Input re: Mean Corpuscular Volume & Mean Platelet Volume labs, etc

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jul 25, 2023

I went to see a new PCP who ended up being worthless (we've all been there) and let's just say I knew more than she did. I showed her some of my abnormal labs and she said she couldn't even interpret most of them because they were above and beyond her realm of medical education and just a PCP.

I mentioned I was experiencing a burning tongue and throat (awful) and when she looked at my tongue which has a white coating and she said typically this is seen with some sort of fungus. LT Covid continues to ravish and destroy my body! Went from being so incredibly healthy to being unable to thrive and live. Down to 89 lbs now.

Additionally, and the point of my post, I just got a lab result back it shows the following abnormal results, which were normal last year.

1. Mean Corpuscular Volume is high at 102.2 (range: 80.0 - 100.0)
2. Mean Platelet Volume 11.9 fL is high. (range7.0 - 11.0 )

Have any of you experienced this? When I looked it up online it of course indicates having to do with possible liver failure, or enlarged red blood cells, which we know Covid typical causes and transporting oxygen throughout your body.

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Mine seem to be the 'WHITE Blood Cells' riding the upper range - along with lymph nodes swelling/residing on a sinewave (lymphocytes, neutrocils..)


The hospital was Northwestern University in Illinois - big major hospital. When I was there, they didn't even bother to weigh me! Pretty much left me in the room all day and then sent in a physciatrist for evaluation. Next day "doogie-howser" who looked all of 18 yrs old told me I'm fine, they're releasing me and follow up with my PCP.

Another true story - when I developed a chalazion on lower lid (another immune disorder) I saw an optometrist/plastic surgeon because it became inflamed and very red, looking infected. She took one look and said, no big deal it's just inflamed. Days later it really hurt, and I went to a different MD affiliated with another hospital and he lanced it, and pus came out and was infected. I filed a complaint against first Dr for improper care and treatment and the final decision was that she gave me proper care.

Sounds like you've been fortunate enough to have excellent medical care and facilities.

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My MCV is elevated as well, but MPV at high upper limit of normal.


My MCV is elevated as well, but MPV at high upper limit of normal.

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@jhamil01 - do you recall your numbers for the lab?


My lab's upper limit of normal is 98 and my value is 100.


My lab's upper limit of normal is 98 and my value is 100.

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@jhamil01 - what did your doctor say about the abnormal reading?

If I may ask, what LT Covid symptoms are you experiencing?


@jhamil01 - what did your doctor say about the abnormal reading?

If I may ask, what LT Covid symptoms are you experiencing?

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The most debilitating are cognitive issues and sleep. Also severe limiting fatigue, hair loss, vision changes, headaches, paresthesias and urinary frequency.


On youtube there is a good video by a physician about micro clotting with long covid.

In year 3, I can get a bruise by someone touching me. There are very specific blood tests that can be done. Beyond the routine ones. Good for your pcp to be willing to admit her limitations. To me, that's a good doctor. Mine just fatshamed me when I couldnt breathe, 02 was mid 80s and turned out I had a partially collapsed lung. He noted all the objective stuff to my insurance company then said "but she is morbidly obese." I wear a size 16-18 womens pants. I'm not a size 4, and I am obese by their table but at a size 10, my weight still had me as overweight.

Just saying, so glad she didn't pretend it was something it was not. Too many doctors don't understand covid or long covid and don't think they need to. I was post covid with known long covid but he said I was just fat.

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