Male dealing with Constant Hot Flashes resulting in Sweating

Posted by dschmidt91 @dschmidt91, Nov 12, 2021

Hi All -
First post here. I am a 37 yr old male that has been experiencing the same symptoms for over 6 years now. I still do not even have a diagnosis and it is very frustrating as my condition has had a material impact on my day-to-day life.

More times than not during the day (everyday), I have a burning/tingling sensation throughout my body but mostly in my core. The heat than causes my body to sweat. Mostly in my core and underarms. I could be naked in the middle of a winter storm, and while I would be freezing on the outside, on the inside I would still feel like I am on fire. The feeling starts around 30 seconds to 1 minute after waking up while still lying in bed. It tends to get better very late in the evening but never really gone.
When I go through an actual stressful situation where it would be normal to get that clammy sweaty feeling, than it'll pretty much look like I just took a shower. It’s almost like my body was already primed with something in it, and then here comes the real adrenaline rush that just crushes me.

I have gone through several endocrine and immunology tests with really none of my test levels out of what is considered a normal range. The one test that consistently comes back very high (usually double the normal range but one time 5x the normal range), is Complement C4A, which seems to be an inflammation marker. Based on my googling, it is most connected with Lyme disease and Mold Toxicity. I have had tests done for both of those which were negative.

Anyone have any ideas what this could be and what I am missing here.

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I understand your situation. I have then throughout the day without sperm. To be honest I enjoy them and don’t want them to disappear. It’s a beautiful experience; not many men have experience this joy. Relax and enjoy.



Hi, do you suffer from headaches, high blood pressure and anxiety like symptoms?
Have your adrenal glands been scanned?
Hope you get some answers soon.


Get your harmones tested.


@dschmidt91 menopause it’s hot flashes and serious sweating can be annoying and frightening. You say you would like a team of doctors to listen to you and try to put things together. Are you being seen at your local hospital? Have you considered looking for a university teaching hospital or a regional medical center? Doctors at the larger hospitals can be more researched based and deal with more complex problems. Check the computer for a university in your state and/or google “medical centers of excellence.” You want one that deals in men’s health. Try this and see what you find. Will you get back to me and let me know what you learn?

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No offense but this is typical reply to people experiencing serious problems. My "local hospial system" is monolithic, profit making, generally callous system. This is what many "university hospital systems" have become.


I've had this same issue for about 12 years now. I've had a lot of the same tests you mentioned and nothing has revealed itself as a cause. I too look like I've come out of the shower when there is a genuine anxiety/stress situation. I have actually laid shirtless in the snow during an episode, as well as taken absolutely freezing cold showers to cool down.
Have you found any other information since your original post?


If I’m reading this correctly the original post was in 11/2021 regarding sweating and hot flashes in a male. Many people have commented ever since. Reading through the entire thread my first thoughts were a hormonal or metabolic problem such as the adrenal gland that is responsible for the fight or flight response. It can also result in sweating and core temperature change sensations. Various tests have been mentioned throughout this. Things get complicated and confusing if more than one system is involved or if the test results don’t match the symptoms. I have no answers here (wish I did). My suggestion is to keep describing the symptoms and asking questions. Maybe it will jog an idea in those who are trying to figure out a diagnosis that will lead to an appropriate treatment. My shameless question in tricky situations like this is to ask “ if this were you (or your loved one) what would you do?” It is surprising how much more helpful people can be when they take on a personal perspective!


Female 77, having some of the same issues. I am hypothyroid and feel my sweating and hot flashes are due to this, my difference is, sweating from my head like I have had a shower and did not dry off. It is so embarrassing, can happen any time. Kids in my SS class have asked me "are you okay" so if is visible to others. I can tell when is is starting, I get hot all over unlike you and your core feeling. I have been told I have broken my internal thermometer, where ever that is located.


I am sorry you are going through this, I have also been struggling with this issue. The other night after I ate I had burning in my chest it was different this time like someone laid a burning hot bar across my chest. I have surrendered to the fact that I am alone in this journey the rejection from the doctors is overbearing.
They ( believe me there have been many ) do not know.
I am going to suggest looking up vagal nerves.


Female 77, having some of the same issues. I am hypothyroid and feel my sweating and hot flashes are due to this, my difference is, sweating from my head like I have had a shower and did not dry off. It is so embarrassing, can happen any time. Kids in my SS class have asked me "are you okay" so if is visible to others. I can tell when is is starting, I get hot all over unlike you and your core feeling. I have been told I have broken my internal thermometer, where ever that is located.

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Try taking vitamin D supplements.


Female 77, having some of the same issues. I am hypothyroid and feel my sweating and hot flashes are due to this, my difference is, sweating from my head like I have had a shower and did not dry off. It is so embarrassing, can happen any time. Kids in my SS class have asked me "are you okay" so if is visible to others. I can tell when is is starting, I get hot all over unlike you and your core feeling. I have been told I have broken my internal thermometer, where ever that is located.

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So sorry you’re going through this. Try taking vitamin D supplements.

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