Hi, have you tried Breathe Right nasal strips? From their site at https://www.breatheright.com/faqs/#how_does_breathe_right_work_for_deviated_septum_sufferers :
"Millions of Americans have a deviated septum—a bend in the cartilage or bone that separates the nostrils inside the nose. Symptoms include an airflow blockage through one or both nostrils, difficulty sleeping, chronic nasal stuffiness, and loud breathing or snoring. While Breathe Right nasal strips should not be considered an alternative to surgical correction, they can help to improve nasal air flow, allowing you to take in air more easily. Even better? They may offer relief you can feel right away."
I used these strips before I got a functional, corrective rhinoplasty, which included turbinate reduction, removal of nasal polyps, and grafts from my ear to reshape nasal valve tissue to prevent collapse. The procedure was life-changing. Know that generally if there is a functional or medical need for your rhinoplasty, which it sounds like there is, most health insurance policies will pay for it. In my case it took over a year of multiple appeals to my insurance company, and ultimately I went to another regional hospital in another state for a second opinion before I was approved. Speaking up in health care settings is a crucial part of prioritizing your health. Please don't give up on your medical options.
An article with more tips:
I hope this information is helpful.
did you have your nose blocking when lying down , alternate sides at a time? i did a septoplasty and turbinate reduction but only one side seems fixed....im wondering if that nasal valve is the problem