Help with pain after 3 months of TKR

Posted by fran102 @fran102, Mar 8, 2023

It has been 3 months since I had TKR and still have terrible pain behind my knee. I finally got my ROM up to 115 and can bend my knee when walking although I still have to use a walker. I’m going to get a second opinion because my surgeon has been totally unhelpful. Does anyone have any recommendations on coping with the pain and is this normal? I feel so frustrated and scared I might be this way for the rest of my life. It’s pretty much nonstop pain. I go to PT 3x a week for 2 hour sessions and they have helped me with ROM and knee strengthening but have so far to go. They are trying to get me a Dynasplint. Has anyone ever used one and does it help? Thank you so much for any advice you can give me. I’m so depressed! I had no idea it would be like this.

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Thanks for sharing. Sorry you are also still having pain and stiffness. I am impressed with how much you ride the recumbent bike. I usually can only do 15-20 minutes a day. I also have that stiffness and tightness feeling. I sure hope this will not be forever as I am quite discouraged at this stage. I thought I would be much better by now.

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This is such a slow process. I am at 8 months now and even though I’m making progress I’m still not close to where I’d like to be. I ride the bike for 15 minutes everyday and that seems to help me too. Still have pain and stiffness and my walking is better but not great. My PT said to use heat for the pain in the morning so I’m trying that now. Best of luck to you. I hope it gets better. I’m sure it will. My doctor says it will take a year for me!


I'm 7 months out with a TKR, improving in some areas; however,still experiencing some sensation in the incision where it is raised a little,pain in knee cap and pain behind the told to use heat and cold,but the pain behind the knee continues to be stiff and painful to seems the more exercises you do,the worse it gets as far as the swelling,pain and stiffness that occurs afterwards.


Thanks for sharing. Sorry you are also still having pain and stiffness. I am impressed with how much you ride the recumbent bike. I usually can only do 15-20 minutes a day. I also have that stiffness and tightness feeling. I sure hope this will not be forever as I am quite discouraged at this stage. I thought I would be much better by now.

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You're only at 3 months, I'm at 4. Many people with TKRs tell me at 3 months they still have these symptoms. I think doing the prescribed ROM exercises & riding the bike, etc. as you're doing will help your pain & stiffness resolve with time. I agree that it's very hard to be patient, & I'm also very discouraged, (but primarily because of my lightheadedness & fatigue).
BTW, if your doctor say it's "OK", strength training may help. I'm trying to do a little of that now, but it's difficult.


I'm 7 months out with a TKR, improving in some areas; however,still experiencing some sensation in the incision where it is raised a little,pain in knee cap and pain behind the told to use heat and cold,but the pain behind the knee continues to be stiff and painful to seems the more exercises you do,the worse it gets as far as the swelling,pain and stiffness that occurs afterwards.

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I agree that pain & stiffness can be worse after exercise, ice can help, but I know it's important not to "overdo". I also had a "raised" scar, (I tend to form keloids), & my PT recommended using silicone scar tape, (& also massaging the scar), which has definitely helped.


In addition to the pain and stiffness I have at 8 months (finally getting better), I have balance issues. I’m walking more without rolator but I worry so much about falling. I have not fallen, but feel unbalanced at times and have had to catch myself several times. Does anyone know if this is normal and what causes it? It keeps me from walking more and makes me much more dependent on the rollator which I should not be at this stage. Does anyone know good exercises to do for this?


I am at 5 1/2 months. At 3 months I had pain behind my knees. I worked with physical therapist to do the right exercises and by 4 months it was gone. I still have brief pain getting up from low chairs. I still have dull aching pain at night. Can’t take NSAIDS so if it interferes with sleep I take a Tylenol and 1/2 of a Tramadol.

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What exercises did your PT give you to do for pain behind the knee because I still have that problem.


I'm 7 months out with a TKR, improving in some areas; however,still experiencing some sensation in the incision where it is raised a little,pain in knee cap and pain behind the told to use heat and cold,but the pain behind the knee continues to be stiff and painful to seems the more exercises you do,the worse it gets as far as the swelling,pain and stiffness that occurs afterwards.

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I'm 17 weeks out on my right knee and 10 weeks out on my left knee of Total knee replacements. What I found that has helped me is using a pain cream that helps when you massage it's called Village Naturals Therapy, Lotion, Aches and Pains Muscle Relief, I get it from Amazon .I always massage behind my knee. I use both hands to massage behind my knees and on top of my knees , also up and down the leg and as far as the scar goes there is a technique that you go side to side on your scar to break down the scar tissue. This lotion I have found to be my lifesaver, I had to go back to work 13 weeks on my right side and 6 weeks on my left and I am a casino dealer ,so I am on my feet all day long they've been pretty good at working with me and let me be on a sit down table if it gets really bad but standing and actually walking is helping me quite a bit. I hope this helps


I still have pain after 4 months. Mine is primarily with walking & standing, it’s an aching feeling, plus I still have significant stiffness, like a band around my knee. I’m doing the same exercises & activities as you are, but don’t ice my knee that often anymore. My back also hurts, having PT for that. Not able to walk very much, but ride recumbent bike 30 min., 2X day, which I’m hoping will help. I have good ROM, but still have pain with flexion at about 120-125.

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I am 17 weeks and 10 weeks out from both knees being replaced, and boy do I get achy legs , so I'm thinking this is part of the healing. Some days are good and some days just suck 😔


This is such a slow process. I am at 8 months now and even though I’m making progress I’m still not close to where I’d like to be. I ride the bike for 15 minutes everyday and that seems to help me too. Still have pain and stiffness and my walking is better but not great. My PT said to use heat for the pain in the morning so I’m trying that now. Best of luck to you. I hope it gets better. I’m sure it will. My doctor says it will take a year for me!

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It can be a slow process, up to a year. Riding the bike is great for the knee after TKR surgery. Keep doing that.

I would NOT apply heat to a painful knee. I'd stick with ice. The reason? Heat increases blood flow which increases inflammation which increases swelling and pain. IMO that's bad advice. Heat is very rarely helpful to treat anything as it increases inflammation.

Speaking of inflammation - if you eat a lot of sugar (you may to even be aware), that also increases inflammation. Just check what you eat. And dried fruits are notoriously high in sugar.


It can be a slow process, up to a year. Riding the bike is great for the knee after TKR surgery. Keep doing that.

I would NOT apply heat to a painful knee. I'd stick with ice. The reason? Heat increases blood flow which increases inflammation which increases swelling and pain. IMO that's bad advice. Heat is very rarely helpful to treat anything as it increases inflammation.

Speaking of inflammation - if you eat a lot of sugar (you may to even be aware), that also increases inflammation. Just check what you eat. And dried fruits are notoriously high in sugar.

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Thanks for your advice I will take that to heart 😊

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