Supplements - What helps nerve pain and/or neuropathy?

Posted by newzbug @newzbug, Nov 15, 2019

I was diagnosed earlier this year with "Sensorimotor Peripheral Neuropathy" over my whole body, though I am not yet showing symptoms everywhere. I do have numbness in all my toes, feet, a large section of my upper right thigh, large section of the side of my left calf, occasional ... numbness in my hands in the middle of the night. Anyway, my neurologist did suggest Alpha Lipoic Acid (otc supplement) to help with the neuropathy. She said that although studies suggest people who also have diabetes have had some success with taking this (I don't have diabetes), she said I might get some help from it. So, yep, it's been about 8 months I have been taking 600mg/daily and it seems to have helped lessen my feelings of 'burning feet'. I am going to increase my dosage to 800mg when I finish my current bottle. I use a brand that has no additives (colors, flavors, etc). Brand: Best Vitamins. Though I don't have diabetes, and it may be helpful only because I believe in it, that is something.

My husband periodically gives me massage on my ankles, tops of my feet and calves which seems to offer some help with the emptiness feeling on that lower part of my body. I am doing some reading research on any other supplements which could be of help. I try not to think about neuropathy too much, because I have since been diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and CTEPH. I stick to reputable sites like the Mayo Clinic and PubMed as well as those of us who have personal experiences. Thanks to everyone here for your help. Maybe someday there will be a definitive cure for this wicked torture.

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For nearly ten years I have taking a product call Nerve Renew and Nerve Optimizer. Go on the internet and they have all of the testing on these supplements. It does Contain Alpha Lipoic acid as well. Like any supplement it does take s few weeks for results. I cannot live without taking these supplements.


I have been taking 600mg of R-ALA twice daily and B complex for 2 years now with no noticeable improvement with my neuropathy. I might depend of neuropathy type.

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You are taking the right form of ALA (R in front).

Here’s what I take instead of a B-complex (amounts of each too small).

B-1 300mg. Benfotiamine, B-3 500 mg. Niacin, B-9 400 mg. Folate, B-12 500 mcg.

Mostly derived from my own research. The R-ALA is better than ALA (synthetic).


Th a nk s for sharing your findings. I will try the "Alpha Lipoic Acid" since nothing helps. You are very lucky having a neurologist suggestion something else the pain and nerve pills. I have peripheral neuropathy for many years and it's getting any better. I was taken 60mg Duloxetin for the past 3 years and now discovered Duloxetine is the worst thing to take for neuropathy.
I would appreciate if someone else heard about this.

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ALA is synthetic ingredients. Better off with R-ALA which is natural ingredients.


For nearly ten years I have taking a product call Nerve Renew and Nerve Optimizer. Go on the internet and they have all of the testing on these supplements. It does Contain Alpha Lipoic acid as well. Like any supplement it does take s few weeks for results. I cannot live without taking these supplements.

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Tell me about the amount of each you are taking and when? Thanks


Tell me about the amount of each you are taking and when? Thanks

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Taking 2 Nerve Renew and 1 Nerve Optimizer. I take these in the morning. I don't think it matters if you want to choose a different time.


Taking 2 Nerve Renew and 1 Nerve Optimizer. I take these in the morning. I don't think it matters if you want to choose a different time.

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I'm not sure what a nerve optimizer is ? currently taking meds gabapentin 400mg , taken twice per day. I do not like taking meds , but I am partially compliant with PCP plan for me. My doctor is wonderful and works with me .


I would like to follow Neuropathy community.


I would like to follow Neuropathy community.

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Welcome to Connect @magchristen9. I am so happy to read that your doctor is wonderful. Is your doctor that you mention a neurologist or PCP? Do you have a diagnosis at this point?

This is a wonderful forum to learn about your condition and all the "tricks and tips" used by other members to ensure that they have everything they need to live the best life possible.

To make sure that you are "following" Neuropathy, just go to the top of the screen and click on Support Groups. When you see Neuropathy.....there should be the word Follow in the same box. Click on "Follow" and you will be following and learning and hopefully contributing experiences that will be helpful to others. That's the way we share here and it is very helpful.

May you have peace and contentment.


I have been taking 600mg of R-ALA twice daily and B complex for 2 years now with no noticeable improvement with my neuropathy. I might depend of neuropathy type.

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I’ve been trying to find a pure version of R-ALA online (Amazon)
Do you have a brand you recommend? What are you using?


I’ve been trying to find a pure version of R-ALA online (Amazon)
Do you have a brand you recommend? What are you using?

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