CBD oil for Neuropathy

Posted by gfisher100 @gfisher100, Jun 2, 2018

Has anyone used CBD oil or anything similar for use in relieving Neuropathy?

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Same for me I had the maximum strength CBD cream and it did nothing for peripheral neuropathy in my legs and feet. $90 and just sitting on the shelf wasted. It does get absorbed and made me feel kind of chilled out and mellow though. Alpha lipoic acid has worked wonders for me for several years and I only need 100 mg a day or every other day. I also take a super b complex for the B12 which is good for restoring your nerves as well as folic acid and the rest of the b complex.

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We will try almost anything. Wishing you pain free from this horrible Neuropathy.


Probably you could use an endocrinology test for B12 etc. I had one and my my B12 was so low I get a monthly injection. It’s hard to metabolize especially if you’re also taking omeprazole. I’m trying to stop omeprazole since it’s bad for PN.

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Thanks...I'm going to try CBD oil...


Good evening @julkun, I have been concerned about your response regarding MFR. Would you mind sharing with the Connect community why you say MFR did absolutely nothing for your neuropathy? I am wondering how many times you have received treatment. And if you don't mind, do you remember if the MFR therapist was trained by John Barnes?

Is there some other "hands-on" treatment that has worked for you and would be good to share with other members? Thanks for your help.

May you be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

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What is MFR? (sounds like a phrase that comes out of my mouth when I am really frustrated!). Appreciate Connect so much. It seems like the only logical place to get information. Bcool123


Probably you could use an endocrinology test for B12 etc. I had one and my my B12 was so low I get a monthly injection. It’s hard to metabolize especially if you’re also taking omeprazole. I’m trying to stop omeprazole since it’s bad for PN.

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I take Omeprazole 20. Never heard about it being bad for neuropathy.

Thanks for the information.


I take Omeprazole 20. Never heard about it being bad for neuropathy.

Thanks for the information.

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Here are some good and thorough articles. Enter this in Google.
why omeprazole is bad for those with peripheral neuropathy


What is MFR? (sounds like a phrase that comes out of my mouth when I am really frustrated!). Appreciate Connect so much. It seems like the only logical place to get information. Bcool123

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😆 that’s one of my words too!


CBD is just OK but THC will make you forget you have a problem. I'm 80 now and I use Alaska Tikun drops under the tongue as needed at night. Then I relax and enjoy whatever is on the TV. Thanks for asking. Bruce R

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I use drops from a product called Renew by Stratos . It helps me sleep at night. I also use a product called Mary Janes salve . It is a mix of thc and cbd . I combine it with a magnesium lotion . I put this on my feet before bed . It calms my feet . It all helps . The disease we are battling is a very difficult disease to deal with on a daily basis .


Thanks...I'm going to try CBD oil...

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Cbd combined with thc really help me . There are drops and salves that combine both . It took me a while to find a cocktail of things that work for me . You can do it !! Never give up . Never quit . KTB.


Here are some good and thorough articles. Enter this in Google.
why omeprazole is bad for those with peripheral neuropathy

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I found the information provided very helpful and plan on sharing with my doctor at my next visit.


What is MFR? (sounds like a phrase that comes out of my mouth when I am really frustrated!). Appreciate Connect so much. It seems like the only logical place to get information. Bcool123

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Good afternoon @bcool123.

MFR is Myofascial Release. This is a type of hands-on therapy that releases restrictions that develop in connective tissue called Fascia. If you want to see what Fascia does inside your body, just take a look at this video.


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