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Dear Cheryl,
Thank you for answering my message and telling me about your husbands ailment. One of my children mentioned the biopsy stitches being removed last week on my son's arm. The children are very private about my son's condition and I only get bits and pieces about his health.
I just found after I thought my son was all better after just one seizure but it has gotten worse in the two years since. I am still in mourning for the loss of my husband and have become a recluse with that only to hear about my youngest son's real health. I called him yesterday just to say hello and his wife answered and that was odd since she never misses a day's work especially since my boy became ill and lost his CDL and could not drive or do any real work. She was non commital but I could hear in her voice that there was something amiss, but that was all.
I feel so badly for the many woes you are suffering along with the death of your husband and empathize with your terrible burdens. I have stenosis of the spine and can barely walk without my legs collapsing and I have consistant pain as a result. I have heard that two of my children think I should be in a nursing home and insisted on it for two hours till I rebelled the day I was take my husband, their stepfather,and told them to stop and that I was safe and happy here in my and the home I husband brought me to when we married. I had thought that stopped them till the other day when my eldest girl told me the other two children keep at it.

At any rate, thank you again for taking he time to let me know what your husband had suffered.
I will let you know how my son progresses with his malady. Please keep in touch and let me know how you do with all your terrible, terrible burdens. Thank you again,Muriel

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Replies to "Dear Cheryl, Thank you for answering my message and telling me about your husbands ailment. One..."

Dear Colleen, I did not read the question of if I wanted to not see all the contacts about my subject and the members and I clicked on that mistakenly. How do I change my answer back so I may still hear from one and all concerning our shared problem with Chrome? Also please advise me on how to rid myself of that daily notification. Google now longer gives us that service. I have not had success in that regard.I am ninety on Sunday I will be ninety and I am in ill health. As a recent widow, I do not have the extra funds to spend anymore on this computer. I have read other messages concerning Chrome no longer providing those services and that Headline message continues to pop up whenever I go online via Google Chrome. I would appreciate advise on how to eliminate the warning. Thank you. emmur16 Muriel Dandurand

Hi @emmur16,
Good questions.

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I am so sorry what's going on with you. I don't think they should be keeping things from you about your own son. You have a right to know. Sounds like they are trying to get you in a nursing home for your own good but maybe one of your family members should be there at your home to help you. If you don't mind me asking how old are you? I am 59. I wish I could help you some way but I live in NJ. You are the parent of your son and I don't understand why they are keeping things from you. What happens to your home if you go in a nursing home? Maybe they don't want to stress you out with the news of your son. I do know if you have a seizure disorder you are not aloud to drive. I wish you all the best. You can private message me anytime @ccorrconro Cheryl

Sounds like he may have a form of skin cancer or bone cancer if they did a biopsy on his arm. I will pray for him and you as well. Cheryl<br />
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