yrs ago fecal incontinence and the consistency is very very soft ... but sooo sore inside but have not had rectal exam and declined a colonoscopy because of the preparation day before, have had several in past and just don't think can go through again... so perhaps could be helped but just cannot do the test... so just suffer every day, every b.m. on top of other things but sometimes enough is enough... šŸ™ constant change of clothing and daily laundry but the pain can be high and no sitz baths as cause uti's.... and so it goes on..... if younger might pursue surgry glad it helped you tilysam


I get an anal fissure about every two months now. Burns when I poop then a little blood on tp. Doctor gave me a compound, usually a two or three days it clears up. But it continues to come back I take Metamucil everynight


Lidocaine ointment helps temporarily. I ended up 2 times with surgery. My surgeon promised me I would never have a fissure again - that was 10 years ago.🙏🏻

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I have had 3 fissure operations. My surgeon for the third one promised me I would never go through this again. It has been about 9 years ago.


what ointment did you use?

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I understand the pain of an anal fissure. Mine occurred during a routine colonoscopy. (When it occurred, the pain brought me out of my state of sedation with a yelp, and I heard the physician tell the assistant to give me more sedation. ) Afterwards she didnā€™t tell me what happened so I assumed that the resulting pain and bleeding that flared up periodically was caused by hemorrhoids. It wasnā€™t until I went to see a colon/rectal surgeon that I found out it was a fissure and not hemorrhoids and I was scheduled for surgery.

A few days after surgery, a bout of constipation caused the fissure to begin reopening. The surgeon gave me a prescription for a compounded nifedipine ointment that worked wonders and the fissure site finally healed completely. Since then, Iā€™ve learned that in many cases that particular compounded ointment can heal fissures without surgery. It may be worth a try.

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